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Hidden Value in Vacant and Abandoned Buildings

The dilapidated appearance of vacant and abandoned structures frequently obscures their potential value. My platform helps to reveal this hidden value.

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Hidden Value in Vacant and Abandoned Buildings

Hidden Value in Vacant and Abandoned Buildings

Hidden Value in Vacant and Abandoned Buildings

Hidden Value in Vacant and Abandoned Buildings

Hidden Value in Vacant and Abandoned Buildings

The dilapidated appearance of vacant and abandoned structures frequently obscures their potential value. My platform helps to reveal this hidden value.

The dilapidated appearance of vacant and abandoned structures frequently obscures their potential value. My platform helps to reveal this hidden value.

The dilapidated appearance of vacant and abandoned structures frequently obscures their potential value. My platform helps to reveal this hidden value.

The dilapidated appearance of vacant and abandoned structures frequently obscures their potential value. My platform helps to reveal this hidden value.

Audrey Henderson
Audrey Henderson
Audrey Henderson
Audrey Henderson
3 Campaigns |
Chicago, United States
$90 USD 2 backers
18% of $500 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Mountain Filled 3 Projects Mountain Filled 3 Projects

Hidden Value in Vacant and Abandoned Buildings

I began developing the pilot project version of the Hidden Value in Abandoned Buildings (HViAB) platform withDan Fehrenbach, a programmer with Elevate Energy (formerly CNT Energy) -- a division of the Center for Neighborhood Technology in Chicago. It's a map based browser tool that shows available amenities and resources such as transit stations, schools, grocery stores and banks located within a half mile radius of an abandoned or vacant property.

A very rudimentary version of the tool won runner up at the Urban Sustainability Hackathon sponsored by CNT in October 2012.  Further efforts will be devoted to developing a more complete and robust database for Bronzeville.  I plan to accomplish this goal through my own research, along with seeking the cooperation of organizations and agencies already engaged in housing related issues, as well as gaining the cooperation of stakeholders in the neighborhoods where vacant and abandoned properties are located.

HViAB and Legally Occupy

This funding campaign is designed to serve as a launching pad for a larger ongoing initiative. As a result, I set my funding goal for $500, the minimum figure set by IndieGoGo. My work on developing the HViAB platform would focus on developing a sense of what amenities and resources are  available, what gaps remain, and how to bridge the gaps in successfully developing available vacant and abandoned properties.  My ultimate goal is to develop an initiative I have named Legally Occupy, which will serve as a clearinghouse to match financial resources and abandoned and vacant properties, with individuals, households and organizations seeking to develop and/or obtain affordable housing.  With an initial focus here in Chicago, the long-term goal is to replicate the HViAB platform and the Legally Occupy model nationwide. 

Why Bronzeville?

As a historically and culturally significant area of Chicago,  Bronzeville is an ideal focus for the prototype of the HViAB tool.  The Great Migration that brought many black sharecroppers from the South to the North began in 1916, and community and cultural organizations throughout Bronzeville are actively engaged in several projects designed to celebrate the upcoming centennial. The Black Metropolis National Heritage Area Commission is spearheading one of the most exciting initiatives, actively promoting the region as a cultural tourist destination for domestic and international travelers.

Specifically Bronzeville features:

  • An abundance of vacant and abandoned structures
  • Location close to the lakefront and downtown
  • Excellent public transportation options
  • A multitude of cultural and other desirable amenities
  • Active community involvement

Who I Am

I am a professional writer and researcher who holds advanced degrees in sociology and law from Northwestern University. I am also a longtime Chicago area resident with extensive knowledge of Chicago's housing related issues. For instance, from 2004 to 2007, I analyzed extensive public housing demographic data concerning the Chicago Housing Authority Plan for Transformation, and contributed to writing annual reports submitted to the CHA.

I became involved with sustainability in general and affordable housing in particular in 2006, when I attended World Urban Forum 3 in Vancouver, Canada. Since then, I have been an invited speaker at the Chicago Green Festival in 2009, 2011 and 2012. In 2007, I launched the group Sustainable Urban Development, which now boasts nearly 10,000 members on LinkedIn. I was also invited to present the HViAB platform by the Chicago Center for Green Technology as part of its Green Tech U program for the Summer 2014 term.  I write about sustainability in the built environment as a guest blogger for Sustainable Cities Collective, and in my own blog, Sustainable Urban Future.

The Impact

The reason I first proposed a presentation for the 2012 Chicago Green Festival on converting abandoned buildings into affordable housing was because I thought it was ridiculous that perfectly habitable buildings were standing empty while people were facing homelessness.  I still feel this way.  It's also all too apparent that although the economy has slowly begun to improve, affordable housing is an ongoing challenge. My ultimate hope is the HViAB tool and Legally Occupy will not only match residents who need housing with residences converted from vacant and abandoned buildings, but that this initiative will ultimately become a resource to promote sustainable development in Chicago and across the country.


Funds contributed by PayPal are distributed immediately and will be put right to work in developing the fully functional demonstration HViAB tool.  Funds contributed by credit card are held until the end of the campaign (August 2014).

Specifically, funds raised toward this initial phase will:

  • Finance GIS training through the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP) -- $300
  • Finance production of t-shirt and e-book to be rewarded to donors -- varies according to amount raised.
  • Cover IndieGoGo processing fees -- varies according to amount raised.

Donations in excess of above listed expenses will allow me to devote specifically allotted time to the HViAB project. As an independent consultant, I am only paid for "billable" time.  As a result, the time I have been able to devote to this project so far has been severely limited.

Other Ways You Can Help

Please "like" the Legally Occupy andKnowledge Empowerment pages on Facebook to help spread the word!  If you're not on Facebook, email or plain old word of mouth will do just fine! 

Please also feel free to contact me through this campaign to share resources that you know of in and around Chicago concerning affordable housing, or to ask questions about the HViAB tool.

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Choose your Perk

Acknowledgement and Thanks!

$1 USD
Recognition by name (or as Anonymous; according to your preference) in final update of the campaign along with listing in the acknowledgement section of the upcoming eBook, along with earning my undying gratitude.
Estimated Shipping
July 2014
0 claimed

HViAB PowerPoint Slides

$5 USD
Couldn't make the HViAB presentation in Chicago? Drop a fiver into the campaign and I will send you a copy of the slides from the presentation via email -- same day delivery!
0 claimed

HViAB T-Shirt

$10 USD
The tentative design of the t-shirt would have a logo with HViAB on the front in relatively small type, and a screenshot of a page from the HViAB platform on the back. The t-shirt would be sweatshop free and sustainably sourced.
Estimated Shipping
August 2014
0 claimed

HViAB E-Book

$25 USD
An ebook currently in production with an excellent publisher. The ebook will be illustrated with my own photographs of vacant and abandoned properties (I shot the photo for this campaign), and document the work involved with developing the HViAB demonstration tool. Donors will receive advance copies BEFORE the book goes on sale via iTunes, Amazon, etc.
Estimated Shipping
September 2014
1 out of 50 of claimed

Slides, T-Shirt AND E-Book

$30 USD
Just like the commercials say, you get it all!
Estimated Shipping
September 2014
0 out of 30 of claimed

HViAB Workbook (Nonprofits)

$65 USD
An interactive electronic workbook containing live links, photographs and charts that provides detailed instructions for community stakeholders (such as land trusts) and related entities on how to use the HViAB API to develop their own databases. (Must provide proof of registration as a U.S.-based nonprofit corporation or international NGO with 501(c)(3) (U.S.) or appropriate tax-free (international) status before receiving workbook.)
0 out of 20 of claimed

HViAB Workbook (Commercial)

$175 USD
An interactive electronic workbook containing live links, photographs and charts that provides detailed instructions for community stakeholders (such as developers) and related entities on how to use the HViAB API to develop their own databases.
0 out of 20 of claimed

HViAB Training

$300 USD
A one-time training session during 2014 or 2015 for up to 10 participants on how to use the Hidden Value in Abandoned Buildings (HViAB) platform and other strategies to attract developers and support grant applications for community development and affordable housing projects. (Commercial enterprises also eligible. Travel expenses for organizations located outside the greater Chicago area are the responsibility of the organization.)
0 out of 20 of claimed

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