Thank you all so very much for our successful campaign! 450% of our goal with over 1,500 contributors!
We're working hard to ensure you get your iSmartAlarm home security system as soon as possible, and we're still on pace for shipping to begin at the beginning of the last week of April, 2013.
If you have a moment, check out the site we have set up at
If you haven't ordered yet, you can order from our site!
We're still working on the site, and it will go through lots of cosmetic and material changes in the coming weeks, but we would love any feedback at
PLEASE REMEMBER - This Indiegogo campaign is for US and Canada consumers only. We will be expanding internationally later in 2013, and as soon as we are able to support/ship to/sell in your country/region, we will make the announcements here and on our website. Thanks again for your support!
Hi Everyone! Thanks for taking a look at our campaign, and full steam ahead! Make sure to check out some of the press we've gotten (bottom), and please please please check out the updated FAQ at the bottom for shipping information, timelines, and other details we were asked in the show and over email. We update it constantly. If you have any questions/comments/concerns/cupcakes, please email us at
Now on to the regularly scheduled program -
There are lots of options for home security services and "smarthome" products, but what we have always noticed is that a) They usually come with long-term contracts and monthly fees, b) They are expensive to buy and to have installed, and c) The amount of actual "control" the user has is limited by whichever big corporation makes the product and runs the monitoring center.
We are a company of home-renters and home-owners. We are people with families and we are single men and women. We have pets. We have children. We have had our homes broken into, and we have had our belongings stolen. We have realized we left the windows open after crawling into bed, and we have worried we forgot to close and lock the door after leaving the house to go to work. We love technology, and we need safety. We don't want to pay for monthly monitoring center or service fees, and we have no interest in signing 3-year contracts.
This is iSmartAlarm
We have based our programming and construction on four major tenets -
Unparalleled Intelligence
CubeOne - The brains of the system
- Control the system from anywhere in the world - turn it on or off, watch through the directional camera, check family member statuses, and more
- iPhone-enabled apps and state-of-the-art cloud technology
- Real-time device management including on/off, battery status, status updates, user information, and more
- Almost unlimited expandability for a variety of smart home applications
Outstanding Performance
- Instant response time through phone call, voicemail, and push notifications
- Real time camera monitoring with iCamera - anytime, anywhere, for any reason with the swipe of a finger
- You can manage and save on energy costs by having a record and real-time examples of doors and windows opening and closing
- Control for the whole family, or for only certain members. You can set up emergency contacts, customized notifications, and more
- All devices are mobile, light, and easy to use
- You can add, remove, and move any of the devices - perfect for renters or if your concerns change
- Say goodbye to running telephone lines throughout your house or drilling holes in your wall for installation
- iPhone App is customizable to keep track of your home and your family, in the manner you prefer. Use names, nicknames, pictures, and unique identifiers for every family member and device in the house
iCamera - Complete control and visibility at all times, from anywhere, with the swipe of your finger on your iPhone
- The iSmartAlarm was made to match the style, simplicity, and unibody design of the iPhone
- Form and function - There's no reason to sacrifice security for beauty, or vice versa
- The level of control is completely up to you - Monitor constantly, or only when you want. The choice is yours
- Motion sensors, infrared cameras, door/window sensors, all at the touch of your finger with your iSmartAlarm app - How cool is that?
The quality of every piece that comes out for the line will be of the highest caliber. We will make sure, through rigorous design and testing, that when we make and market a product, it will be something we want in our homes and will trust in our homes. We want to keep the price low and the quality high. We want to expand the product to include and run on Android and Windows operating systems, tablets and with wizard wands. We want to offer different colors and customizable skins (mahogany? Favorite college football team? Hello Kitty? R2-D2?)
Imagine the possibilities that can grow from the iSmartAlarm -
- GPS pet tracker
- Pet feeder automation
- Remote door lock/unlock
- Home temperature automation
- Electricity savings by turning lights on and off or dimming them
- Remote oven control
- Sprinkler/yard automation
- Remote heater/air conditioning control for the car
- What else can you think of? Let us know!
The packages will ship in April, and customers will have their choices of the packages that best suit their needs. You'll be able to mix and match packages as well - Want more than one package? You can use multiple, and the CubeOne CPU will automatically recognize all the devices. Later on, you'll be able to buy the individual devices separately for low low LOW prices (That was my car salesman pitch).
- 1 CubeOne (CPU hub)
- 1 Door/Window sensor
- 1 Motion sensor
- 1 Remote Tag (Remote control for home use or for use by children without an iPhone)
- 1 iSmartAlarm sign for your yard or window
- Free iPhone App, automated phone alert and push notifications
Exclusive Preferred Package for the IndieGogo Early Bird
- 1 CubeOne (CPU hub)
- 2 Door/Window sensor
- 1 Motion sensor
- 2 Remote Tag (Remote control for home use or for use by children without an iPhone)
- 1 iSmartAlarm sign for your yard or window
- Free iPhone App, automated phone alert and push notifications
Deluxe Package
- 1 CubeOne (CPU hub)
- 4 Door/Window sensor
- 1 Motion sensor
- 4 Remote Tag (Remote control for home use or for use by children without an iPhone)
- 1 iSmartAlarm sign for your yard or window
- Free iPhone App, automated phone alert and push notifications
Exclusive Premium Package for the IndieGogo Early Bird
- 1 CubeOne (CPU hub)
- 2 Door/Window sensor
- 1 Motion sensor
- 2 Remote Tag (Remote control for home use or for use by children without an iPhone)
- iCamera (24/7 visibility of any room in the house, linked and stored through the Cloud)
- 1 iSmartAlarm sign for your yard or window
- Free iPhone App, automated phone alert and push notifications
We've built our prototypes and we've tested them to make sure they are up to our standards. But designing and building a prototype is one thing - Manufacturing, marketing, and getting the iSmartAlarm into lots of peoples' hands and homes is another.
We’ve figured out our raw material sources, manufacturing processes, and our supply chain and infrastructure. We need your help to take the next step. We need funds to put the iSmartAlarm into production.
We will run into challenges, sure. Everyone and everything does. But challenges bring solutions, and, many times, even more successful results. We are motivated, excited about the possibilities, and we hope you are too.
With your help, we can get past any issues we may run into with with advanced laboratory testing, meticulous and conscientious manufacturing procedures, and hiring the best people to help us grow.
Where do you ship?
Right now we only ship to US (free shipping) and Canada (add $15 to your order). We will be adding additional countries later, hopefully Q3/Q4 this year. We've got to nail down wi-fi protocols, country-specific requirements (like 220v vs. 110v in US and Canada), shipping details, etc.
What is required to use the iSmartAlarm system for my home?
Very simple - No telephone landline is required. All you need is an internet router with regular high speed internet services and your iPhone, and you're good to go.
Where will I be able to buy the iSmartAlarm when it is released?
At first, to keep costs low, we are going to focus sales on our own online channels - the iSmartAlarm website, sites like Amazon, Yahoo! Products, etc. As we grow, we will be able to branch out into brick-and-mortar box stores and Apple Stores (hopefully)
Does an iPhone come with the system?
No. But let's face it, you probably knew the answer to that question.
What happens if I move, and want to take the system with me?
No problem, every device is detachable from the wall/door/window you placed them on, and completely mobile. No hardwires, no drilling holes, no running ethernet cables all over the place. You can move tomorrow morning and have the system up and running by lunch.
How are the devices powered?
The door/window sensors and the remote control/key fobs use button batteries (like watches), and the motion detector uses AAA. The camera and the CubeOne plug into the AC outlet for now (may offer battery-backup later)
What's the battery life?
We've tested, based on approx 30 "uses" a day (door open/close, motion sensor detecting motion, that sort of thing), and the battery life for all the battery-operated devices is about 12-18 months, depending on how often they are used. The app also keeps a running tab of estimated battery life, so with the app you'll know when it's time to change the battery.
Will the sensors work through walls?
Yes, it works through walls, with devices up to 100 feet away from the CubeOne. Basically, as long as your laptop connects to your wi-fi, your iSmartAlarm devices will work there as well.
Will the iSmartAlarm package come with an instruction guide? Will the iSmartAlarm App have a tutorial? What if I get confused?
Don't worry, we'll have you covered. Though we hope we have made it simple to use, you'll have the App, instruction manual, our website, and our customer service to help you if you need it.
What's the size of the devices?
The camera is a little under 5", the motion sensor is the same height as the camera, and the contact sensors a bit over 2".
Does the iSmartAlarm App work with Android?
Soon, it will. We're expecting it to be ready and out very close to our shipping dates. We're launching on the iOS and then expanding from there. Being able to escalate Android development is one of the biggest reasons for our Indiegogo campaign!
Will there be a warranty or guarantee for the iSmartAlarm?
We know this sort of thing is very important, and we're working on it as a high priority. We can't make any promises, but we CAN guarantee you will receive a properly working iSmartAlarm package. We'll work on the warranty aspects and post with updates.
Will we be able to add on additional devices at a later time? Order a la carte?
Yup! You'll be able to order each piece individually in April, and additional devices can be added to the CubeOne at any time. For right now, you can add the $29 Package (for 2 additional Contact Sensors) and the $49 Package (for 2 additional Contact Sensors PLUS 1 more Motion Detector) to any existing package.
The camera in the (insert media source here) video from CES looks different. What's up?
The camera shown at CES was the beta shell. Check out the "Images" section for a picture of the "Jellyfish," the iCamera that will come with all Indiegogo premium package orders.
Press and Attention
TechCrunch - "Should brazen intruders disregard the (sign), the system can initiate taking successive photos of the perp and will send alerts to the smartphone owned by you or the vigilante of your choosing."
eHow Tech - Cool Tech Video - "Does an end-run around the traditional monthly fees type of home security system..."
CNet - CNet First Look Video
CrowdfundInsider Interview - "We just want to start with one particular product and do it really, really well."
CNet's Amanda Kooser - "Once you buy it, you own it. There are no contracts. That may be the most compelling argument in favor of this particular approach to home security. It definitely appeals to the do-it-yourselfer." - One of "Three projects on Indiegogo and Kickstarter you must back now"
TechCrunch - iSmartAlarm Home Security Demo Video
RealtyToday - "The product, which debuted at CES this year, offers a variety options including being able to see the movement, call 911 or just ignore it."
TUAW - "...this system might be attractive to those looking for an iOS-based security system."
EnGadget - iSmartAlarm Hands-On Demonstration Video
CNN Tech - "...inspired by the burglary of Steve Jobs' house this [last] summer."
Toronto Star - "The not being forced to pay a security company a monthly monitoring fee, as well as the ability to take the devices with you when you move, as opposed to picking up a new bill for expensive installation services."
NY Daily News Editor's Picks - "A new home security system due to be showcased at this year's CES transforms the iPhone into an image-supported burglar alarm, enabling users to make rapidfire decisions about their home security from afar."
eHow- "Want a home alarm system but don’t want to pay a monthly fee? iSmartAlarm is a complete system" - "I'm normally not too excited by home security products, however that changed when I was recently introduced to a company called iSmartAlarm."
MacWorld - "iSmartAlarm's...low price and ease of use make it a compelling option in a realm dominated by costly installed systems. "
iDownloadBlog - "The system appears to be easily installed based on my hands-on experience at CES and allows monitoring and activation or deactivate through an iOS app"
SFGate - "The open-source system as currently designed is just for security, but down the line it could be expanded to include home automation features"
CBS News MarketWatch - "Buy the kit for $250 and your house will notify you via your phone if an intruder triggers the motion detectors or door alarms."
Technology Review - "iSmart Alarm Inc. unveiled a new iPhone-operated home alarm system which will allow users to monitor, arm and disarm their alarm systems from their iPhones"
Gadgmatic - "The best part about the iSmartAlarm is it’s connectivity via the iPhone App. You can effortlessly turn off and on your system. It will notify you if there is trouble in your home, automatically sending you five pictures of the intruders."
FierceWireless- "It's all built around a smartphone app and is intended to dramatically reduce the cost and complexity of established home security systems."
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