Our Story
Founded in 2004, Turning Point for Women and Families was the first and is still the only nonprofit in New York City that directly addresses domestic violence in the Muslim community and provides services to Muslim women and families regardless of race, ethnicity, immigration status, and class. We provide crucial services that are culturally sensitive, spiritually grounded, confidential, and free. Turning Point also provides a safe and nurturing space for Muslim girls and young women where they can proudly own their Muslim identity and learn to navigate the issues they face in their daily lives as children of Muslims, especially immigrants.
Key to our work are community outreach and education aimed at heightening awareness about the dangers of ignoring family violence and its impact on women, children and our communities.
Turning Point has provided domestic violence social services in 5 languages to 750 Muslim women, girls and children from 31 countries, and educated thousands about the terrible impact of domestic violence in New York City’s Muslim community. Over 90% of our clients are women with low or no income who rely on their husbands for financial support. Most are recent immigrants to the United States and lack English proficiency. The majority of our clients have low educational levels and few have prior professional or paid work experience.
In a safe and nurturing environment, Turning Point helps women empower themselves and transform their own lives as well as those of their families and children. Our culturally sensitive crisis intervention responds to the wide gap between needs and services available within the Muslim community by providing individual and group counseling. We team with legal advisors to make sure women’s rights are defended. And our weekly youth group empowers a new generation to navigate the challenges of being a Muslim girl today.
As advocates and trainers, we work with community leaders and organizations in New York and nationally to raise awareness and sensitize them to the impact domestic violence has on women, children, families as well as the larger community. Through an unusual partnership with public, private and religious institutions, Turning Point mentors a new generation of social workers so that more professionals are trained to address the unique needs of Muslim communities.
We are proud that Turning Point’s founder, Robina Niaz, has been recognized as a CNN Hero and was named one of the “500 Most Influential Muslims” In 2009 by the Royal Islamic Strategic Center/Georgetown University http://www.rissc.jo/ and many other awards including an Open Society Social Justice Fellowship.
We are proud that Turning Point’s founder, Robina Niaz, has been recognized as a CNN Hero and with many awards including an Open Society Community Fellowship.
The Impact
Be part of investing in the future of our community by helping Muslim women and girls find their inner voices and strength.
This year, we provided crucial support services to women in abusive relationships so they could move on to live free of violence and dream of a better future. Our culturally sensitive programs include individual counseling, support groups, advocacy and more. In 2012,
- We served 164 Muslim women, girls, and children
- We served 260 youth through our ARISE NY! Anti-Bullying Campaign
- We reached out to 900 people at events, hospitals, mosques and more!
And with your continued support, we can serve even MORE in 2013!
Now is the time to invest in our community.
You can help keep our services to the community free and accessible onwards
into 2013.
Direct Services
- We provide free and confidential counseling, advocacy and referral services for women and children affected by domestic violence, and all services are provided by our culturally and religiously sensitive staff.
Youth Services
- We support weekly youth group meetings for teenage Muslim girls in a nurturing “safe space” where they learn to cope with personal issues and social pressures they face growing up in America. Youth members develop self-esteem, confidence, leadership and communication skills, the value of social justice, community service and interfaith work through our workshops, trainings and events.
Education and Outreach
- We work with community leaders and various community organizations to raise awareness and sensitize them to the impact violence has on women, children, families as well as the larger community. We build on our extensive community contacts for outreach, training, and capacity building.
Continuing Our Work/Educating Our Future
- We provide supervised internship opportunities to aspiring social workers who wish to work with Muslim women and families. In order to overcome the severe shortage of social workers in the Muslim community, we encourage Muslim students to pursue social work as a profession.
Other Ways You Can Help
We ask that you consider supporting our work, and here are the important ways in which you can have an impact.
Contribute any amount you can!! The 'Contribute Now' button allows you the ability to support at any level, so please take advantage. Remember, your contribution is tax-deductible!
Please forward the link to this campaign!! The more people see our campaign, the greater the impact.
Spread the word!! Friend us on Facebook and Twitter. We provide crucial support to women and families affected by violence, and our work is enhanced through the growing support of the greater community.
Turning Point is a registered 501 (C) (3) non-profit organization and is zakat eligible.