Sadly though, the Canadian economy is not working for most of us—especially young people.1 And even if you aren't young, chances are you're not a multinational oil corporation, so Harper's economic policies probably aren't working for you either.
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The Harper Conservatives have spent $21 million on these ads in the last year and they are as annoying and uninformative as ever.2, 3 Thankfully they are going off the air for a while on April 30th. That means we have a chance to strike back with an ad of our own! One that's more entertaining and informative. Instead of a trojan horse packed with boring soldiers who attack you with false optimism, it’s a trojan horse packed full of fun soldiers who slow dance with you while whispering sweet truths in your ear!
If we raise $500, we can buy five ad slots on late night television across Canada, reaching 25,000 viewers.
If we surpass our first goal, we’ll continue to buy up airtime in order to reach the most Canadian eyeballs:
$500 will reach 25,000 people
$2,000 will reach 80,000 people
If we overshoot our second goal, we’ll use the extra funding to buy even more airtime:
$10,000 will reach 250,000
$25,000 will reach 500,000
If we surpass our third goal, our message will be seen during a Stanley Cup playoff game!
12 percent will cover Indiegogo & transaction fees and an added 15 percent will be donated to the Canadian Food Bank. We’ll keep a maximum of eight percent to cover administrative costs.
*We are a non-profit project of the Canadian Mobilization and Education Hub Society (a legally registered BC non-profit Society).
More about ShitHarperDid.com
During the 2011 election, we started out as a few artists. With your help we became an unprecedented national community of people speaking truth to power. Together we reached millions of people. As a result Elections Canada officially recommended that federal election rules be changed to account for the big impact that our little campaign had.
"The viral phenomenon that captured the digital zeitgeist during the 2011 election... is back with a vengeance."
—Huffington Post
"Viral comedy site with the unprintable name turns to political activism"
—Globe & Mail
“Wreaking havoc on the Conservative party’s image.”
—Post Media
"Merry band of Vancouver pranksters relaunch ShitHarperDid with new focus on real activism"
—Vancouver Sun
“Winning the viral video war with a stealth campaign that’s been spreading like prairie wildfire.”
—Globe & Mail
1. “Youth unemployment to cost Canadian economy $23 billion,” CBC. http://www.cbc.ca/news/business/story/2013/01/29/business-youth-unemployment-cost.html
2. “Tories’ ad blitz for Economic Action Plan cost taxpayers $21M in 2011-12,” National Post. http://news.nationalpost.com/2013/03/11/tories-ad-blitz-for-economic-action-plan-cost-taxpayers-21m-in-2011-12-report/
3. “Canadians growing weary of Economic Action Plan ads, survey suggests,” CTV News. http://www.ctvnews.ca/canada/surveys-suggest-canadians-growing-weary-of-ads-for-economic-action-plan-1.1160272
Food Bank stats courtesy of Hunger Count 2012: http://www.foodbankscanada.ca/getmedia/3b946e67-fbe2-490e-90dc-4a313dfb97e5/HungerCount2012.pdf.aspx?ext=.pdf
Household debt stats courtesy of Statistics Canada: http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/story/2013/03/15/business-debt-worth-canada.html
Federal debt stats courtesy of Canada's Department of Finance: http://www.fin.gc.ca/afr-rfa/2012/report-rapport-eng.asp