A Garden Tomb Live Album with Joshua Aaron!
We are so excited to announce the forthcoming Garden Tomb Live album! We will be recording a whole new album and music video, which will be available digitally (YouTube, iTunes etc) and on CD and DVD.
The recording/filming is scheduled for this upcoming September and there will be a live band featuring special guest, Aaron Shust and my friends right here in Israel!
I am so thrilled to be able to perform and record this album in a very special location in Jerusalem. The Garden Tomb! The place where we remember that HE HAS RISEN!
Do you want to be part of this project?
As we've learned filming the Tower of David album, there is a lot of work and a big budget that goes into a Live Album. The Tower record was one of my favorite projects to date! So I am looking forward to this one, which has been on my heart for over two years now. What better time to film a LIVE album in Israel, than now. We're celebrating victory over an intense year here in Israel. Covid is behind us and thanks-be-to-GOD the barrage of 4,300+ rockets has come to an end, We're coming back to life again in Yeshua's Name!
I would be thrilled if you would help join me in this special project
We are looking to raise $80,000 USD. This will cover:
- Live recording/team (12 songs or more)
- Filming and staging for the Live Performance
- Hiring of a band and crew
- Cost of having some special guests, including their accommodations
- Professional mixing and mastering of the Album
- Full video production filming and editing
- Printing and production of the CDs and DVDs
If you are able, your help in this project would mean so much to me!
Why the Garden Tomb?
The Garden Tomb is a beautiful oasis in the heart of Jerusalem. Once you enter the location, all the sounds of the busy streets disappear and it is a beautiful place where people can gather to worship, share communion and most of all reflect on how our Savior conquered death! And even though it is unknown if this is the actual tomb that Yeshua rose from, it is such a great place to take a moment to remember His sacrifice and the gift of salvation that He has given us! Thus I cannot wait to worship with you from this location, whether you are able to come physically or whether you can watch it from your screen or listen to this moment of worship together!