The Journey
Kamonegi, founded by Chef Mutsuko Soma. started as a series of pop-ups along the west coast, but having a restaurant has always been a goal for Soma, who worked as a chef in many Seattle restaurants before returning to Japan to study soba making. There, she learned that Washington state was among the highest producers of buckwheat in the U.S. and made the decision to bring and promote the art of soba making to the United States, specifically Seattle.
The name Kamonegi refers to a harmonious culinary pairing of duck and leek, or more specifically, a duck bringing you a leek which symbolizes the good luck of one good thing that brings another.
Kamonegi the restaurant will continue to focus on handmade soba along with craft tempura, two classic dishes born out of Japan's Edo period. Your support of our campaign will help bring two currently underrepresented facets of Japanese cuisine to the Pacific Northwest and support a small neighborhood restaurant with wholesome food and a family friendly atmosphere.
How you can help:
The newspapers are on the window and there's magic happenin', but we're a few small details away from opening our doors:
- We're currently operating with a small crew, made up of a tight-knit group of employees we like to call our "soba crew". Your contribution will allow us to hire one or two extra servers and a cook to support our team upon opening.
- Small details: We want your Kamonegi experience to transport you to a small neighborhood restaurant in Japan. Our windows will utilize shoji screens, made locally by a Japanese artist and we'll incorporate art, plate ware, and other accents to enhance your experience.
Every Little Bit Helps
Beauty is in the details and we aim to use any amount we receive big or small to add thoughtfulness to our service and increase efficiency in our kitchen. Often running smaller restaurants require us to start small while dreaming big. Your contribution will help us get a little closer towards our goal of providing Seattle with a unique, can't-miss experience.
Risks & Challenges
Running a restaurant is risky, rent will go up, and the challenges are formidable, but we believe that Seattle will benefit from the unique experience we're determined to provide! We have, through our pop-ups and private dinners, laid the groundwork for soba and tenpura to make its mark on the local food scene and we will open the restaurant with a core group of staff that have remained passionate about our vision for the last five years.
Other Ways You Can Help
Kamonegi would not have gotten this far without your support. If you love soba, but cannot offer a donation, please support us by:
- Sharing our campaign and project with your friends and loved ones through social media and other channels
- Keep up with our progress and save the date. Bring your friends, families, and loved ones to dinner and enjoy the fruits of our labor!
- Request us for a private dinner party or soba-making demonstration to share with family and friends!
Thank you so much for your help and support!
Chef-owner Mutsuko Soma, co-owner Hiroko Asakura, and the Kamonegi Team
日本から応援してくださる皆様へ この度、アメリカ西海岸のシアトルにそばと天ぷらレストラン「かもねぎ」をオープンするにあたり、クラウドファンデイングをさせていただいています。ご協力いただけたら嬉しいです。もちろんシェアだけも大歓迎です、一人でも多くの方に知っていただきたいです。 日本からのクラウドファンディングご支援について、通常はご支援いただいた金額に合わせてお礼の品(リワード)がつくのですが、シアトル市内のみでの適用となってしまうため、日本の皆様にはこころばかりではありますが、感謝の気持ちとともにポストカードを送らせていただきます。 もしシアトルに来られる機会がある方や、シアトルにお知り合いがいる方は別途ご連絡ください。リワードはご本人以外でもご利用可能です。 ご協力ありがとうございます。よろしくお願いいたします!
Kamonegi代表 相馬睦子 浅倉官子