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Just a Minor Malfunction... sci-fi short stories

Just A Minor Malfunction... #1: independent sci-fi short stories (accepting submissions!)

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Just a Minor Malfunction... sci-fi short stories

Just a Minor Malfunction... sci-fi short stories

Just a Minor Malfunction... sci-fi short stories

Just a Minor Malfunction... sci-fi short stories

Just a Minor Malfunction... sci-fi short stories

Just A Minor Malfunction... #1: independent sci-fi short stories (accepting submissions!)

Just A Minor Malfunction... #1: independent sci-fi short stories (accepting submissions!)

Just A Minor Malfunction... #1: independent sci-fi short stories (accepting submissions!)

Just A Minor Malfunction... #1: independent sci-fi short stories (accepting submissions!)

Michael Alter
Michael Alter
Michael Alter
Michael Alter
5 Campaigns |
Columbus, United States
$204 USD 27 backers
35% of $567 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Mountain Filled 5 Projects Mountain Filled 5 Projects

What's Going On Here...

I have always loved science fiction, especially short stories.  (If you're reading this I bet you're a fan, too.)  After a number of years using my writing skills in the exciting world of business--hey, it pays the bills--I've decided to try my hand at sci-fi.  My friends' reactions to my stories?

  • Gripping!
  • Wow!
  • Gripping *and* wow!
  • I thought you were just good at numbers...

I've written over half a dozen stories over the last year or so, they're all ready to publish.  But I also realized that nothing sparks the imagination like reading other people's work, too.  So, I came with the idea of publishing a sci-fi magazine.  Like Asimov's or Analog, you know?  But all digital.  And less expensive!

What You Get

So what's in it for you?  As an ESTEEMED READER you'll get:

  • Awesome sci-fi stories...
  • Dirt cheap!
  • Did I mention cheap?
  • And awesome!
  • No "bleh".  I promise.  Individually reviewed and edited stories from a number of independent authors. 

All of that for just a dollar!

And what's in it for you if you are a CONTRIBUTING AUTHOR

  • A real review.  No form letters.  Constructive, detailed critiques, whether you're selected or not.
  • The chance to be published if your story is selected.
  • ...which would mean YOUR NAME on the cover (oh yeah!) 
  • If you're published in issue #1 (or are strongly in the running), I'll contact you in advance for future issues to see if you have something you'd like to submit.  Still has to go through the review process, of course.
  • Twitter!  Shout outs and free publicity.  If you're published, I'll let everyone know you wrote a little slice of excellence!

Yeah, I'm asking for a little more for the review, but it's still less than that trenti mondochino latte at the coffee shop.

I'm expecting to publish at least 35,000 words per edition, probably more like 40,000-50,000, with an average story size of maybe 3,000-4,000 words?  I'm hoping for like 8 to 10 stories from other authors, and I'll probably put in two of my own.  (I have 8 ready-to-publish stories ready, averaging about 4,500 words each.) 

(Question for Mr. Alter:  Do you use as many exclamation points in your stories as you do in your pitch?  Answer:  No!!!)

Where Am I Going With This Thing?

Long-term goal:  a paid 'zine, starting with the second edition.  Instead of paying per word directly, I'd share a portion of the receipts from paid sales, with bonuses going to the best-rated stories.  The more sales, the more paid out, with a formula to be determined.  Costs are very low (just the cost of processing payments), ya gotta love digital publishing!

Maybe I'll Indiegogo it for every edition?  Request stories from my existing authors (only if the quality is good enough, and paid by the formula), and ask for submissions from new authors on Indiegogo (unpaid per Indiegogo's rules).  A mix of pros and amateurs each time.  Still thinking about the structure, I'm open to suggestions.

How often do I want to do this?  I'm thinking two editions a year.

Some Notes If You're Submitting A Story

More bulleted lists, but it has to be done:

  • PG-13 or tamer. 
  • No fantasy or spells & sorcery.  May accept a "tales of the weird" kind of thing.  Light horror in the sci-fi vein is quite welcome.
  • Please proofread and spellcheck!  If I see "baited breath" one more time...
  • Submissions will be text-only in an email, the published version can have things like *italics* and underlining and bold.  No pics for now.

Risks & Challenges

Financial risks: none!  The day job pays pretty well.  I'm just looking for some spending money, here.  Take my wife out for a nice dinner, that kind of thing.  I know I'm asking for free work in the first edition, but in the future, I'm willing to give a fair cut to all non-Indiegogo-campaign authors.

Other Ways You Can Help

Let your friends know!  Social media, and all that!  Use the Indiegogo Share Tools (whatever those may be, I'm a noob).

And did I mention how great you all are?  I love you guys, thanks for reading my whole pitch!
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Choose your Perk


Early Bird: Readers

$1 USD
For READERS: in the door early, get the whole thing for half price! Seriously, only $1 for a slew of science fiction short stories. Compare that to your $8 for Anolag or Asomiv's at Borders & Noble. (Yeah, I did that on purpose.)
Estimated Shipping
May 2016
4 out of 50 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Early Bird: Authors

$2 USD
For AUTHORS: Half price! Get the full edition of JAMM, and a story review (up to 4,000 words), for only two dollars.
Estimated Shipping
May 2016
3 out of 25 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Early Bird: Auuuthorrrrrrrrs

$3 USD
For AUTHORS: Get the full edition of JAMM, and a review of a loooooooong story (up to 12,000 words), for only three dollars.
Estimated Shipping
May 2016
2 out of 15 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

The long and winding road...

$5 USD
Okay, so you have a super-amazing story, and I *have* to read it, but it's over 4,000 words, what do you do? Go with the more expensive perk, baby! (Time is money, ya know.) For $5, I'll review anything up to 10,000 words. And don't forget, you also get the full edition of JAMM.. #1!
Estimated Shipping
May 2016
6 out of 50 of claimed

You love me, you really do!

$10 USD
You are awesome and brilliant and charming and beautiful and handsome and witty and nice and all-around wonderful! And you have ten dollars you're willing to send to help me launch this thing! (And you get JAMM... #1 and a story review, too, of course.)
Estimated Shipping
May 2016
2 out of 50 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

What the whaaaaaaat??

$25 USD
Twenty-five bucks? Your suggestions go right to the top of the list, big spender! No promises, but you have my full attention...
Estimated Shipping
May 2016
3 out of 8 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

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