The Primary School of Lichk was constructed in 1930. For a number of years, it was the only educational center for the village and the surrounding area. The school still provides education to some of the nearby communities and serves approximately half of the families in Lichk.
Schools are crucial to local village economies in Armenia that are often plagued by high unemployment and declining populations. The regional government has recently proposed closing the Primary School due to its state of disrepair. If this takes place, students will face a lack of education and 25 teachers and 10 staff will become unemployed.
Our School
This campaign has brought new hope to the children and families of Lichk who have struggled for years to maintain the school building. Some heating is provided during the brutally cold winters, but it escapes through holes in the walls and windows. Leaking roofs are common during the rainy days in spring, causing ceilings to crumble. It becomes nearly impossible for children to learn under such conditions.
The building has a single outdoor restroom, that is unbearable to use during winter. Meals are prepared in the school's kitchen where there is no plumbing and sanitation is very poor. The nearest potable water supply is located approximately 200 m (650 ft.) away from the school, which also serves as a watering hole for livestock.
To repair major structural issues with the school building in order to provide a safe learning environment.
- Repair leaks in roof
- Replace broken windows
- Repair holes in walls
- Repaint interior
- Construct a new restroom
Cost Estimate
All estimates are calculated at a conversion rate of $1 USD = 410 AMD
- Main entry door (metal door) @ 200,000 AMD
($488 USD)
- 16 classroom doors @ 2,240,000 AMD ($5,463 USD)
- 40 windows @ 3,000,000 AMD ($7,317 USD) total
- 40 windowsills @ 240,000 AMD ($585 USD) total
- 22 concrete roof “slates” @ 110,000 AMD ($268
USD) total
- Gutters + downspouts @ 40,000 AMD ($98
USD) total
- Interior wall repair + painting @ 2,255,000 AMD ($5,500 USD)
- 2 x hallway mirrors @ 20,000 AMD ($49 USD)
Kitchen & Dining
- Kitchen sinks + plumbing @ 60,000 AMD ($146 USD)
- Dining sinks + plumbing @ 35,000 AMD ($85 USD)
Restroom - Storage room to be converted
into a restroom:
- 2 x restroom doors @ 160,000 AMD ($390 USD)
- 2 x toilets & 2 x sinks @ 100,000 AMD ($244
USD) total
- 2 x bathroom mirrors @ 14,000 AMD ($34 USD)
- Dividing wall @ 100,000 AMD ($244 USD)
- Cement
for floor & walls @ 100,000 AMD ($244 USD)
- Plumbing + septic tank @
600,000 AMD ($1,463 USD) total
Approximate total = 9,274,000 AMD ($22,618 USD)
Remaining total = 976,620 AMD ($2,382 USD) for roof repairs + labor
Project Timeline
We plan to start work in early August and complete renovations by the end of October-early November.
All funds from this campaign will be put towards rebuilding the Primary School. This includes the cost of supplies and labor. We have already gathered a team of eager volunteers to help implement these improvements once we reach our goal. Please help save our school!