*Incentive list below*
*reference from The End of the F**king World*
The Story in Brief:
Written and Directed by Danny Gevirtz: ‘I think I’m sick’ takes places in 2012 in the Philly-subrban town of Lansdale, PA.
Will is an 18 year old boy who’s been swallowed whole by depression his entire life. He lives day by day, feeling trapped on a treadmill full of sh*t.
6 months after his attempted suicide, the film follows Will through his second chance at Senior Year.
Instead of being filled with ‘gratefulnness’ for his ‘rebirth’, Will fails to see the significance of this second life opportunity and resorts to the ideation that a second attempt of suicide is his only option.
Will is brought under by Coach A, a man with moxie, who convinces Will to join the misfits of the Cross Country team.
There, he meets the rest of the XC boys, but also meets Robin, the best female cross country runner in the state. Weary of every human particle floating about the universe, Robin uses wit and talent to mask her own struggles with an eating disorder.
“The freaks can always pick each other out of a crowd” as Will and Robin’s relationship develops. They decide to band together.
Ultimately, the same mental health struggles that bring them together is what tears them apart.
Though the journey is not perfect, Will’s new community and experiences help him discover his inner strength and intrinsic worth, which ultimately leads him to continue giving life another chance.
Directional Tone and Cinematography influenced by Manchester by the Sea, Columbus, and The End of the F**king World.
*reference from The End of the F**king World*
The Plan:
We're looking to shoot this thing in 20 days this July 2022 in the Philadelphia area. The total budget goal is $500,000 to be sourced additionally through brands, private investors, and probably.... me. The goal is to have a finalized edit by December 2022 to show at premieres across 6 different cities in early January 2023.
*The entire process will be documented on my Youtube channel through a series of Behind the Scenes and Vlog videos as I continue my channel's goal of giving back to the Youtube Filmmaking community. *
Theme Disclosure:
*reference from a Music Video*
The Team:
*Donate the highlighted amount to receive that incentive*
Any donation amount is greatly appreciated!
To make a custom donation click "Back It".
$20: A YouTube Shoutout
I'll give you a shoutout during one of the Behind The Scenes videos of the making of the film on my YouTube channel!
$30: Thank You Video Message
I'll email you a personal thank you video message + a YouTube video shoutout.
$55: Premiere Ticket - General Admission - Physically go to the premiere and watch alongside me!
Be one of the first to see the movie in January 2023 with me! I'll meet every single person in attendance and maybe even dish out some loving hugs. Q&A to follow the film. I'll try to bring Sansa to each show! We will have ourselves a night. Please specify which show you'd like to attend (More cities could be added depending on demand):
- Philadelphia (Special Guest: my parents)
- New York City (Special Guest: TBA)
- Chicago (Special Guest: Eric Floberg)
- Toronto (Special Guest: Matti Haapoja)
- Los Angeles (Special Guest: Sam Newton)
- Portland (Special Guest: TBA)
$75: A signed movie poster with a cute note from me.
$100: I Think I'm Sick Crew Neck Sweatshirt *Limited*
A minimalistic design, poorly drawn by myself lol. They are sweet. *Please specify size and color*
$155: Premium Premiere Ticket - Physically go to the premiere and watch alongside me!
Be one of the first to see the movie in January 2023 with me! I'll meet every single person in attendance and maybe even dish out some loving hugs. Q&A to follow the film. I'll try to bring Sansa to each show! Premium ticket includes merch bundle + signed poster, reserved seats, invite to after party/ get together! We will have ourselves a night. Please specify which show you'd like to attend:
- Philadelphia (Special Guest: my parents)
- New York City (Special Guest: TBA)
- Chicago (Special Guest: Eric Floberg)
- Toronto (Special Guest: Matti Haapoja)
- Los Angeles (Special Guest: Sam Newton)
- Portland (Special Guest: TBA)
$300: Date Night! 2 Premium Premiere tickets. For whatever reason, Indiegogo wasn't letting me select multiple tickets so those of you who want to bring a friend or love interest...here ya go. (plus you save $10)
$1,000: Premiere Ticket + 1 Hour Long Virtual Consultation *Limited*
We will be best friends by the time you even get to the premiere. Leave your email and we will schedule a time to chat via facetime/ zoom about whatever you want. Whether it's filmmaking consultation, video feedback, or just hanging out we will crush that hour.
$1,500: VIP Premiere Ticket *Limited to 3 per city*
Hangout with me and Sansa all day before the show. We will then head over to the theater before the doors open and run down the aisles together. Lunch on me. Special guest might be in attendance as well (I'll do some convincing). You'll be in my vlog for that city! Please specify which show you'd like to attend.
$10,000: IMDB Credit + End Credit + Come to Set + VIP Premiere Ticket
Might as well just join the crew if you're helping out that much! Let's get you on set, let's get you credited, let's become friends, hang out before the premiere... maybe I'll even mulch your yard at this point.
*For anyone looking to contribute a more significant amount than what is listed here, please send me a direct message on my Instagram @dannygevirtz. We can chat ownership % and all that cool jazz. *
*reference photo*