Remember The Fun Field Trips You Went On?
Growing up, some of my best school memories and events that inspired me to learn on my own were school field trips. Think back on some of the trips your school went on or some of the places you wished you could have visited when you were young. How much more did you get out of experiencing them first hand rather than reading about them in a book?
California has continuously made budget cuts to our schools and, sadly, our school is not lucky enough to have private funding readily available. Our school is located in a low income area where parents can't afford to make up the gap in funding.
We are trying to reach out to anybody who shares our belief that field trips spark a child's curiosity and inspires them to learn beyond the four walls of a classroom.
Help Us Inspire Our Students
We are trying to raise enough funding to take our second graders on a few field trips before the end of the school year. The money we raise will go towards busses, lunches, and admission fees to museums, aquariums, planetariums, fire and police stations, zoos, etc. The trips will depend on how much money we raise. The more we raise the more opportunities we can provide to these classes and next year's classes.
Even if we don't reach our entire goal we are hoping to get enough to fund at least one field trip for our students.
The Impact
It's amazing to see our children excited about learning and connecting the information they learn in the classroom to real world applications.
As a teacher, I need your help to give our second graders learning opportunities they wouldn't have otherwise. It's important to provide our children with hands on experiences that engage and reinforce their learning in fun and exciting ways. Field Trips leave a lasting impression on them.
Other Ways You Can Help
If you are a local business owner or manager, and you think our students can learn practical, real world applications from your business, we would greatly appreciate you donating admission fees or accommodating our students at your business.