Indie Volt Revolt!
For the last two+ years listeners to the indie Volt radio network and podcasts have seen and heard a number of creators talk about the world of creating, publishing, distributing, selling, reading and loving comics. Now, to celebrate the podcast network's second anniversary, as well as Arrow Comics' return to publishing, Indie Volt contributors gather their best stories into a one-of-a-kind volume you do NOT want to miss! More than a display of "put up or shut up", or "preview snippets", this volume is a fantastic collection of self-contained short stories that anyone who loves comics will enjoy, whether they know what an "Indie Volt" is or not!
This volume BEGINS with over 100 standard comics sized square-bound pages in black and white, sequential art designed to display what comics are truly capable of! A world-wide collection of artists and writers from all walks of life have put their best work on display here, so much in fact that we've made it a "flip book", like those great old Ace paperbacks, here you go though at least 50 pages of comics THEN TURN THE BOOK OVER and go in again with at least another 50 pages of comics and stories! This gives you TWO great full-color front covers in one handy volume!
Collecting these stories and production on this volume has been no easy feat. This product has been the brainchild of Indie Volt host Randy Zimmerman for almost the last year. Randy is co-creator of Arrow Comics' first regularly published comic, Tales From The Aniverse and has over 35 years of experience producing, creating, selling and distributing comics.
No Frills, just GREAT Comics!
This volume showcases the talents of over TWO DOZEN sequential artists, almost all of which have been featured on episodes of the Indie Volt podcast. Additional 'stretch goals" will be offered as well to make this book literally as big as the backers allow! We are also only offering two versions of this book to be printed and the print run WILL BE LIMITED to this campaign and a few extras for retailers and contributors. As they say in those ads 'once they're gone, they're GONE!"
"Print-On-demand" has forever changed this industry. As of this campaign's posting, this book is already 90% IN HOUSE and ready for printing. Once this campaign ends, and barring any stretch goal hold-ups or glitches, we will go to press and get this book into your hands immediately. We have an experienced printer within a small drive from Arrow Comics HQ who does great quality square-bound books, and because it is POD our final backer numbers are secondary to getting these books in your hands, that's why our "goal" is flexible and low.
For Indie Volt's international radio audience we will be offering the book in physical form (we're sorry, but you'll have to cover postage) OR, for our readers outside of the North American continent (because we know how crazy postage has gotten), we are offering a complete pdf file at a special price. this pdf will contain ALL of the covers offered, ALL the stretch goals this campaign might achieve, AND a few added surprises of additional Arrow product as well. If you've enjoyed the Indie volt podcasts over the last few years you know we have no outside funding besides a few great sponsors. now is the time to show your appreciation to the show and our talent as well!
For our retailer friends in the direct market, we are offering a genuine "Retailer Tier" where you are welcome to purchase multiple copies of Revolt at a retailer discount (retail store verification requested).
Arrow Comics knows this is our first crowd-funder, so fulfillment will be top priority. Anyone familiar with Arrow's quality in the past (The Realm, The Dead, Dark Oz, Spank The Monkey and more) know our commitment to quality and creator ownership is second to none. Additional stretch goals to this campaign will include samples of some of those older Arrow products that we are just as proud to be associated with today as we are with Indie Volt Revolt! Some of that product also features work(s) from Revolt contributors as well!
This volume includes:
more than 15 stories featuring a vast variety of sequential art. Complete short stories designed to showcase the quality of talent you hear every week on the Indie volt radio network and podcasts including:
- FAIRIES WEAR BOOTS by Seth Aneila Abair aka "Goblin Grim". A touching, tragic story of magic and forgiveness.
HATCH by Glenn Fleming of Comics Unlimited: A silent tale of discovery.
WOULD YE YET KNOW MORE? by Emily Zelasko from A Piece Of Cake: A tale inspired by a Norse poem featuring Odin himself (There's a slice of illustration from this story two pictures above).
THE SECRET ORIGIN OF MEGA MOOSE by John Celestri animator of dragon's Lair, Space Ace and Bobba Fett from the star Wars Holiday special: introducing the reader to his all ages superhero Mega Moose!
THE TALE OF THE LINDYJAX AND THE DOG BY THE SIDE OF THE ROAD by Randy Zimmerman from War of The Worlds: infestation, Flint Comix and Indie volt host: A tale of a homeless dog, a trading elf, and the need for respect.
AN UNEXPECTED STING Featuring Retro Ram and His Rocket Rangers: by Ralph Griffith (story) and Stuart Kerr (script) of the original Arrow comics, Mark Bloodworth (pencil roughs) from NightStreets and Hellraiser, Jason Moore (finishes, inks and letters) from The Dead and Evil Ernie and featuring a commemorative portrait of Ralph Griffith by Vince Locke from Deadworld and sandman: A special last story tribute to Arrow Comics' founder Ralph Griffith who wrote that story he always wanted to write.
DETECTIVE TED TIRED: TEA PARTY FOR TWO by Jake "Stinch" Tvister telling a modern detective tale of car exploding proportions.
MISS CHEVIOUS AND GANDA IN LOSING YOUR WAY by J.D. Calderon from Tall tails and The chronicles Of Oswald (script) and Daphne Lage (art) from Tall tails and EgoRaven bringing back to print The Aniverse's favorite team of bounty hunters for the first time in 2 decades.
A special tale by Erik Hodson from Roddy Piper: The kilted Avenger featuring the secret origin of his Webtoon and Tapas featuring THE DREADED DINOSAURMAN!
HORSEMAN'S TALES - LOOK DON'T TOUCH by Rik Hoskin (story) and Russ Leach (art) presenting a bar brawl tale featuring War from Only death Can Save Us you will love to see!
A TRAVELER'S DESIRE by J.R. Harris from the upcoming Arrow Comics Superhero series Paragon, bringing us a fantasy tale in the manga grey tone style of the great Hayao Myazaki.
To get a further preview of the quality of the art contained in this book please watch the video above.
All profits generated from this campaign will be divided by the number of pages this volume contains and returned equally to its creative teams.
Two Great Cover Sets To Choose from!
-DEATH REVOLTING by Russ Leach from Dr. Who Comics and Ben 10; featuring his character Dee from Only Death Can Save Us
And MISS CHEVIOUS AND GANDA by Daphne Lage from Tall Tails and EgoRaven .
JET PACK GIRL by Chris Scalf from Godzilla and Dark Horse's Star Wars
And RETRO RAM REVOLTING by Kirk Jarvinen from Aquaman; Time and Tide, Great Scott and more (pencils), Jason Moore from Tales from The Aniverse and Batman: Haunted Gotham (inks) and Chris Hall from Grimm's Fairy Tales (colors).
THANK YOU!! GOAL REACHED AT 25 BACKERS: REVOLT Hhas grown another 12 pages by adding a hilarious GUANO GUY story by Mark Darden! For being the 25th Backer to this campaign, Trish Bengtson will receive a sketch of Miss Chevious by Randy Zimmerman!
AT 50 BACKERS: REVOLT grows ANOTHER 8 pages with the addition of a BRAND NEW Hero Bot Zero story by Randy Zimmerman and an artist TBA! The 50th backer to this campaign (minus those backers who have had to cancel and be refunded - if no one else cancels it looks like #54) will receive a Miss Chevious sketch by Daphne Lage!
AT 100 BACKERS: We add yet another ancient (don't call it 'antique"!) Arrow Comics issue to your bundle! PLUS we MIGHT sneak yet another story into the book (okay, we WILL sneak another story into the book- HEY! it IS 100 backers after all!)
AT 150 BACKERS: REVOLT adds a Tipsy The Gnome tale written by Krysta Grant (the indie Princess and author of the adult GN Lure) with art by Indie Volt owner Varian Grant (He promises!)!
AT 200 BACKERS: REVOLT adds another story TBA as we get closer to this goal!
AT 250 BACKERS: REVOLT adds another story TBA as we get closer to this goal!
AT 300 BACKERS: REVOLT adds ANOTHER story TBA as we get closer to this goal!
AT 400 BACKERS: REVOLT adds know... we LOVE "Print On Demand" and our printer will love us back!
AT 500 BACKERS: We faint, but we add yet ANOTHER special thing to your shipment!
This will be the first publication printed by Arrow Comics 4.0. Watch for us as we bring the very best quality comics to both crowdfunding as well as the Direct Market! As always our motto remains: "Our Aim Is Entertainment, Our Target Is Quality!".
This campaign and publication is dedicated to the memory of Ralph Griffith. We miss you pal!