Our designs have been tested and proven. We have been working on perfecting the KOALA to keep your phone safe on any adventure.
Hi. This is Haj the founder of HANGTIME, as an avid and lifelong skier, climber, hiker, and traveler, I’ve managed to spend a lot of time playing and adventuring in the wild places of the world. I’ve been lucky that way! In fact, the KOALA was invented on a ski lift. The idea of dropping my phone was scary in several ways.
First of all, a smartphone may be the single most expensive piece of gear I take into the mountains. Secondly, they are often a lifeline to safety. And finally, they are packed full of exotic and often toxic materials that can do damage to fragile wilderness ecosystems. These concerns combined with my 35+ years of outdoor experience became the inspiration for the KOALA design as well as the foundational values for HANGTIME. Over my life, a passion for playing in wild places has grown into a passion for keeping those same places beautiful and healthy.
So, when it came time to put pen to paper and share what HANGTIME is all about, here’s what I wrote:
- BUILD LIFETIME GEAR ~ Durable products that people love don’t end up in landfills. We back-up that commitment with our 100% Lifetime Guarantee.
- REDUCE E-WASTE IN THE WILD ~ Humans generate about 50 million tons of e-waste per year. The KOALA reduces the number of smartphones lost in the wilderness, where the environmental impact is greatest.
- PLAY OUTSIDE ~ When people play outside they feel better and they come to love those places and do what they can to care for and protect them.
In short: HANGTIME makes non-SH*TTY gear, designed to last a lifetime of playing in wild places we all love while leaving them free of waste so that our kids (and their kids, and theirs, etc) can explore the same wild places we do today!
Thanks again for taking a moment to check us out and read my story. See ya in the wilds!
We are able to ship to select countries. VAT and GST not included. Please see the reward for details on the shipping cost that applies to you.
We plan to ship starting in Nov. 2019. We will keep you up to date on our progress and the expected delivery date of your order. *Actual ship dates may vary. We will keep you notified of your product ship date.
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