Konyango Community Based Organization (KCBO) was founded in 2012 to help the village of Konyango Mboto, Kenya successfully adjust to the social, political and economic challenges of modernization. The community identified education as key to overcoming these challenges, and constructed its first school, Mboto Sunrise primary school.
The education a child receives from ages 0-8 is critical and influences the child for life. However in Konyango, Kenya, approximately 90% of early childhood teachers are not trained and are therefore unable to help the children develop to full learning capacity. In 2013, we initiated a six-week early childhood teacher capacity strengthening training program: the Weekend Teacher Training program (WTT). WTT takes place for six Saturdays in July and August, followed by eight months of the Early Childhood Development and Education (ECDE) innovation challenge through a K-Club Initiative. The K-Club Initiative encourage teachers to apply the skills they acquired in WTT to the classroom over the upcoming school year.
In the past two years, we have conducted trainings on professional records and child development. In 2014, due to overwhelming demand, the program expanded to included 15 schools in Osiri sub-location. In 2015, the training theme is "Teaching Without a Book and a Pen" and will focus on the role of play as a teaching strategy especially in teaching the core activity areas:
Outdoor activities
Here's where YOU come in:
We've scaled up significantly since our first WTT back in 2013, and we need your help to provide books, teaching materials... for our teachers.
100% of your generous contributions to our campaign will go directly to:
Development and production of 40 course packets
Course facilitation fees
Acquisition of other course materials and equipment such as course texts, portable projector and projection screen
500 warm meals for 40 teachers over 6 weekends
Course impact monitoring and evaluation over 8 months....
"Encouraging children to play and explore helps them learn and develop socially, emotionally, physically and intellectually."-www.unicef.org/earlychildhood
Help us raise $5,800 by Summer 2015 to enable 40 teachers to participate in the 2015 Weekend Teacher Training Program! Visit us at http://konyangocbo.org
Email: konyangocbo@gmail.com for further inquiry.
Asante Sana! (Swahili for thank you)