Who Are We?
NYRH, New York Recovery Home has been providing high quality residential drug and alcohol recovery services focused on individual needs of each client for 4 years.
We are a small organization of individuals that came together to provide a quality of service that is largely lacking in insurance fed "mill" programs. The focus of our program is the needs of each individual and one of the main keys to our success is the daily one-on-one sessions.
Our program goes above and beyond the other typical facilities that use a "sit in a circle and talk about your problems" type of program where residents are shuffled around like grade school children all day, but time with clinical staff is very limited. Often times in those other facilities clients are limited to a maximum of 1, one-half hour session of one-on-one time per week... NYRH residents get one-on-one time every day because this one-on-one time is where we see clients make the most breakthroughs.
Another huge plus of NYRH is while the other facilities have housing/accommodations that is comparable to campus dormitory or a juvenile detention facility, our facility feels more like a therapeutic bed and breakfast. It is set in a pastoral "forever farm" landscape just outside the village of Saugerties in New York State. Saugerties is a medium size Hudson Valley village located at the foot of the Catskill Mountains on the Hudson River. Our facility is more of a retreat where the emphasis is supportive and healing, not punitive.
All of the individuals that have created and are leading this program are service oriented. We realize the gravity of the fact that we are providing services that can be the difference between life and death for our clientele. We take that responsibility seriously. We know that without the availability of these services, others, (like those who have already found help at NYRH), may not find the help that they need.
That said, we are also all employed full-time elsewhere and our work with keeping NYRH open is essentially moonlighting but without the paycheck because we have never taken a salary. In fact, we have all made significant personal financial contributions, but are approaching the end of our personal finances.
Basically we are good people, who take pride in doing really good work to help people get safely back on their feet for themselves and for their loved ones.
Why Are We Asking For Funding?
If we are having such great success, then why are we asking for emergency funding?
Well, now that we finally have built a great program and are getting great results clinically, we caught an unexpected "curve ball" from a state agency that is requiring NYRH to apply for and acquire licensure through their agency in order to continue providing services. This process typically takes 6 to 7 months. The people involved in the licensure process are positive and have shown they will work with us to make the process as efficient as possible. We expect that licensure will require some undesirable modifications to our program, but that once licensure is achieved we will have an even higher capacity to help people.
But to get there, the bottom line is "The Bottom Line"... Facing 6 to 7 months without revenue, we cannot afford to keep the program alive.
What We Need & What You Get
We have set the budget at $9,500 for emergency funding. Essentially, we are asking for 75% of carrying expenses for two months, November & December.
This is a do it or lose it, survival mode appeal and funds received from this request will be used immediately to "keep the lights on" so NYRH can continue to provide a lifeline service to people who might not otherwise get the help they need.
What You Get
No matter what level of funding you provide, you will receive the satisfaction of knowing that you did something to help good people, (that are working at our own out of pocket expense), to help other people to restore their dignity and to get their life back on track. And it may sound corny or like a sales pitch, but truthfully the deeper your sacrifice, the more rewarding it is. I can't even explain to you how rewarding it is to see someone come in looking discolored and barely able to keep their head up, from embarrassment or from sheer physical exhaustion, and watch them gradually regain color, composure, confidence, dignity, control. It is truly magnificent to give that to someone.
But we can't let you have all the fun rewarding yourself so we will thank you also. We will draft a thank you letter and send it off to each person no matter what the level of contribution is.
We have come up with a creative list of in-kind type perks as recommended by Indiegogo to provide incentive/reward to encourage larger contributions... If there are some other terms or an idea for a different perk that you have please let us know, we'll add it in or work it out somehow if we can.
The Impact
The impact is pretty cut and dry... Without a helping hand to get past this hurdle, NYRH will be forced to shut down and will not be able to provide the much needed services.
Other Ways You Can Help
Addiction touches all of our lives. Of course your contribution will help to get NYRH over this hurdle. But no matter what your contribution, you can do something else that will help also. You can: Copy Paste, Forward, Share, Tweet, Retweet, Like, etc... PLEASE... help us to get the word out. Indiegogo has the share tools to make it easy...
We NEED this emergency funding for a really good reason. We are already "All-In" with our personal finances and don't want to throw in the towel, but we can't get past this hurdle on our own. So PLEASE, do whatever you can to help here.