Frankie Bengis is a sassy, bio-engineering prodigy who creates an experimental nanoblood to kill disease and save humans. She decides to become a guinea pig for the benefit of mankind, but what starts out looking successful turns disastrous for Frankie.
Carl Galasantos is a religion spouting ex-spy, Frankie's undercover boss at her pharmaceutical company, intent on stealing Frankie's secret nanoblood formula so he can sell it to the highest bidder and disappear into a better life.
Corky Arnold creates humorous digital ads using cartoons and graphics for advertising agencies and advertisers.
He's likes horror too. In commercials he's written, produced and directed for Colace, a well-known constipation pill, he created Frankenstein and Vampires as main characters who are constipated and need help. Even monsters have health issues!
His first comic book was "Tweeter and the Foofnik," the story of a little girl who can change into a bald eagle and saves supernatural characters like the Foofnik from certain death.
View Corky's work at www.jackhammer.cc
Ian Miller is an experienced artist, inker and colorist for comics and graphic novels. His credits include Z-MAN, a horror/zombie comic book series adapted into award-winning animation for Amazon Studios. Ian's work can be viewed at www.ianjmiller.com
As a team, Corky and Ian have captured an exciting vision for the Invasion Nano Sapiens graphic novel in style and feeling.
Steve Gellman and Corky Arnold are producers and directors for the television screen and movie screen at their company, Jackhammer Entertainment. From global advertising brands to horror movies released by Lionsgate, their work has touched viewers worldwide.
Whether for clients or backers, their business is producing and delivering complex, high quality creative product – on time, on budget and as promised.
With your support, our novel will be a work of art and a piece of history – one you’ll be proud to own, collect and be part of – and, most importantly, if you love horror – a fun experience.
$29,863 in contributions will allow us to produce a 50 page version of the story with black and white pages and full-color covers, including writing, design, artwork, printing and shipping. We are committed to doing everything it takes to deliver a level of excellence worthy of backers' trust. This includes providing timely updates on progress and answers to your questions.
We hope you will be part of bringing INVASION NANO SAPIENS to life.
What you get
DIGITAL COPY of the graphic novel as a high quality pdf
SIGNED PHYSICAL COPY of the graphic novel with laminated soft covers and be printed on glossy coated art stock with section-sewn binding
SIGNED POSTER of the Invasion Nano Sapiens book cover printed in full color on 11" x 17" glossy art stock with a machine varnish finish.
SIGNED ORIGINAL SKETCHES of the main characters in action
YOU DRAWN IN as a background character (and "monster fodder") (10 available) You will be contacted about providing photo(s) to base your character on.
YOU DRAWN IN as a supporting character (2 available) You will be contacted about providing photo(s) to base your character on.
YOU DRAWN IN as one of the main characters (3 available) You will be contacted about providing photo(s) to base your character on.
Stretch Goals
At $42,000 – Full color (LOCKED)
At $53.000 – 10 additional pages added to graphic novel (LOCKED)
At $64,0.00 – 10 more pages added to graphic novel (LOCKED)
Additional stretch goals to be announced.
Contact Corky or Steve to talk or find out more --
Our website is: www.jackhammer.cc