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Heavy Mist

A 3D browser Role-Playing Game based on classics like dungeon siege, lionheart, neverwinter and more

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Heavy Mist

Heavy Mist

Heavy Mist

Heavy Mist

Heavy Mist

A 3D browser Role-Playing Game based on classics like dungeon siege, lionheart, neverwinter and more

A 3D browser Role-Playing Game based on classics like dungeon siege, lionheart, neverwinter and more

A 3D browser Role-Playing Game based on classics like dungeon siege, lionheart, neverwinter and more

A 3D browser Role-Playing Game based on classics like dungeon siege, lionheart, neverwinter and more

Łukasz Tracz
Łukasz Tracz
Łukasz Tracz
Łukasz Tracz
1 Campaign |
Ostroleka, Poland
$21 USD 3 backers
0% of $8,000 Fixed Goal Fixed Goal
Heavy Mist is an Indie old-school role-playing game being developed in the webGL (HTML5) technology. It’s returns the atmosphere of classics rpg PC titles of past two decades to browsers. Lead yours team through caves and dungeons full of monsters and discover secrets of heavy mist.


Heavy mist binds together elements of few old-school role playing games from the ‘90s and early ‘00s. In some modern games, after your character advances to next level player actually have nothing to do. In heavy mist a lot of emphasis is placed mainly on character development. An opportunity of choosing different professions during character progression allows the player to experience the game in his/her own way. Strategic combat system and self adjusting level of enemies in accordance to players level, provide a constant challenge, thaks to this gamer does not fell like beeing lead by the hand like some new games. An important role in the game fulfills also exploration of the world which is randomly generated and expands whenever you start new game, thus providing a sensation of starting journey into unknown.

Heavy mist is isometric-like 3D game, where you can zoom in and out the camera and rotate it around character but it’s locked at a 45 degree angle to even further bring out the mood of classic PC games. Thanks to the fact that it is a browser game you can resume it anywhere you like. To play you only need a middle class PC that is connected to the internet (soon game will be released to mobile devices).

Plot concept

·  In heavy mist you take the role of a warrior who was shamefully assassinated, but could not acces the nether world due to fact that he did not die on the battlefield, only when your reedem your shamefully death by the Gods will grant you the afterlife you deserve. (mythology of heavy mist resembles this from Vikings beliefs).

·  In order to redeem, you have been send to parallel world/purgatory which is shrouded with eponymous “heavy mist”, where beside others redeemers, you encounter many strong enemies and many challenges. Discover what secrets heavy mist is hiding and attract Gods attention.

·  Strategic action combat resembling that one from the classic rpg pc games. Your team can consists up to three members, at anytime you are able to pause with space button and give commands to each character in your team or you can just play only one character then rest of the team is controled by an artificial intelligence

·  Each character can choose among six various professions (more in future) and after earning required level there is a possibility of linking professions, for example you can merge mage and warrior, and then when character reaches even higher level you can choose a prestige class in this case battle-mage which extends two basic professions

·  About 60 (for now) characters feats to choose from

·  Self-generating world – areas connected with the main theme plot and some special areas stay the same, while all side branches/paths, dungeons, caves are generated randomly, thereby increasing the games re-playability

·  Building creator – using an in-game editor you can create your own buildings, where you can rest, hold items etc. There are plans to give the player a possibility of build also fortifications as well as your own cities

·  To make game more challenging, when you come back to previously visited areas (like dungeons or caves) there is a chance to respawn even stronger enemies than before (with unique abilities). Stronger enemies give a lot more of experience

·  Bestiary of heavy mist contains both: classic fantasy creatures such as: griffin, wyvern, dragons and the new ones not found anywhere else such as: teltok (small bipedal boar) or batquito (hybrid of bat, mosquito and octopus)

·  Bleached tone colors, makes that game have dark atmosphere and sense that anywhere can be something unpredictable

·  Available for any modern browsers (chrome highly recommended)

Practically the whole game (excluding some public domain textures and music) was done by one person.  Development of this game isn’t a side project and it does not take only spare time at the weekends, but is a full-time job, which takes about ten hours or even more. Works on heavy mist has been going on for almost two years. In this moment demo of the game is tested, which soon will be available, and in case this campaign succeeds, releasing date of heavy mist in 1.0 version is predicted to first half of 2017.

Heavy mist is created in webGL, which is relatively new technology (in other worlds it is a 3D on the browser). So far webGL games are mostly small projects or demonstrations of the possibilities. Heavy mist is an attempt to prove, that browsers can handle bigger titles and no longer be identified as platforms of games for kiiling the pass time.

What is already done:

·  Game logic – all aspects related to character control, game mechanic, combat system, trading, quests system

·  Basic artificial intelligence – algorithms of way-finding and decision algorithms for npc’s

·  Loot randomize system in containers and merchants ware

·  Graphic users interface (still demands more fixes and improvements)

·  6 different professions (and much more in preparation)

·  Object on screen display optimization (rTree and spatialHashing algorithms)

·  Memory optimization related to game files loading

·  Game options – possibility of fitting game quality to your hardware: size of textures, shadows quality, display effects like “bloom” etc.

·  Animations of characters and monsters

·  Static geometries

·  Spells and effects

·  Selected music to games mood

·  Separate program responsible for buildings creation - for now not included in demo of the game

·  Initial works on world generating algorithms

·  Initial works on multiplayer

The most important things to be done:

·  Expansion of storyline

·  Test and getting rid of the bugs

·  Sounds Effects

·  “Quantity approach”  to everything: more enemies, more professions, quests, items etc.

·  AI scripts – e.g. mercenary mage stay behind casting spells from distance etc.

·  Improve graphic quality

·  World generating algorithms

·  Multiplayer

Side things to do:

·  Day/Night Cycle

·  Pixel/Toon effect option

Regardless of whether this campaign succeedes or not, work on the game will continue, but in case of failure, they will unfortunately have to go to the second plan. I decided to crowdfund mainly because of beeing able to devote all of my time to creating this game. Part of the money from the campaign will also be spent on decent server and employment of professional 2D graphic (to improve textures and gui elements) and English translator.

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Choose your Perk


Premium account

$10 USD
(All previous rewards included) • The game will be always free for you, no ads and stuff like that
1 claimed

Animation viewer

$5 USD
• Access to online application where you can find 3D preview of most enemies in game • Your name will be included on the game project site as game supporter
0 claimed

Game designer

$15 USD
(All previous rewards included) • Access to online demo of building creator application (when it's ready) where you can create your own buildings, best buildings will be included in final game
0 claimed

Great suporter

$30 USD
(All previous rewards included) • You will be listed in game credits as great supporte
0 claimed

Special item

$40 USD
(All previous rewards included) • You can choose name, type (weapon or equipment part) and characteristic of one item
0 out of 30 of claimed

Special items set

$60 USD
(All previous rewards up to 40$ included) • You can choose name and characteristic of equipment set, which finding all pieces gives extra benefits
0 out of 20 of claimed

You as NPC

$80 USD
(All previous rewards up to 40$ included) • You can choose a name of npc in the game (merchant or mercenary)
0 out of 10 of claimed

Beta tester

$100 USD
(All previous rewards up to 40$ included) • Access to beta version of game – help even more by being the part of game creation process, You will be listed in credits as beta tester and great supporter
0 claimed

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