Shipping Costs
We will ship HÜD worldwide from California. Shipping costs are added by Indiegogo in addition to the perk cost. Shipping is free within the United States. International shipments are $40. Note that you are responsible for any duties & taxes your country might levy.
Will HÜD work with my device?
HÜD comes with a molded plastic iPhone 6 case. Units will also ship with a universal adaptor which will allow the HÜD to attach to devices up to 3 inches in width. The app that powers HÜD, First Derm, is available globally in 5 languages (English, Spanish, French, Italian, and Swedish) on iOS and Android.
How can a doctor tell if a mole is cancerous with HÜD?
Mobile dermoscopy is a proven method that has years of research behind it (see above). Doctors are able to tell with a high degree of certainty if a mole is worrisome. HÜD is making the dermatoscope affordable and putting it in the hands of the public.
Does HÜD work for other skin conditions?HÜD is not necessary for anything other than moles and potential skin cancer lesions. If you have a concerning rash, go ahead and use the First Derm mobile app for an opinion. Using just your phone’s camera (no HÜD needed), you’ll get information about your condition from one of our board-certified dermatologists.
Does First Derm cost money?
Most perks available on our campaign come with one mole evaluation by First Derm Dermatologists. The app itself is free to download. Each subsequent review (every mole or rash you want evaluated) will cost. Prices depend on how quickly you want your case reviewed. A 48 hour turn-around time costs $25, 24 hours costs $40, and 4 hours costs $100. We are also considering rolling out a monthly subscription model for mole reviews.
Who are the doctors looking at HÜD mole pictures?First Derm’s highly trained board-certified dermatologists are from the United States and Europe. Each dermatologist has advanced training in evaluating skin lesions with images taken with dermatoscopes like HÜD.
Relevant Scientific Papers?
1. Smartphone teledermoscopy referrals: a novel process for improved triage of skin cancer patients.
Acta Derm Venereol. 2015 Feb;95(2):186-90. doi: 10.2340/00015555-1906.
2. Mobile teledermoscopy-there's an app for that!
Dermatol Pract Concept. 2013 Apr 30;3(2):41-8. doi: 10.5826/dpc.0302a05. Print 2013 Apr.
3. Skin self-photography for dysplastic nevus monitoring is associated with a decrease in the number of biopsies at follow-up: A retrospective analytical study.
J Am Acad Dermatol. 2015 Oct;73(4):704-5. doi: 10.1016/j.jaad.2015.07.005.
Skin Cancer Facts?
By supporting our campaign you will be on the front lines in the fight against skin cancer. With your help, our vision is to add this lifesaving technology to the arsenal of medical tools we keep in the home. Thermometers for temperature, glucometers for blood sugar, and HÜD for moles. With HÜD in hand, you are empowered to take control of your skin health. By tracking moles at home, you can potentially save you or your loved one's life.
Thanks for your time, and hopefully your support!