A History of the Jewish People
This idea started as a personal project, and after just a few short nights of going to sleep way too late, had blossomed into 180 cards of highly offensive Cards against Humanity-style of cards. (This game is not in any way affiliated with that brand)
The Hashgacha of the number 18 couldn't be overlooked, and I initially uploaded it to my own humble site, and shared them to Reddit. There, people asked to buy them and I was like, why, taka, fucking not?
So here we are. Collecting a few good men (women, you don't exist) to join together and get these cards printed in a way that's worth my while. If we can raise $500 or more I'll take the time to print these cards and get us all playing this shit. You know you want to.
So, What Does This Thing Look Like
Like I'd show you before you paid? But here are a few choice examples.
Sfardi Cards:
- The meaning of life is simple. It's ____ .
- Mrs. Epstein, I'm afraid we caught your son ____ .
- Raboysay, it's time we stopped ____ .
Ashkenazi Cards:
- The gimatriyah of your name, minus one
- Taking the bone out of the fish and not, chas v'shalom, the other way around
- Drowning in a lake because you went swimming during sfira like a total dumbass
- The fiery fury of God's omnipotent love
- Like, literally eating pig
Why I'm Doing This
I'm not about to get rich off this, I just hope I don't lose money. Catering to the niche OTD/Frum-yet-cool niche is not a very lucrative model. But I care about you, because you are my bros.
And it was cathartic for me to create these cards, and then masturbationally refresh my own site endlessly to see the random combinations it generated, and I hope it might be cathartic/healing/entertaining for you too.
Something about taking these concepts that are touted ad-nausem and used to abuse and manipulate our emotional world, and seeing just how interchangeable they are, and how they are applied in every fucking (yes, I like this word a lot. I only recently learned how to use it. Am I doing it wrong?) opportunity, helped put things in perspective.
The Halachic Details
The game is played as follows, in the style of Apples to Apples or Cards against Humanity.
- Each player receives 7 (the holiest of numbers) Ashkenazi (white) cards
- The Sfardi (black) cards are put face down in the middle
- The person who said asher yatzar last becomes the Card Nazi and turns over a Sfardi card
- Everyone picks an Ashkenazi card from their hand that they feel best matches the Sfardi card in question
- Is there a right answer? No! Elu v'elu divrei elokim chayim! The Card Nazi must Pasken which card they like the most, based off their own svara and understanding of the sugya
- Whoever submitted the card they pick is the winner of that round, and gets to keep that Sfardi card.
- Play continues with the player to the right (a very holy direction) beocming the next Card Nazi and turning over another Sfardi card
- The game ends when everyone is completely sick of playing or it's time for kriyas shma of shachris, whichever comes first, and the person with the most Sfardi cards wins (this is just one example of how this game is different than real life)
What's in The Box?
First off, who said there will be a box?
There's gonna hopefully be 180 cards. If you pledge over $5, you'll get a digital version of them right away. Over $18 (plus shipping), and I'll print a set and send them to you.
I can't guarantee that they will be exactly like Cards against Humanity, but they'll definitely be usable, tangible products that you can hold in your hands (which is better than a lot of the other ideas you've been sold on in the past).
One interesting option is to actually combine these cards with a regular CaH deck and see what happens when you combine Mashiach and Auschwitz (my favorite card, and obviously yours as well).
So yeah, manage your expectations, but don't curb your enthusiasm. This is gonna be great. If you weren't already, this game will send you to hell faster than you can say "pass the cholent".
Haskamos and Brachos
This project has haskamos from the greatest minds of the generation, who came together from arguing about absolutely everything to agree that "this was the best fucking game they had ever seen, and whoever backs it will be zoche to a ton of yeshuos and his family definitely WILL NOT get ANY corona."
Names of specific rabbis will be photoshopped upon request.
View the permanent home of these cards on the Kiruv Vs. Humanity main site, and generate your own random pairs and download the complete set. Generate your own cards here.