What is the Intl Masonic Passport?
International Masonic Passport (IMP) changes and greatly improves the way Freemasons around the world visit each other and Lodges around the world, and at the same time allows for a quick and easy identification. IMP also allows Freemasons to simply get informed about upcoming events, ritual works and meetings set by Lodges, Grand Lodges or World Union Libertas. Furthermore, brothers and sisters can solve their urgent problems no matter where in the world they are located. Fast monetary transactions without fees are also possible between all levels of Masonic Passport users. In today's time when information technologies are an inevitable part of every human being, the possibility has been created for "All Freemasons to find themselves in one digital Lodge" and in this way the form of Freemasonry is changing from Speculative (1717) to Digital (2021), which is the basic mission of this project.
For brothers and sisters
By signing up on International Masonic Passport app, you get your unique digital Freemason's passport, which allows you to do the following:
- User profile anonymity by choice (You can set your profile to be fully anonymous, visible only to your Lodge, Grand Lodge, or to the entire Union and all its members - YOUR CHOICE!
- You have access to all the activities listed in the calendar of your Lodge, Grand Lodge, the World Union Libertas 5775 or any of its members,
- Registration and seat reservation for any event or Ritual Work with an online registration fee,
- Map and contact search by cities or location of the following: number of Freemasons in a given location, Grand Lodges, Lodges, Temples or business entities from fellow brothers and sisters,
- SOS quick help channel for urgencies, or the ability to respond to help others,
- Digital Wallet and Libertas token (crypto),
- Connecting with other Freemasons outside your Lodge or Grand Lodge around the world,
- Evaluation and archives of all your activities and,
- As a Freemason with a verified passport, all "doors" and access to all members in the world that are in the system of the International Freemason Passport are opened to you without any restrictions.
For Grand Lodges and Lodges
There are multiple efficient use advantages for Grand Lodges and Lodges within the IMP:
- Administrative (accurate and up-to-date data on members, with the creation of an archive and automated evaluation of activities),
- Organizational (review of events calendar and organization of the same via dashboard)
- Informative (any information or events about other Grand Lodges or Lodges)
- Own digital treasury (all technical solutions with which you can create your own digital treasury are available through blockchain and NFT technology) and
- Additional Revenue (based on your affinities, you can also build certain additional sources of revenue for your Grand Lodges or Lodges).
For business
All Freemasons can list their business in the Map section with its address, company name and logo. The identity of the owner can either be anonymous or public and the communication also happens either directly, through Libertas International office, or Lodge Grand Master. The privacy and protection of every business owner’s identity is at the highest level and is our number one priority.
Cryptocurrency, Blockchain technology and NFT
The foundation of the Digital Freemasonry is based on none other than blockchain technology. More precisely NFT’s, non-fungible tokens. NFT is a unit of data stored on a digital ledger that certifies a digital asset to be unique and therefore not interchangeable. NFTs can be used to represent items such as photos, videos, audio, and other types of digital files. Access to any copy of the original file, however, is not restricted to the buyer of the NFT. While copies of these digital items are available for anyone to obtain, NFTs are tracked on blockchains to provide the owner with a proof of ownership that is separate from copyright. This is where our LIBERTAS TREASURY comes to life where each of our founding documents is going to be NFT tokanized.
1st LIBERTAS NFT will be our DECLARATION OF THE FOUNDATION AND SOVEREIGNTY. Followed by all other founding documents and all other assets important to the Union and our brothers and sisters.
Foundation of LIBERTAS
On 10/22/1775 the Reformed Freemasonry System LIBERTAS was founded. Also, the Declaration and “Drašković’s Observation” were adopted at the founding assembly, which speak very clearly about freedom, equality and brotherhood. It is interesting to note that the declaration was made a year before the American Declaration of Independence and fourteen years before the French Revolution. The founders of LIBERTAS are two extremely dedicated brothers of the Masonic name “Jacobus” and “Hieronymus”.
Count Ivan Drašković (1740-1787)
The first Grand Master of LIBERTAS. He inherited the affinity towards a military call-up from his father, General Adam Drašković. He entered the military service very early and in his military career until his retirement, he participated in numerous military campaigns. When he retired, he dedicated himself to his family and the sufferings of humanity. He helped many with 20, 30 or 50 ducats, without even knowing the name of the benefactor. He showed his generosity by sharing his wealth with people in need, without counting on gratitude at all. He joined the fraternity at a very young age through his cousin Count Kazimir Drašković, and he fully accepted the Masonic principles which he firmly adhered to until the end of his life. Representatives from all LIBERTAS Lodges were present at the funeral in his castle in Klenovnik, and each Lodge held a funeral ceremony separately.
Count Stjepan Nicky (1747-1777)
Deputy First Grand Master. Together with Drašković, he was the founder of LIBERTAS. He was born in 1747 to father Christoph Nicky and Julia Jankovics. At the age of 26, he was already a court advisor, president of the financial and police commission, a clerk in the tax administration, and later the deputy prefect of Križevci County. He was married to Countess Maria Eszterhazy. He was admitted to Freemasonry as a very young man, at the age of 21, that is, in 1768. He was received by Le Clair, a colonel in the French service, in Pest in an “extraordinary” lodge. Then, in addition to the three basic degrees, he also received the degree of Scots, as well as several high French degrees. As Deputy Grand Master Nicky represented LIBERTAS in civilian circles and Draskovic in military circles. He died young, in 1777, just at the time when the Freemasonry Congress gathered in Varaždin, which he convened.
After 245 years since its founding, the World Union of Sovereign Lodges was formed – LIBERTAS 5775 –
At the initiative of the Grand Sovereign Lodge of Croatia LIBERTAS A.D. 1775, the Grand Lodge of Nikola Tesla from Serbia and the Grand Orient of Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as the other Grand Lodges of the founders, at the founding assembly held on January 28, 2021 in Zagreb, a unanimous decision was made to establish the World Union of Sovereign Lodges – LIBERTAS 5775 -.
At this founding assembly, the Statute was adopted as the fundamental and highest act of LIBERTAS, and a decision was made to adopt and sign the Declaration on Foundation and Sovereignty by the members at a special ceremonial ritual work, which is to be held on March 19, 2021 in Sarajevo. Admission to LIBERTAS membership can be requested by any Grand Lodge or Lodge that works in the open air, and the basic condition for admission to membership is primarily that the member fully accepts:
- The Statute of the Union,
- The Declaration on Foundation and Sovereignty and
- The Constitution of 1775.
The work and activities of each member are independent and completely autonomous compared to the membership in LIBERTAS.
The main goal of this campaign is to raise development funds for Phase 1 in the amount of $30,000. Our development team consists of 2 mid level and 1 senior programmer, and team leader (project manager) who is also a senior status developer.
This will help us meet our October 1, 2021 deadline for launch and allow our fellow brothers and sisters to start signing up and using the first ever International Masonic Passport. At that point the digital revolution officially and technically begins.
Brother / Sister Rewards
For each $100 investment, every brother or sister receives a one star activity on their Masonic Passport profile.
What is the Masonic Passport Activity?
From each Freemason it is expected that he or she takes certain actions within the organization or outside of it. That action can be helping a fellow brother or sister in need, attending ritual works, or contributing in any other meaningful way that elevates Freemasonry and/or society as a whole. Those actions don’t go unnoticed, and this time they are recorded and tracked in your activity section of your passport.
That being said, your monetary contribution will also be recorded in the following way:
$100 - 1 Star Activity
$200 - 2 Star Activity
$300 - 3 Star Activity
$400 - 4 Star Activity
$500 - 5 Star Activity