Alexia Chambi is my name, if you’re not familiar with me already!
I am a 20-year old living one, based in London but originally from a small Island in Denmark, born to a Danish mum / Cypriot dad
Since being what looked like a little troll, I have been singing / performing / writing songs, and I only grew more in love with creating as I grew up.
At 17 I pretended to be a rebel, and left Denmark to hitchhike around Europe where I first realized just how big and diverse the world is.
The road lead me to London, where I studied songwriting for a year, before being called back on the path of a parent’s dissapointment, (sorry mum) and eventually found myself being a gringa on the loose in Bolivia.
South America opened my mind & my heart and inspired me so much, that I came back to London with the vision of creating this EP and telling the world about how not-as-scary-as-the-media-says South America is.
In spite of being a bit of a hippy at heart, I think modern technology is pretty amazing, because it means we can connect with each other across the world, and that an independent artist like me, can create and share something with the help of the community, directly from me, straight to you.
There is a range of perks that you can get depending on your contribution, because this is not just a “you giving me money” thing, it’s more of a “you pre-ordering something that’s hopefully gonna bring value to your life” thing, and I personally think it’s beautiful that we can share the journey of how this project unfolds, rather than you just hearing about it, once the “product” is out.
I have the pleasure of recording this EP with the lovely Peter Conway producing it, and the plan is to record it over the summer with some top talented musicians in a very organic, stripped-back setup.
Hopefully it will be ready to seep into the world by early fall, so you can have something to dream to / drive to / chill to / travel to etc
It’ll be followed by an EP launch in London, and if I’m lucky enough, a house-gig tour around Europe………..(and Latin America, if my cactus George starts growing money or free plane tickets instead of spines)
Now why do I need all this money?
The boring part of this: money.
Getting stuff done costs money, and paying people (who very much deserves to be) to work on the EP, costs money. So here’s the main categories :
Studio costs
CD manufacturing
Not to mention :
Costs for getting some videos done so we can enjoy a visual aspect as well :
Music video / 2 lyric videos / livesession
I will put in everything I have managed to save myself, which is about half of the cost of everything but I’ll still need at least £2500 and that’s where your help is massively appreciated.
I’m optimistic that we can reach the target and if you guys are so next level that there’ll be any extra £££ it will go to getting the videos done as good as possible, and towards making the tour a reality.
I deeply appreciate every pledge and if you’re not in a situation where you have any £ to spare, then don’t worry at all.
If you feel like this is a project that resonates with you, please give it a share and tell a friend / mum / tinder date about it.
I’m honestly so excited for this, I can’t wait for the music to be out there for you to enjoy.
Because that is what it’s all about.
Love & Light
Alexia Chambi