a fun to assemble clock
a fun to assemble clock
a fun to assemble clock
a fun to assemble clock
This campaign is closed
a fun to assemble clock
a fun to assemble clock
a fun to assemble clock
a fun to assemble clock
a fun to assemble clock
A 3d printed easy to assemble clock ……
The idea behind the clock is to make a simple yet elegant 3d printed and easy to assemble clock. It can be put together even by a grade 4 student. The clock consists of a simple stepper motor driven mechanism controlled by an Arduino based micro controller
In the past we have sold a few beta kits to interested people but it was difficult and time consuming for us to assemble every PCB manually . The indiegogo campaign will help us to get PCBs and other accessories manufactured in bulk . It also helps procuring small motors in bulk and brings the cost down.
the basic kit is meant for people with a 3d printer who want to build their own clock.
Assembly diagram.
You may not fancy my clock, but you may know someone who would ? Please share the information. Let him/her know about this IndieGoGo campaign.
Do you know a geek who likes clocks ? Can you think of a better gift than the HOLO Clock?
Spread the word, share this campaign to your network (and real-life) friends.
I also need your help to tell me how to improve this clock. Tell me what you'd like to have. Tell me what you like, what you don't like, and what you'd like to have changed. I'll see if it's possible.
I would appreciate your valuable suggestions to improve my existing model of the kit .
Thank you so much for your interest in my clock. I'm sure you'll enjoy having it .
Thanks for reading this far and taking interest in my project. I really hope you can back me and I'm looking forward to hear your comments. I'm very excited about the prospect of sending this clock world wide.