When a child loses a loved one to cancer, their world
changes forever.
They may feel angry, sad, confused, and above all else, alone.
CancerCare’s free Healing Hearts Family Bereavement Camp allows
families who have experienced the loss of a loved one to cancer to come
together for a weekend retreat. Each year, families spend three days at a
working dude ranch in the beautiful Poconos. Fun activities like swimming,
horseback riding, and fishing are combined with therapeutic grief activities
led by CancerCare professional
oncology social workers.
“The camp is a place
where the families can come together and not feel different,” explains
CancerCare’s Claire Grainger, LCSW. “The kids meet others who have experienced
a similar loss and they don’t have to explain anything to one another…There are
a lot of tears, but there is also so much laughter. They’ve all found new
friends – people that understand.”
Less than three months after losing her husband Tom to
cancer, Jenny and her daughter signed up for the camp. Jenny shares, “I was
nervous about going since our loss was still so raw, but we’ve now attended the
Camp for the past four years and it really means so much to us to be with
others who have experienced a similar loss. It is a wonderful way for all of us
to be together to honor our loved ones. We
know that everyone there understands how we feel and we’re safe to cry or laugh
with no fear, no judgment.”
Like all of CancerCare’s
services, the Healing Hearts Family Bereavement Camp is offered to families
completely free of charge. That’s why we need your support to help us offer the
camp to even more families who have lost a loved one to cancer.
Even if you can’t make a donation at this time, we encourage
you to help share our campaign with your friends and colleagues. There are a
few ways to do this, including:
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