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Jesse Pomeroy Feature Documentary Film Campaign #1

The true story of Jesse Pomeroy, who was 14 years old when he murdered two children in 1874 Boston.

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Jesse Pomeroy Feature Documentary Film Campaign #1

Jesse Pomeroy Feature Documentary Film Campaign #1

Jesse Pomeroy Feature Documentary Film Campaign #1

Jesse Pomeroy Feature Documentary Film Campaign #1

Jesse Pomeroy Feature Documentary Film Campaign #1

The true story of Jesse Pomeroy, who was 14 years old when he murdered two children in 1874 Boston.

The true story of Jesse Pomeroy, who was 14 years old when he murdered two children in 1874 Boston.

The true story of Jesse Pomeroy, who was 14 years old when he murdered two children in 1874 Boston.

The true story of Jesse Pomeroy, who was 14 years old when he murdered two children in 1874 Boston.

John Borowski
John Borowski
John Borowski
John Borowski
7 Campaigns |
Chicago, United States
$2,520 USD 40 backers
84% of $3,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Mountain Filled 7 Projects Mountain Filled 7 Projects
Jesse Pomeroy: The Boston Boy Fiend studies the life and crimes of a boy murderer from a psychological perspective, including the forensic methods utilized in 1874 to apprehend him. Early law and punishment are also featured as Pomeroy was incarcerated in solitary confinement for 41 years. Written, produced and directed by filmmaker/author John Borowski who has created films based on histories most heinous early American serial killers.


This Pomeroy funding campaign #1 for the month of May, 2017, is for research and production filming in June, 2017. This includes research and filming at the Massachusetts Archives in Boston and also filming historical sites around Boston. Expert interviews will also be conducted in Boston and Pennsylvania. 

Research and production have begun with Harold Schechter, Author of Fiend, and Stephen J. Giannangelo, Author of Real Life Monsters, already interviewed. 

This is one of several campaigns for this project. I have structured the Pomeroy fundraising campaigns to be spread out during the production of the film meaning each phase will need smaller amounts rather than attempting to raise the entire amount to produce and complete the film all at once. This seems a more feasible way to proceed incrementally.

What We Need & What You Get

The budget for this campaign will be applied to:

  • Travel costs from Chicago to Massachusetts and Pennsylvania.
  • Production Equipment Rentals
  • Hotel Stays

The perks for this campaign minimize the physical perks being sent out while at the same time, allowing for YOUR name to be remembered for eternity in a John Borowski film by being included in the credits. This allows me as the producer/writer/director to concentrate on the production of the film. If the final goal amount is not reached, whatever funds have been contributed will be applied to the production filming.

Cast and Crew

John Borowski -  Producer, Writer, Director. Filmmaker of Serial Killer Culture TV, HH Holmes, Albert Fish, Carl Panzram, Bloodlines, and Serial Killer Culture the Film.

Harold Schechter is an American true crime writer who specializes in serial killers and wrote the book, Fiend, about Jesse Pomeroy.

Stephen J. Giannangelo is  a forensic psychologist and author of  Real-Life Monsters: A Psychological Examination of the Serial Murderer.


Beka will be portraying Ruth Pomeroy, Jesse's mother. Beka and Borowski have worked together for over a decade since first collaborating on H.H. Holmes: America's First Serial Killer.

Beka's Facebook Page.

Other Ways You Can Help

If you cannot contribute, please spread the word about this campaign by sharing on social media and telling others about this important historical documentary film. Another way you can help is by purchasing DVD's and books by filmmaker/author John Borowski at: OR viewing Borowski's films and his Serial Killer Culture TV Show via streaming on Amazon Prime.

Thank you for your interest and contribution!


​"Boy Fiend" Print and Original by Lou Rusconi

John Borowski DVD's.


"Portrait of Young Jesse" Print and Original by Stan Dark Art


"Portrait of Old Jesse" Original by Stan Dark Art

Postcard Portrait of John by Vincent Castiglia.


The following artists are collaborating with filmmaker John Borowski on this fundraiser to make this a successful fundraising campaign. Please support artists and their art!

Lou Rusconi - Check out Lou's FACEBOOK PAGE for more art and up to date notices.  Check out Lou's NEW WEBSITE being worked on!! 

Stan Dark Art - LA Artist Stanislav Krawczyk spent most of his childhood confined to the hospital. He was born with cerebral palsy and a degenerative eye condition that made childhood a painful, constant struggle. FACEBOOK PAGE - OFFICIAL SITE

Vincent Castiglia - Currently in production with filmmakerJohn Borowski on the feature documentary film Bloodines: The Art and Life of Vincent Castiglia. OFFICIAL ARTIST SITE

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Choose your Perk

Blood Portrait Postcard

$5 USD
The 4x6" postcard print is the portrait of filmmaker John Borowski, the original was painted in Borowski's blood by Artist Vincent Castiglia. The postcard will be autographed and personalized to you by filmmaker John Borowski!
Included Items
  • Blood Portrait Postcard
Estimated Shipping
July 2017
2 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Jesse Pomeroy DVD

$25 USD
DVD of Jesse Pomeroy, autographed and personalized by filmmaker John Borowski. (DVD ships after completion of film.)
Included Items
  • Blood Portrait Postcard
  • Jesse Pomeroy DVD
Estimated Shipping
July 2017
11 claimed
Ships worldwide.

John Borowski Film/TV Show DVD

$50 USD
Select 1 DVD of John Borowski's documentaries: H.H. Holmes, Albert Fish, Carl Panzram, Serial Killer Culture or The Serial Killer Culture TV Show (6 Episodes). Each DVD will be autographed and personalized to you by John Borowski. Please specify which DVD you would like in the notes section. (DVD's shipped together after film completion.)
Included Items
  • Blood Portrait Postcard
  • A John Borowski DVD
  • Jesse Pomeroy DVD
Estimated Shipping
July 2017
1 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Stan Dark Art Print

$75 USD
Stan Dark Art 5x7 "Portrait of Young Jesse" Print, autographed by Stan. (DVD's shipped together after film completion.)
Included Items
  • A John Borowski DVD
  • Jesse Pomeroy DVD
  • Stan Dark Art Print
Estimated Shipping
July 2017
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Lou Rusconi Print & Credit

$100 USD
5x7 autographed Lou Rusconi Print of his "Boy Fiend" AND contributor credit in the film's end titles. You will be forever immortalized in a John Borowski Film and viewed by a worldwide audience. (DVD's shipped together after film completion.)
Included Items
  • Blood Portrait Postcard
  • A John Borowski DVD
  • Jesse Pomeroy DVD
  • Contributor Credit in Film
  • Lou Rusconi Print
Estimated Shipping
July 2017
6 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Special Thanks Credit in Film

$200 USD
Special Thanks Credit in the film's end credits. The list of these names will be on a special static final screen rather than included in the end credits scroll. (DVD's shipped together after film completion.)
Included Items
  • Blood Portrait Postcard
  • A John Borowski DVD
  • Jesse Pomeroy DVD
  • Special Thanks Credit in Film
  • Lou Rusconi Print
  • Stan Dark Art Print
Estimated Shipping
July 2017
1 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Original Stan Dark Art Artwork

$250 USD
Own an original 8 1/2 x 11" Stan Dark Art Portrait of Jesse Pomeroy, autographed by Stan. You decide whether you would like a young Jesse Portrait or an old Jesse Portrait. Each original is unique! (DVD's shipped together after film completion.)
Included Items
  • Blood Portrait Postcard
  • A John Borowski DVD
  • Jesse Pomeroy DVD
  • Original Stan Artwork
Estimated Shipping
August 2017
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Associate Producer Credit

$400 USD
Associate Producer Credit in the film's end titles once the film is complete. You will also receive a IMDB credit to be listed on IMDB in July of 2017. (DVD's shipped together after film completion.)
Included Items
  • Blood Portrait Postcard
  • A John Borowski DVD
  • Jesse Pomeroy DVD
  • Associate Producer Credit
  • Lou Rusconi Print
  • Stan Dark Art Print
Estimated Shipping
July 2017
2 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Original Lou Rusconi Artwork

$500 USD
Own the Original, 11x 17" artwork of Boy Fiend, autographed by Lou Rusconi. (DVD's shipped together after film completion.)
Included Items
  • Blood Portrait Postcard
  • A John Borowski DVD
  • Jesse Pomeroy DVD
  • Associate Producer Credit
  • Original Lou Rusconi Artwork
Estimated Shipping
August 2017
0 out of 1 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
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