TL;DR: (formerly and is a green opensource social platform dedicated to facilitating ecological action and organization. We operate on a gamification made tangible model where real life ecological favours can be tallied on a decaying stream of activity (everything times out after a month), maintaining internet privacy while also encouraging information sharing. Groups have anarchic organizational powers, self-regulating, however we do not platform hate. For our official launch, we would like to change to solar-powered servers as well as get a custom plugin made that initiates the stream feature. We also want to have a video series where we meet people at ecological projects and showcase their good work in an entertaining fashion in the form of a dating series with cute, dating-related segments. Love is a common language, after all. For this reason, we are fundraising and hope for your support!
First of all... we apologize.
So. You've decided to embark upon the unfortunate journey of this deplorable fundraiser page. Well, good for you. No one's forcin' ya, free will and all, while contested by philosophers, is something I, personally, believe to be something we all have the right and ability to exercise.
You remember "A Shot At Love" with Tila Tequila on MTV? Bisexual, bipolar influencer with a dating show trying to hook up with guys and girls? This is Tila Tequila for the environment minus the downward spiral into Nazi-sympathizing and the trauma removed. Bisexual, bipolar Jamaican girl tryna hook up with guys and girls. For the planet, you know? If you support this Indiegogo campaign then you will see me, the founder of go on dates and adventures with lovers and friends to ecological projects, spreading positivity and optimism for the future we know is possible and that we have to fight for NOW before it's too late.
The number of the fundraising goal ties in to an art project I, Aleya the founder of, have been carrying out for the past 4 years and will bring it to its grand finale: 7777euro, an angel number with a lot of synchronicity for this project. Of course when we surpass the goal I won't cry about my precious synchronicity - it's just a guiding post and a good omen for the project, lalala...
Let's play a game and try to get all the angel numbers leading up to that so: 1111, 2222, 3333, 4444, 5555, 6666, 7777! Be sure to tag us on Instagram with a Screenshot if you hit one of these angel numbers for us to include you in the "Shots and Shoutouts" Livestream at the end of the fundraiser! (When checking out the "Indiegogo Tip" is optional, you can put in "0")
I'm Aleya. I'm 32, neurodiverse, LGBTQIA+, from Jamaica, living in Europe at the moment and thoroughly tired of the corners my labels want to put me in. I'm just tryna live. But, there's this stupid climate change thing that we have to deal with.
Well, I have some unorthodox tactics planned for taking on the big bad climate and I want my fellow degenerates out there to join me. You may have grown out of the Fridays for Future crowd and think Extinction Rebellion requires... let's say, too much commitment. You might think, well, actually, why can't we just stay home and grow vegetables, stop using fuel and plastic and just chill the fuck out? Then you might puff on something of the canniboid persuasion. Am I reading you correctly? If so... you might wanna stick around.
So here's the thing. I had terrible climate anxiety for a while and I still kinda do. But I made a social platform that helps me a lot and I think it can help others too. It's nearly ready for launch and all we need is a bit of funds and a nice piece of content to drive the launch.
Reason for Fundraising
You might be thinking, well, why should I give my money to a social media platform - just get advertisers like everyone else! It's a recession outchea! And you're right, we could do that, we planned on doing that, we were even gonna do sustainability audits on our advertisers and make everything ship-shape and eventually even start a Green Adsense contender as a part of our conglomorate multinational empire *morphs into capitalist pig and 'oinks'* But then we just thought. Ugh. Nobody likes ads. Like... not even advertisers like ads, that's why they try so hard not to sound like ads.
We didn't want that to be our business model. And don't even get us started on venture capital. No. We like to create. So we want to create content and have a mandatory annual donation of minimum 0.50euro and just encourage as many people as possible to join us and help make this project take off!
And we're doing so with this cheeky content series. But there's also other stuff on the site like a constantly improving podcast called DIY Virtuality, incoming mini-games for mobile to download, ebooks (the first of which is an erotic romance written by yours truly, putting years of freelance ghostwriting to good use), mobile and desktop backgrounds, Steam keys and more.
Hot & Heavy Eurotrip
This series is in the planning stages at the moment and we are fundraising to ensure we can complete it in security. I've gone backpacking before but never gone on an extended trip camping out for an extended period. So I wanna do that. Also I wanna date. But why are you paying for it??!
Well... you're not. You're paying for ecological projects to get the attention they so desperately need. I am the attention-seeker shining a light on their positive actions and showing the better world we KNOW is possible. We know we have the tools to fix the climate. We KNOW we are out of time. And we KNOW that the one thing in the way is MONEY!!!!
Let's not let money get in the way now. Of all the IndieGoGo campaigns you'll see for a social platform, this is certainly the lowest, this is the bare minimum needed, more is absolutely appreciated. Of all the subscription prices you'll see for websites, well... it's just as low as it can get. We're not in it for the money. We are here for the PEOPLE and the PLANET. And we mean business. For sure.
Not only will these projects be filmed but art projects will be staged at each as well as other productive means of utilizing the resources available at each location. Have you ever wondered what it would be like to take part in a live action roleplaying Permaculture project? Have you ever wanted to see a game made about a specific ecological process? Have you wanted a music album that went with a natural feature perfectly? These are not things we can guarantee will be produced during this video series, but this is the type of thing that Fastfrwrd is ALL ABOUT! We want to make ecology EPIC!
So help us get this project together and we will do everything in our power to entertain you.
We are all about this beautiful planet and its wonderful people. We're optimists. And so the platform works like this:
Hosted by GreenGeeks, we are on 300% renewable servers and always on the lookout for ways to be even greener. To be upfront, they currently use offsets. Credible ones that are making the US grid renewable, but offsets nonetheless. There's room for improvement but it's a good start. We want to switch to who have much more ecological platforms as well as favourable plans.
Anyway, on the site, you can document your sustainability journey and share with friends both real and virtual. We are a community of doers! We want to turn the activity feed into a stream where posts timeout after a month, saving server space and making us relatively Green.
So yeah, on the site, you can categorize your ecological activity for points and use it as an alternative currency with your friends/community groups on your country or regional or topical site in a trust-based system, basically saying: You did this for the environment which benefits me, therefore, I will accept this valuation of that act of earthcare and we can trade ecological favours through this medium. No shipping, local action and interaction, accessible to those of little means, we believe it's a counterweight for the fact that being eco is oftentimes the more expensive choice.
All users can go into "Game Mode" (the entire site is tooled for that but you don't have to use it that way, you can just surf on Green servers with us amongst climate aware individuals) for a minimum donation of $0.50 per year and use your points to unlock exclusive content from the entire network of producers and collaborators. We'll add more and more stuff as time goes by and it will always be about People & Planet.
Content will be published to traditional outlets for a price, while "Game Mode" allows for unlimited access.
This content series is the first of many, and we want to keep on theme. So we are using refurbished items to film if possible, secondhand, but if not we buy products that the average person can afford, things that are compact and lightweight and that anyone can use to start the work of fixing the planet in their own way.
The website will operate as a stream so as to decrease disk space usage. We do not want to limit members but we do want to minimize disk space usage until we can afford bigger servers. Posts should therefore timeout after a month or so - we might have to retool the timing but we like this. For this, we need a custom plugin for WordPress which is a part of this fundraising. We view this as a team-building and peer education activity to have a fluid but peer-reviewed system.
Sites will begin quite centralized but become more and more subdivided over various connected domains related to country and region in order to maintain low disk usage for each domain (more members=more posts=less space).
Our values are: Minimalism, Opensource Creation, Respect for Privacy (i.e. no data selling and minimal collection, Inclusivity, Radical Honesty, Radical Optimism, Solidarity with the Workers of the World & Value for Diverse Voices.
Would you like a Channel? Or would you like to join Fastfrwrd and co-create with us? Then contact
So, as you can see, we are ambitious and idealistic with values that stand against oppression and inequity. But we are not humourless and we're... well... kinda randy. Dunno. Just something crisis does to us.
Supported by:
Enactus Student Network & North Rhine Westphalia Grunderstipendium fund as well as Startplatz Accelerator. But... shhhh... they don't know that we're in our rebellious teens after 2 years of growing pains. Don't let mommy and daddy know we're outchea tryna f**k.
Email for any questions! We have a fancy domain email too but it's not set up to forward as yet so pfff, gmail looks unprofessional but whatevs. DIY muthaf***a!!