My name is Ed Larkin and I started designing and producing video gaming hardware in 1980.
A little Background info:
In 1994, I created the Mouse Bungee and sold it to gamers all over the world.
In 2003/2004 Mark Rein from Epic Games bought and gave away thousands of Unreal Tournament logoed Mouse Bungees and in 2010, Razer bought the Mouse Bungee and Trademark from me. It is still being sold to this day 29 years after I sold the first one. I also worked for Razer as an Engineering Consultant for their Innovation Design Team. The included Gaming History Video shows some of the hardware I have developed so this is not my first outing by a long shot
This Campaign:
PC Gamers all over the world have been playing FPS/Shooter games with a Mouse and Keyboard for the last 40 years. It is time for a device that was designed to play not type FPS video games. This campaign is to introduce the most advanced PC controller ever made and it is designed specifically for hard core FPS gamers although any game can be played with it.
Every PC gamer knows that the Mouse is the only device that can provide precise control for Aiming/Shooting so in order to become a truly skilled or professional gamer requires using a mouse.
Gaming keyboards (all keyboards) were designed for typing letters, not playing modern, fast action FPS video games. Every keystroke waste 300-500 hundred milliseconds of Finger Travel Time. When moving your fingers to other keys that can waste up to 500-1000 milliseconds of travel Time. A full second! The difference between winning and losing in FPS games can be just a few milliseconds!
Typing to play has a very steep learning curve. Typing to play is not user friendly or fun.
It’s distracting from focusing on the action during intense FPS gameplay and a totally unrealistic way to control your Avatar. It is simply not the best/right tool for the job and never has been. Typing on a keyboard to Run/Jump/Steer/Crouch/Fly etc is not in any way Realistic, Intuitive, Enjoyable or Fun.
This could be a historic moment for PC gaming as no one will need to learn how to type to play on the PC with a mouse ever again!
With the real time ALT controller and your support we can all help make FPS gaming on the PC faster, easier and more fun than it has been in decades!
Honestly it is absurd that someone who types faster or more accurately than you should beat you in a video game! Seriously, WTF!
So we are ready now and just to start things off I am hoping for at least 50k in pre-orders.
We already have completed this project as you can see from all the videos and have built 100% functional controllers for testing and evaluation and are finally ready for pre-orders so we can start shipping in the next 2-3 months after the campaign ends.
- If we don’t reach our goal of 50K we will fill as many orders as we get. If we go over 50K which I hope we hit at least 1 million, then we will again fill as many orders as we get although it may take a little longer to ramp things up to ship thousands of controllers.
Please get involved and tell everyone you know about this campaign and lets make it become one of Indiegogo's most successful campaigns in their history! After all who wouldn’t want to be part of changing gaming history!
Please use the Indiegogo share tools!
There are a few new devices that have become available since I started this project in 2015 so I know gamers are interested in alternatives to typing to play. At this time anyway none of them are as advanced as the ALT Avatar Motion Controller.
Because the Controller is 100% completed at this time so there is very little risk involved with ordering this device.
PLEASE help me get the word out about this game changing controller.
I have worked on this project now for over 6 years with some incredibly talented people and our hope is to make PC gaming the best and most realistic and fun way to play video games for everyone!