Help us Launch Riddled with Arrows Lit
Our Mission:
Many literary magazines say they don't want "writing about writing". As writers, we can’t wrap our heads around that. What wordsmith doesn’t have a poem about the agony and bliss of poetry; a story about an author writing a story; a notebook full of I-don’t-know-what-to-call-this bemoaning a missing muse, an empty page, a heart that wants to write but just can’t find the words?
Writing about writing is a time-honored art. Even Sappho indulged in it:
“May I write words more naked than flesh, stronger than bone, more resilient than sinew, sensitive than nerve…”
Riddled with Arrows Literary Journal was created as a safe haven for poetry about poetry and prose about prose. More than this, we seek to compile a body of literature that flies in the face of this arbitrary prohibition against Writing writing.
Beginning in 2017, Riddled with Arrows will publish (short) metafiction and metapoems, and writing that celebrates the process and product of writing as art. No restrictions on genre or form, so long as the work is about writing, straight up.
Our Goal:
Riddled with Arrows will be a paying market, because we believe that writers should be compensated ("exposure" don't buy groceries). However, we don't have a lot of funds to start with, so we are reaching out to the literary community to help us achieve our goals.
We're shooting for $500 - a nice nest egg to draw from for our first four issues - but there's NO MINIMUM level that we need to reach. ANY DONATION, no matter how small, will go to pay our future contributors.
Our Team:
Shannon Connor Winward (Founding Editor) is the author of the Elgin-award winning chapbook, Undoing Winter (Finishing Line Press, 2014). Her writing has appeared in Analog, The Pedestal Magazine, Persistent Visions, Psuedopod, Cast of Wonders, Strange Horizons, Star*Line, Literary Mama, Gargoyle and PANK. Shannon is also a Rhysling award nominee, a semi-finalist in the Writers of the Future Contest, and a two-time runner-up for an emerging artist fellowship in literature by the Delaware Division of the Arts. In between writing, parenthood, and other madness, Shannon is also an officer for the Science Fiction Poetry Association and a poetry editor for Devilfish Review. Visit her on the web at
Ro Molina (Design Editor) is a freelance writer and designer specializing in ebook covers and whatever else sounds interesting at the time. She ran a website for people coping with lupus and has written articles for several websites.
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