IMPORTANT: We might have reached the initial goal of $2,000 , but for these cuties we can for sure do at least $4,000 :) :) :)
Our AfriQuest trip-documentary has been for sure a life changing experience and a very good lesson for us. Every day we feel more
and more the need to offer as much as possible to this beautiful continent.
Unfortunately, lots of children do not have the same chances as the ones in the
Western world, and the lack of education can be easily seen.
Visiting the St George Orthodox Primary School in Kibera, the second biggest slum in Africa, we
felt that it is our obligation to gather money from friends around the world
and help these beautiful kids that deserve a better future.
This is the reason that we started the Help2Learn fundraising campaign..
But let's say few things about the school first:
The school is located in Kibera slums of Kianda and Bombolulu,
in the church compound [St. George Orthodox church].
The operation of the school started in 1991. Today, it has a population of 180 pupils from
various denominations and ethnic backgrounds and it is a day school. The
institution is being run by the Orthodox Archbishopric of Kenya and has a total
of 13 workers including the teachers and other subordinate staff.
buildings in place have been purely been built by the church and other well-wishers.
It began with only one class and currently it has three operating classes with a fourth one being under construction. The structures are made out of iron sheets and timber.
It consists of an administration office, a kitchen, classes and a hall which
was formerly a church.
Most of the pupils are either fully or
partially sponsored by the Orthodox Church under the leadership of His Eminence
Archbishop Makarios.
It is worthy noting that the services that the school has offered since it started have been inspiring and this has made the
school to be recognized be very positive among the community in Kibera and its
There is need for other buildings/
structures to be put in place, alongside classes such as the fence, a library, school supplies, etc. This
challenge having been sorted out, the school will make positive milestones
towards achieving its goals. As a result, more and more children will have access to education :)
What We Need & What You Get
We had set as an initial goal the amount of $2,000 just to start going, but now, as there is a lot of potential, we hope to be able to get at least to $4,000 and help with some priorities as:
- New classroom (made of iron sheets) : $1,400
- Furniture (desks, blackboard, etc) : $700
- Library, fully equipped with books : $600
- School supplies (notebooks, pencils, rubbers, etc) : $300
- Playground and sports equipment : $800
- First aid medical kits and hygienic equipment : $200
For any amount donated, we will reward you for your generosity by sending you a personal ''Thank you'' picture with your name on it from a child of the school!
Talking About Us
The Impact
This is actually our second fundraising campaign, and to be honest after our first one a few months ago, we said that there is no way we will do that again, cause there is a lot of work to be done and it is quite stressful.
But after our experience so far in Africa, we are getting really sensitive about the huge problems that people are facing everyday and we don't mind spending some time and energy to make this world better. People must have equal opportunities and most important, the right for education.
So, let's all together start working towards that goal and make the change we wish to see in the world :)
Other Ways You Can Help
- Spread the campaign - pick up your phone and call now your grandparents, they always have some money aside :P
- Any other ideas or recommendations are more than welcome!
Please use the
Indiegogo share tools as well so that more and more people get to know about the Help2Learn project!
You can find more information about who we are and what we do via:
Also, feel free to
contact us personally via:
email : el.chrysovergis@gmail.com, dorabitsi@gmail.com
facebook : elpis trelokomos, dora bitsi
skype : trelokomos, semouazi
And that’s all there is to it!
Thank you sooooo much beautiful people and don't forget,
Dream.Travel.Live :)