Hello, ITC!
Some of you may know me from 2013's Integral Theory Conference in San Francisco. I was the formal blogger for that conference, meaning I attended the event and did my best to cover as much of the goings on as I could. I'm very honored to have been invited back by the folks from Meta Integral to blog ITC 2015: "Using Integrative Meta Theories to Catalyze Effective Change."
For those of you who don't know me:
I'm a writer and researcher living on Long Island, New York.
I'm an editor for Reality Sandwich and IT specialist and community manager for Evolver's Learning Lab.
I research things like the modern consciousness culture, integral theories, and the evolution of consciousness.
I'm also passionate about the idea of a "planetary culture." We have a long way to go til' we're there, but I've spent the past few years of my writing and research exploring the communities and literature – often called "Transformative Culture(s)" – dedicated to furthering that potential.
I've found myself personally invested in the notion of a "trans-lineage" integral worldview – building on the Kosmopolitan theme from ITC 2013 – exploring the meaning of "integral" in the writings of Sri Aurobindo, Jean Gebser, Ken Wilber and further in writers like William Irwin Thompson, Haridas Chauduri and the Jesuit theologian Teilhard de Chardin. I believe in the philosophical, spiritual and imaginative possibilities of an "integral" consciousness. Yet, I also believe such an emergent worldview mustn't be assimilative, but an assemblage. It must shine forth. Show itself in the disparate parts as a rhizome. My hunch, if you could call it that, is that an "integral worldview" is traceable in the moments of utmost fluidity and "in-betweenness."
The folks at Meta Integral are using this conference as an opportunity to call into question the notion of a "meta theory," proper. That's why I'm very excited to be blogging ITC 2015 once again, and you can see my inaugural post, "The Unthinkable Present: Blogging at ITC 2015."
I plan on using this time before the conference to conduct interviews and thoughtful articles instigated by conversations with panelists and conference organizers.
In short, I plan to blog my heart out: before, during, and after this conference.
But I'm going to need your help getting there.
For a few bucks, you can help get me (literally) off the ground and over to Sonoma University come July.
What Your Fundraising Does
Your funds help get me to conference – a skip and a jump from New York City to San Francisco, and from there, Sonoma County. That's why I'm asking for a funding goal of $500 to cover transportation expenses.
Your funding this project gives me more precious time to write, edit, and publish content before and during ITC 2015. It makes this all possible.
A few things you can expect from me as the ITC blogger:
3 Interviews precipitating the actual conference. Published between my homepage and Reality Sandwich magazine.
At least 2 more articles examining the thematics of "Integral Impacts."
Daily live blogs and a plethora of interviews and conversations each day while I'm at ITC2015 at Sonoma State (as much as I can humanly do. I may be a quick witted blogger, blogging about "Meta" theories, but I am not, myself, a "meta person." Whatever that may be. Sounds like that would help).
What Any Additional Funds Will Go To:
- Continuing to publish the stores of content – interviews, podcasts, photography– I will have sitting on my hard drive after the event.
Basic homepage maintenance. Domain name renewal.
- Website improvements.
- More content! Integral related articles, essays, interviews, podcasts!
Some Perks
I met a lot of brilliant, shining folks at ITC2013 – especially through my fundraising campaign. I intend to thank everyone who assists in whatever way they feel is right. But, I see this as an opportunity to connect with you. So...
I'd like to host Google Hangouts (dates TBA) before, during and after the conference. This will especially be for folks who cannot attend the live event.
- My email is always open for integral conversations, editorial work and professional inquiries: jeremy (at) evolver (dot) net.
Other Ways You Can Help
There's more than one way you can help, of course, such as:
If Indie GoGo is a no-go, you can also help me directly via Paypal.
- ...Or via my burgeoning Patreon account. If you enjoy my writing, consider supporting me via this subscription based method. I'd be much obliged.
- Please share this campaign with as many conference goers and interested peers as you can.
Now, before you go...
More Things to Check Out
Thank You
Any contribution, financial or otherwise, is deeply appreciated.
Thank you for supporting this one, integral writer. Here's to a wonderful journey of intellectual, spiritual, and diaphanous gleanings.