#ReWriteTheCode is a short 30 Minute documentary film exploring the intersection of race and gender in tech.
Three Super Awesome Reasons You Should Support #ReWriteTheCode
1. Be a Part of the FIRST Documentary Exploring the Role of the
Intersectionality of Gender and Race in Tech through black woman
founders of tech companies.
2. Current projects focus mainly on
the very beginning of the pipeline. It's important to show those that
the STEM pipeline leads to an sea of opportunity.
3. You've Always Wanted to Be a Movie Producer!
#What is ProjectDiane?
Read This AWESOME Fast Company Article About The Importance of #ProjectDiane
digitalundivided’s #ProjectDiane disrupted pattern-matching in tech by identifying diverse women founders of startups/tech companies.
#ReWriteTheCode is the final phase of #ProjectDiane.
in February 2015 the initiative is named in honor of Diane Nash, an
unsung heroine of the Civil Rights era whose brilliant tactical mind led
to several of the movement’s major victories- including the march in
Ms. Nash’s courageous fight for equality inspired us in a
time where diverse women in the overall tech community grapple with
“similar but not the same” treatment from the larger start-up community.
Help us complete #ProjectDiane by helping us produce a documentary film on Intersectionality in tech.
Why is #ProjectDiane So Important?
Current efforts to diversity tech completely overlook the role
Intersectionality, occupying multiple identities, plays in your ability
to successfully build tech companies. While focus on the early end of
the pipeline is important (ie. coding programs for kids), it's hard to
"be" what you can't "see".
#ProjectDiane shows that the STEM
pipeline leads to an sea, not a sewer, by highlighting founders building
and growing their startups.
How to Funds Will Be Used
donation will be put to GOOD work. Funds will be used to pay for the
production (filming, camera, editing, etc) of a professionally produced
15 minute documentary film highlighting the challenges of
intersectionality in tech.
We're hoping to exceed our $25,000
goal and be able to expand the scope of the documentary to include an
interview with Ms. Nash, Free screenings at public schools, and more!
More About Us and the Work We Do
digitalundivided (DID) actively works to disrupt pattern-matching in
tech by identifying, training and supporting high performing diverse
founders of tech enabled companies. Since 2012, DID has trained over
1000 urban entrepreneurs from New York to Detroit to Atlanta to
Read More About digitalundivided Here