The Project
I have been a tabletop gamer all of my life and the game
that originally got me hooked was the Games Workshop tabletop American football
styled game ‘Blood Bowl’. I played this for many years as a child and have recently
got back into the hobby as an adult, regularly attending tournaments in the UK
and Europe playing this particular system.
I have seen other manufacturers creating frog teams in the
past but have never seen one that gripped me. With the many different systems
available nowadays to play games of this style I thought it would be great to
introduce this to the world myself.
The main objectives that I wanted to achieve with the
project were for the miniatures to:
Have lots of character and a classic look
Actually look like they are wearing a fantasy
version of American football gear
Be beautifully sculpted
Stick to the 28mm scale
Be cast in high quality white metal
My favourite fantasy football miniatures of the last few
years have all been sculpted by one man, Pedro
Ramos. In my opinion his style was absolutely perfect for this project and
he was the first sculptor that I approached. Luckily, he was keen to do this
project and we quickly began to bounce ideas off one another on how the frogs
should look.
The next consideration was who should cast the miniatures
themselves. After doing some research I discovered that Griffin Moulds JJP Ltd. (casters of the incredibly well
manufactured Guild Ball miniatures) were only an hour’s drive from my home.
After visiting them and running through the project with them I was convinced
of not only their professional nature but also the incredibly high quality of
their work.
What is needed to
push the project forward and what are the risks?
This project is fairly unique in that the miniatures sculpts
for the main campaign are already complete. I have invested thousands of pounds
of my own money in order to create the team up front, greatly reducing the risk
to the backers of the campaign. The masters are completed, the casters are on
board and everything is geared up to start producing the teams once the
campaign achieves its funding goal.
However, I am not running this as my main business (I have a
career that I enjoy) and will need to redeem my initial investment before
production can begin. This is where you come in. I have set the campaign goal
at a figure that will ensure that I cover the costs of my initial investment
and the production of the miniatures that I plan to be sending out to you all
in the near future. Also, as this is not to be my main source of income I may not produce the team indefinitely after the campaign has ended so the teams you purchase may be quite a limited edition.
What will you get for
backing my campaign?
There are various different perk levels that allow backers
to contribute whatever they can afford and these will give whatever collection of items that is detailed
in the description. However, backers of any of the ‘TEAM’ deals will receive
not only what is detailed in the description but also all of the unlocked stretch
goals (excluding the newly added 'ADD-ON' stretch goals). These unlockable stretch goals will include a mix of star players, variant
positional poses, side-line miniatures, exclusive miniatures and more depending
on how much is raised! If the total raised is far above and beyond what is
expected then ‘add-on’ perks may be added to give backers more options as well.
Regardless of your contribution, all backers will receive FREE WORLDWIDE SHIPPING on their perks.
The Team Itself
The team itself is designed specifically to provide a great representation of all of the positionals commonly used in fantasy football games. Linefrog 7 is designed to look more like a quarterback / leader in order to allow it to be utilised as a thrower, allowing the team to be used in game as a broader mix of teams. At present there are just two unique blitzer poses which will be doubled up in the 'team' deals (although they will be provided with a head sprue in order to allow customisation of these figures). Once the second stretch goal is reached another two blitzer poses will be produced in order for every single miniature in the team to be a unique sculpt. This stretch goal will also unlock the head sprue to be purchased as a separate perk (*See update below)
Due to the buzz around this team it looks certain for many of the stretch goals to be unlocked, making all of the 'team' perks even better value and allowing us to produce even more fantastic miniatures! Once these miniatures are unlocked they will be available as separate perks for everybody to purchase, not just 'team' backers.
UPDATE: Now that the 2nd stretch goal has been reached, all teams will come with 4 unique blitzer sculpts (currently work in progress) and all positional player perks will have these extra blitzer sculpts to choose from
The Miniatures
The Perk Options