The inspiration to make this next film comes from Vimala Thakar, an Indian mystic and social activist (1923 – 2009). She is an example of a life lived with a deep commitment to wholeness which means a life lived and acted from an inner notion of connection with all life.
For more information in German please visit the website:
As a powerful enquirer and social activist Vmala Thakar was very aware and outspoken about the challenges awaiting us as human beings, and about the urgency for us all to abandon superficial prejudices and personal preferences, to expand our understanding to a global scale and to become aware of the wholeness rather than fragmentation in life.
I had the honor of meeting Vimala Thakar in the late nineties for a few days in Mount Abu, India. There are few meetings that stay with you the rest of her life. This was such a meeting. When a person meets you in such humility, deep inner stillness and a deep faith for life, it stays with you forever. This inner fire of her, her dedication to a life well and humbly lived, I want to bring out to the world through the creation of this film. I hope that getting to know her approach and knowing her inner and outer research of humanity will give us all faith to learn and continue what it means to truly be human beings on this planet.
This documentary film will also be telling the story of various men and women who are forging and who have forged a path of integrity, unusual creativity whilst honoring that which is sacred in real, practical life. It will be an exploration of the sacred in many areas of our life.
Based on Vimala's vision and on the powerful impact she had on me, the film director, the journey will lead to academics, places in history and the present to show contemporary activist movements and current and past artistic explorations that are driven by a vision to explore and live from a deep honoring of that which is sacred in us all.
The film will explore where we will find the seeds and young trees of a revolutionary vision for humankind. It will ask the question: what does it take for us human beings to honor and express that which is sacred?
After making the film 'Why Women Need to Climb Mountains - A documentary on the life and vision of Dr. Gerda Lerner', I am highly inspired to make this next film. It follows naturally the question that many viewers of my previous documentary had: HOW do I become a self-authorised human being? HOW do I develop the inner strength, faith and trust to act from my inner most self?
When awareness of the totality, of wholeness, dawns upon the heart, and there is awareness of the relationship of every being to every other, then there is no longer any possibility of taking an exclusive approach to a fragment and getting stuck there. As soon as there is awareness of wholeness, every moment becomes sacred, every movement is sacred. The sense of oneness is no longer an intellectual connection. We will in all our actions be whole, total, natural, without effort. Every action or nonaction will have the perfume of wholeness.
Vimala Thakar
Your contribution is greatly appreciated! The initial cost of developing the concept of this film (including interviews and filming in Germany, England, India and Israel) will be 30,000 Euros. The budget for the whole film is 100,000 Euros.
You can either contribute here on Indigogo or through the following film account:
IBAN DE19430609671127100901
If you would like to have more information, discuss your ideas of contribution with me, or if you simply also need a donation receipt, please contact me here: A very warm Thank You in advance! (English) (German)