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Invisible Ink: Surveillance and Secrecy

When technology extends our senses, a new translation of culture occurs.

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Invisible Ink: Surveillance and Secrecy

Invisible Ink: Surveillance and Secrecy

Invisible Ink: Surveillance and Secrecy

Invisible Ink: Surveillance and Secrecy

Invisible Ink: Surveillance and Secrecy

When technology extends our senses, a new translation of culture occurs.

When technology extends our senses, a new translation of culture occurs.

When technology extends our senses, a new translation of culture occurs.

When technology extends our senses, a new translation of culture occurs.

Tyrone Davies
Tyrone Davies
Tyrone Davies
Tyrone Davies
1 Campaign |
Salt Lake City, United States
$4,251 USD 82 backers
0% of $600,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
More than a simple documentary, INVISIBLE INK is an intensely in-depth thirty-episode video series that anyone will be able to view online for free. It will explore questions about the effects of corporate, private, and governmental surveillance technologies in ways that no single documentary film and no television series would be able to do.


My name is Tyrone Davies.  I am a life-long experimental filmmaker, and a professor of video production.  I have toured North America multiple times with my own film series, and have created a wide variety of films, videos and other media-art works.  See a few of my earlier projects at

I am passionate about making videos that are informative and educational, but that also push production boundaries and stand alone as works of art.  I want to raise the money to hire a crew and travel to relevant locations across the globe in order to record research and interviews on the very timely subject of surveillance technology, and then edit these recordings into an engrossing documentary series.

It is important to me that the fruits of our efforts are available for free to anyone who wants to watch them.  I will not sell this video series to any entity, but plan to make it constantly available online without advertisements or corporate control of any kind.

Invisible Ink will be a very detailed documentary series.  It will be at least thirty hours (one hour per episode) in total length.  I hope that it will offer deep and substantial insights that can help citizens (of any country) to critically asses the topic of mass-surveillance.  

We live in a paradoxical time in which technology floods us with information of all kinds while also obscuring insights that are crucial to democracy, equality, and individual freedom.  Your contributions are crucial to funding the creation of this series.  Your contributions to this campaign are also a GIFT to anyone wishing to better understand the social and moral issues surrounding the topic of mass-surveillance.


What We Need

While I seriously hope we make our goal, we will really be able to get started on whatever we make!  One important thing to know about funding Invisible Ink, is that (even though the goal of $600,000 is VERY ambitious) my crew and I can probably start producing the series even if we only make $20,000.  $600,000 will be enough to fund 30 incredible episodes, but if we make less, we will still begin production.  At about $20,000 per episode (that's a TINY fraction of the production cost of any television show), you can imagine how we could make 15 episodes if we get 300,000, or 5 if we get 100,000, etc.  If we exceed our goal, it will certainly expand our abilities, but even if we fall WAY short, we can start production... It just means we will have to fundraise some more down the road.


What You Get

Since this series will be offered free to all online when it is completed, the rewards I am offering are mostly other films and videos (and some audio recordings) that I have created in the past. Luckily, I have created a pretty large variety of works over the years, so there are MANY REWARDS offered for your help.  Also, if you don't mind waiting, there WILL be 4K DVD copies of Invisible Ink available eventually.  Other rewards will, of course, come to you much sooner. Please see the perks list for details.  Additional perks will be added throughout our campaign as well, so keep checking back!



YES! we are converting this image into a quality embroidered patch that you can wear to scare friends and enemies.  If you are wondering what this is, read here:


The Impact

As stated before, your contribution to this project is a gift to anyone in the world with Internet access who wants to learn more about the topics covered in this series.  Nobody will be asked to pay to see this series online, EVER.


Other Ways You Can Help

Sometimes people just can't contribute.  If you want to help, but can't give money, this project can REALLY benefit from exposure.  We need as much of it as possible.

  • Do you know people who might contribute to Invisible Ink?  Just send them a link to this project, and tell them what you think is great about it.
  • WE NEED PROMOTERS!  Contact us and we can tell you how else to help spread the word!



Throughout our campaign, we will be posting short videos and other items (including additional rewards and perks!) on this Indiegogo page.  Keep checking back to see what we are up to and to learn more about this project!



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Choose your Perk

Credit in first episode

$10 USD
Your name in the credits of the first episode of Invisible Ink. You'll be listed as a "financial supporter"
Estimated Shipping
March 2017
9 claimed

ADD OIL album download

$15 USD
In 2005, I recorded an album of experimental music. I called the band and the album ADD OIL. It's been out of circulation for some time, but will be re-released next year. Download it early (end of December) at a discount price for a $15 contribution.
Estimated Shipping
January 2017
2 claimed

Stealing Away (film) Download

$20 USD
Download my first feature length film. A 90 minute experimental film shot mostly on 8mm film and edited using both analog and digital processes. Here is a blurb from a screening in 2003: "More like a moving painting than a movie . . . a film that sacrifices everything traditional for pure aesthetics. Stealing Away features astonishing visuals and an unforgettable soundtrack."
Estimated Shipping
January 2017
8 claimed

Jelly Boil download

$20 USD
Is it an essay film about the nature of celebrity, or just a Billy Joel mashup? Info Here: $20 contribution gets you a full resolution download of this.
Estimated Shipping
January 2017
3 claimed

7 Music Videos (download)

$25 USD
I made video collages between 2003 and 2010 that served as music videos for various bands. These showed in numerous film festivals including the Chicago Underground Festival. Bands include Mahjongg, Half Handed Cloud, The Foundry Field Recordings, Secret Abilities, and more. Quality versions have never been posted online before. two highly compressed ones here: for $25, download hi resolution of all 7
Estimated Shipping
January 2017
0 claimed

Cathode Loops download

$25 USD
Over the years, I have created a significant number of video installations that explore the obsolescence of Cathode Ray Tubes (tube TVs). For $25, you can download the whole collection of videos and documentation. Here is just one example:
Estimated Shipping
January 2017
0 claimed

Spooky DARPA patch

$30 USD
(see picture under "What You Get") Before the NSA was synonymous with Big Brother, there was a project called "Total Information Awareness". The TIA logo was incredibly unfortunate and paranoia-inducing. You can read about it here: We're immortalizing this strange moment in history by making our own "official" embroidered patches. Sew one on yourself and share the paranoia!
Estimated Shipping
February 2017
1 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Stealing Away (film) VHS

$35 USD
Celebrate Obsolescence! Get a VHS copy (that's how they were originally sold) of my first feature length film. A 90 minute experimental film shot mostly on 8mm film and edited using both analog and digital processes. Here is a blurb from a screening in 2003: "More like a moving painting than a movie . . . a film that sacrifices everything traditional for pure aesthetics. Stealing Away features astonishing visuals and an unforgettable soundtrack."
Estimated Shipping
January 2017
0 out of 300 of claimed
Ships worldwide.


$35 USD
INVISIBLE INK logo (the title text at the beginning of our promo video) on a quality t-shirt. White on black shirt, or black on a white shirt (please specify your preference). Also, make sure you tell us what size you wear (S, M, L, XL, XXL, XXL)
Estimated Shipping
February 2017
2 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Utah Documentary Download

$40 USD
GLORIOUS THINGS ARE SUNG OF ZION is a six hour documentary that took me nearly eight years to make. A long-form examination of the cultural landscape of the state of Utah. more info: Download the whole thing in high resolution for your $40 contribution.
Estimated Shipping
January 2017
3 claimed

Utah Documentary Box Set

$99 USD
Collectors edition of the following: GLORIOUS THINGS ARE SUNG OF ZION is a six hour documentary that took me nearly eight years to make. A long-form examination of the cultural landscape of the state of Utah. more info: Recorded on 3 M-Discs (they last hundreds of years) packaged with a collector's booklet (ZionZine) for your $99 contribution.
Estimated Shipping
January 2017
2 claimed
Ships worldwide.

credit in every episode

$100 USD
for $100 your name will be credited prominently at the end of EVERY episode of Invisibe Ink as a Founding Donor.
Estimated Shipping
March 2017
3 claimed

Puke Story DVD

$200 USD
If you've ever seen this: maybe wondered what the backstory was. This viral "puke video"landed me on VH1, Tosh.0, and on the Documentary feature, "Winnebago Man". In 2010, I made a documentary short about this whole experience called "Meme Story". $200 gets you a limited edition copy of "Meme Story". DVD extras include hi-res versions of original puke video, the appearances on Tosh.0 and VH1. THIS DVD IS LIMITED AND SIGNED.
Estimated Shipping
January 2017
1 out of 300 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Invisible Ink Boxed Set

$500 USD
Set of 30 4K DVDs (M-Discs.. they last hundreds of years) with extras. The entire series in higher resolution than you could ever see online. Quality packaging and collector's booklet. PS. This is sure to be an excellent thing to own, but you'll have to wait for all 30 episodes to be produced before we can send it! Don't worry, you'll get this gift, but we might have to contact you for an address update before we finally send it (in 2 or 3 years).
Estimated Shipping
January 2020
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

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