This is Phase 1 of our campaign and the beginning of our fundraiser. Our goal here is to make 25K for development funds. We're offering nice perks in the right-hand column for your contributions. --->
We are aiming to shoot this full length feature film in April of 2016 on location in New Mexico. Just waiting for location conformation, but no matter where we end up shooting within the USA, we'll end up with a very large cast and crew of people. Just getting them to the location site will be very costly and once we're there we will have to feed and house them as well.
'Heaven With A Gun' cannot be made without your generous donations. The script is fantastic, our team is amazing and dedicated to this story, the cast is ultra-talented, with several known actors, but without your financial support, it will not come to life. Film making is very expensive! Way more than you'd expect. In order to achieve the high level of quality we are aiming for with this project we'll also need to pay key crew members such as the Director of Photography, Cinematographer, lighting crew, sound team, stunt coordinators and many others. Here is a selected list of what your donations will pay for:
- First and most important - Development Funds (Phase 1 of the Campaign)
A Cinema Camera - This top-of-the-line camera, a favorite of indie filmmakers, gives us a high-quality and surprisingly affordable digital alternative to 35 mm.
Cinema Lenses - These high-end lenses create the cinematic "look" we all want to see on the big screen, and one that will support the beautiful imagery of 'Heaven With A Gun'.
Camera/Dolly Equipment & Lights - These are the tools we need behind-the-scenes to make what's in front of the camera come to life for you!
- Locations
- Props
- Wardrobe
- Sound Equipment
- Feeding as many as 60 people twice a day for a month
- Set Design and Decor
- Travel Expenses for Production
- Data Storage
- City/County Permits and Fees
- Union Fees
Insurance: so many kinds - Equipment, Rental, General Liability, Workers Comp, Production Vehicles. We told you it added up quick!
Perhaps most importantly, equipment rentals. Night scenes means we will need to rent lights and generators to run them.
Nothing is to big, and nothing is to small. We appreciate anything and everything, and it's all one step closer to making this film happen.
If you feel uncomfortable about donating online, we also accept personal checks, money orders or certified checks made out to BrenRock Productions. They can be mailed to us at BrenRock Productions P.O. Box 1434 Harrah, OK 73045. Any questions feel free to call us at 405-356-4017.
The Impact
Western Movies Continue To Be Huge At The Box Office!
This movie will be family friendly. It'll open doors to make even more movies with values, family, sacrifice, love and faith. Along with prayers, and your help in getting the word out, "Heaven With A Gun' has a real potential to become truly, a favorite among movie watchers.
Other Ways You Can Help
Anything helps and we are greatly appreciative of any type of support. It's not just donations that we're grateful for. By God's Grace, we know that he'll bring this film together.
We understand that some people, maybe you, just can't contribute. We totally understand. But that doesn't mean you can't help. We'd be most grateful if you could: