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Leegle: First Digital Shield Against Brainwashing

The first app that detects the level of manipulative content within any text.

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Leegle: First Digital Shield Against Brainwashing

Leegle: First Digital Shield Against Brainwashing

Leegle: First Digital Shield Against Brainwashing

Leegle: First Digital Shield Against Brainwashing

Leegle: First Digital Shield Against Brainwashing

The first app that detects the level of manipulative content within any text.

The first app that detects the level of manipulative content within any text.

The first app that detects the level of manipulative content within any text.

The first app that detects the level of manipulative content within any text.

1 Campaign |
Miami, United States
$101 USD 6 backers
0% of $33,300 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal


About this project

Leegle is the world’s first app that can detect brainwashing, manipulation and thought control in any text - either written or spoken. It uses the benefits of our three special technologies called BULL¹TaSA² and EMO³.

To put it simple: Leegle embraces the knowledge base of linguistics, psychology, semiotics, anthropology, memetics, math and history to filter out word patterns that can subliminally affect a human.

Most of the information that comes out of our environment and media is designed to influence our behavior. You can observe that at work, school and home: literally all people communicate by certain codes of mutual manipulation, including parents and children. That is happening because we are taught to do so by a sequential heritage vectoring from our ancestors to descendants.

But whatever is accepted between people who know each other will unlikely work well for you and a stranger. Especially on the street, during negotiations and, of course, on TV and Internet.

Indiegogo, as many other info hubs like Airbnb, TEDx or IFL Science, is a place where quite particular people congregate. Advanced open minded learners and idea pushers, like you and me, know very well that human society is massively driven by greed, fear and lust, making the money a universal unit of human interactions. No evil or good has ever been publicly released without the goal of earning cash, so any news, ads, talk and TV shows, as well as political debates and charity are designed specially to generate income. Guess who is the source of that business :) Yes, it’s you and me, the ones who watch, read and listen to the messages, which include special word combinations that influence the way we think. We might suddenly want to believe, purchase or support. Leegle is being created to detect such scams and raise a red flag for you.

“A hypnosis-type mental pressure has been noted by the Supreme Court of the United States to be so unduly influential that it deprives someone of their fundamental rights.”

In order not to get caught into these sticky nets one must either simply not participate by turning everything off, or learn through dozens of books on linguistics, psychology, history, neurophysiology, genetics and math. That looks kinda hard, and indeed is, you can trust people who’ve done it during the last 12 years. That’s why we’ve delegated this task of learning to our software so you don’t have to.

Use it on your smartphone, computer, tablet and wearables like smart watch or glasses to monitor the incoming information flow and guard you from subliminal influence.

We are well aware that most of the people do not consider this to be a significant threat, because it’s their daily routine like breathing air that no one notices. This is exactly why we pledge our idea here at Indiegogo, the community of thinkers and opinion leaders. Think of any significant breakthrough like radio or morphine. The first one was considered to be economically unbeneficial, because there was no wire to control payments. The second one had been believed to be a panacea and a nice toy. Both mistakes seem vivid now but doesn’t the history repeat?

It’s a big piece of text you’ve gone through so far and we deeply appreciate that! Since you are really interested, please do read our stories about how we came to this point and why we are doing this project. See what we believe and share, and maybe you will find that appealing enough to join our striving for evolution, freedom and progress.

Leegle in action

Leegle app is designed to detect special neural linguistic structures in texts. These structures can bypass a person’s conscious filters and program people to think and act in a desired way. Leegle analyzes spoken speech and written text, defining the degree and direction of the influence on subconscious process that serve manipulative suggestion. Depending on the software version the result is: 

  • A 5 level scale indicator (safe, fair, suspicious, harmful and dangerous);

  • Highlighted passages and explanation of the manipulation techniques used;

  • An indication of the real purpose and meaning of the text between the lines (ex: make you feel guilty and pay; make you feel scared and vote; make you feel hopeful and invest, etc.)

Leegle can analyse texts from any other apps installed on your device. Simply select any passage and transfer it to the app by share button or via clipboard. Leegle will send the data to the processing server and show the results in its app as graphic charts and explanations. In the mode of permanent environment scanning the app analyzes all the incoming speech and alerts users when the chosen presets get activated.

The following types of psychological manipulation techniques can be detected by Leegle: Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), hypnosis, covert influence, subliminal advertising, trance induction, brainwashing, reeducation, indoctrination, coercive persuasion, conversational hypnosis, zombification, thought control, thought reform, neuromarketing, verbal magic, “bewitching”, psycho-religion, mental viruses, cyber bullying, transformational linguistics.

How to use




  1. Select a text for analysis and transfer your selection to our app by clicking Share button or via clipboard

  2. See your results in an automatically opened Leegle app:


  • An overall mark of brainwashing level;
  • Highlighting suspicious elements (heat map); 
  • Explanations and tips (the depth of details depends on your subscription plan).


Back Leegle App!


By backing Leegle you support the technology of fighting the unique evil, which has been spread so widely and for so long time that people don’t even notice it, like the air we breathe. This evil is meanly using our natural biologically conditioned reactions for reaching its illegal goals. Our future will look much brighter if people stop using hidden subliminal influence against each other. A detector that defines such manipulations can guarantee a kind and honorable intentions between people in a dialogue.


What do I pay for?

The backing fund resources will be allocated to:
  • Fully develop the software for all popular OS platforms;
  • Rent cloud storage and pay for the speech recognition/translation APIs to Google;
  • Add more popular languages to make Leegle available in many countries;
  • Set up the user support service.

Giving out our basic app for absolutely free we will have to cover the aforementioned expenses by offering prepaid packages with larger unit sets and deeper analytical features.

The simplest package will allow analyzing text passages of up to 1 000 words (about 2,5 pages of A4 format). The advanced users will have access to much more serious program features.

Project timeline

Features in BASIC and ADVANCED versions


  • Brainwashing threat detection in written texts;

  • Short explanation of the threat's essence.


  • Highlighting suspicious passages;

  • Explanations and tips;

  • Widgets for smart devices;

  • Speech recognition and environment scanning;

  • Priority access to new versions and functions;

  • Instant user support.





Dear crowdfunders! Considering the virtual specifics of our project we are glad to offer you physical rewards, made in style of classic Ukrainian ornamented clothes called "Vyshyvanka" (embroidery) inspired by Leegle. 

Just like the subject of our research - human verbal communications - each type of vyshyvanka carries a code. An experienced craftsman knows how to read that code, expressed in colours, type of embroidery and patterns.

To Ukrainians vyshyvanka is not only a cultural heritage, but also a symbol of independence, democracy and freedom. Especially nowadays. Your contribution into popularisation of Ukrainian culture will surely be rewarded by our open and hospitable people. We highly value and appreciate our friends and partners who respect our right for independence and freedom.  



Depending on the supported kit, the following items are available:



  • A stylish ethnic tracery sticker (STARTER, OPTIMAL, PRO, ALL INCLUSIVE)

  •  A vyshyvanka ornament fridge magnet 3″ (OPTIMAL, PRO, ALL INCLUSIVE)

  •  A handmade vyshyvanka smartphone protecting case 6.25″x3.1″x0.3″  (PRO, ALL INCLUSIVE)

  • A traditional Ukrainian embroidered vyshyvanka shirt handcrafted specially for the Leegle backers! (ALL INCLUSIVE KIT ONLY)

* backer of ALL INCLUSIVE KIT will select the size, colour and model of vyshyvanka.

Research materials list

  • Badouk-Epstein, O., Schwartz, J., Schwartz, R. Ritual Abuse and Mind Control: The Manipulation of Attachment Needs. 2011

  • Bandler, R., Grinder, J. Frogs Into Princes. 1979

  • Barker, E. The Making of a Moonie. 1984

  • Birch , A. 30 Covert Emotional Manipulation Tactics: How Manipulators Take Control In Personal Relationships. 2014

  • Blackmore, S. The Meme Machine. 2000

  • Braiker, H. Who's Pulling Your Strings?: How to Break the Cycle of Manipulation and Regain Control of Your Life. 2004

  • Charvet, S. Words that Change Minds. 1997

  • Chomsky, N. Language and Mind. 1972

  • Chomsky, N. Syntactic Structures. 1978

  • Cialdini, R. Influence: Science and Practice. 2003

  • Cialdini, R. Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion. 1993

  • Dawkins, R. River Out of Eden. 1995

  • Dawkins, R. The Blind Watchmaker. 1986

  • Dawkins, R. The Selfish Gene. 1976

  • Dawson, J. MIND CONTROL: Manipulation, Deception and Persuasion Exposed: Human Psychology (Mind Control, Brainwashing, Subconscious Mind, Psychopath, NLP, Hypnosis, Manifestation). 2014

  • Dilts, R. Sleight of Mouth. 1999

  • Dvorkin, A. Totalitarian sects. How to protect yourself and your loved ones. 2001

  • Erickson, M., Rossi, E. Hypnotherapy: An Exploratory Casebook. 1979

  • Erickson, M., Rossi, E. The February Man: Evolving Consciousness And Identity In Hypnotherapy. 1989

  • Galanter, M. Cults: faith, healing, and coercion. 1999

  • Grinder, J., Bandler, R. Trance-Formations: Neuro-Linguistic Programming and the Structure of Hypnosis. 1981

  • Haley, J. Uncommon Therapy: The Psychiatric Techniques of Milton H. Erickson. M.D. 1993

  • Hall, E. The Silent Language. 1973

  • Hassan, S. Combatting Cult Mind Control: The #1 Best-selling Guide to Protection, Rescue, and Recovery from Destructive Cults. 1990

  • Hayakawa, S., Hayakawa, A., MacNeil, R. Language in Thought and Action. 1939

  • Hogan, K. Covert Hypnosis: An Operator's Manual. 2006

  • Hunter, E. Brain-washing in Red China: the calculated destruction of men’s minds. 1951

  • Huxley, A. Brave New World. 1932

  • Hyde, M. Brainwashing & Other Forms Of Mind Control. 1977

  • Jacobson, S. Mind Control in the U. S. 1985

  • Jessop, C. Triumph: Life After the Cult - A Survivor's Lessons. 2011

  • Jones, D. Mind Control 101 - How To Influence The Thoughts And Actions Of Others Without Them Knowing Or Caring. 2007

  • Jones, D. Mind Control Hypnosis: What All the Other Hypnotists Don't Want You to Know about Hypnosis. 2009

  • Jones, M., Flaxman, L. Mind Wars: A History of Mind Control, Surveillance, and Social Engineering by the Government, Media, and Secret Societies. 2015

  • Keith, J. Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness. 2003

  • Lee, B. Out of the Cocoon: A Young Woman's Courageous Flight from the Grip of a Religious Cult. 2010

  • Lifton, R. Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism: A Study of 'brainwashing' in China. 1961

  • Lindstrom, M. Brandwashed. 2011

  • Lindstrom, M. Buyology: Truth and Lies About Why We Buy and the New Science of Desire. 2010

  • Love, S. Mind Control: Getting Deeper into Human Psychology and Intuition to Recognize the Manifestation of Manipulation, Deception, Mind Control Humiliation, Hypnosis, and Brain Washing. 2014

  • Lung, H., Prowant, C. Mind Manipulation: Ancient and Modern Ninja Techniques. 2002

  • Marks, J. The Search for the "Manchurian Candidate": The CIA and Mind Control: The Secret History of the Behavioral Sciences. 1991

  • Maslow, A. A Theory of Human Motivation. 1943

  • McCoy, D. The Manipulative Man: Identify His Behavior, Counter the Abuse, Regain Control. 2006

  • Meerloo, J. The Rape of the Mind: The Psychology of Thought Control, Menticide, and Brainwashing. 2009

  • Mlodinow, L. Subliminal: How Your Unconscious Mind Rules Your Behavior. 2013

  • Nash, M., Barnier, A. The Oxford Handbook of Hypnosis: Theory, Research, and Practice. 2012

  • Nielsen, S. Manipulation: How to Recognize and Outwit Emotional Manipulation and Mind Control in Your Relationships. 2015

  • O'Connor, J., Seymour, J. Introducing Neuro-Linguistic Programming: Psychological Skills for Understanding and Influencing People. 1990

  • Opton, M., Scheflin, A. The Mind Manipulators: A Non-fiction Account. 1978

  • Orwell, G. 1984. 1949

  • Packard, V. The Hidden Persuaders. 2007

  • Poole, S. Unspeak: How Words Become Weapons, How Weapons Become a Message, and How That Message Becomes Reality. 2007

  • Pratkanis, A., Aronson, E. Age of Propaganda: The Everyday Use and Abuse of Persuasion. 2001

  • Price, J., Stevens, A. Prophets, Cults and Madness. 2001

  • Rosen, S. My Voice Will Go with You: The Teaching Tales of Milton H. Erickson. 1991

  • Sanders, N. Your Thoughts Are Not Your Own: Mind control, mass manipulation and perception management. 2014

  • Sargant, W. Battle for the Mind: A Physiology of Conversion and Brainwashing - How Evangelists, Psychiatrists, Politicians, and Medicine Men Can Change Your Beliefs and Behavior. 1957

  • Schein, H. Coercive Persuasion. 1980

  • Singer, M., Lalich, J. Cults in Our Midst: The Hidden Menace in Our Everyday Lives. 1996

  • Smale, J. The Secret Language of Hypnotherapy. 2006

  • Stern, R. The Gaslight Effect: How to Spot and Survive the Hidden Manipulation Others Use to Control Your Life. 2008

  • Streatfeild, D. Brainwash: The Secret History of Mind Control. 2008

  • Sutphen, D. The Battle For Your Mind: Persuasion & Brainwashing Techniques Being Used On The Public Today. 1984

  • Tamm, J. Cartwheels in a Sari: A Memoir of Growing Up Cult. 2009

  • Taylor, K. Brainwashing: The Science of Thought Control. 2006

  • Vitale, J. Hypnotic Writing: How to Seduce and Persuade Customers with Only Your Words. 2006

  • Winn, D. The Manipulated Mind: Brainwashing, Conditioning, and Indoctrination. 2000



News from the video presentation

Our technologies:  


  1. BULL - Block Unwanted Lingual Loads algorithm - is set on the basic speech elements, like syllables and phonemes;
  2. TaSA - Transaction and Scenario Analysis - is a psychological practice that examines behavior and interactions (or 'transactions') between people;
  3. EMO - Emotional Mind Operations - is a complex database of emotional clusters linked to words and their combinations that actually manage our thinking and decision making.


* All materials used in the presentation are either purchased from the stocks, CC licensed or approved by the rights owners.

** Some of the advanced presented functions will be available by the time of corresponding technologies launched on the mass market.



Risks an Challenges

  1. Despite Leegle's growing ability to process all key languages of the world, its adaptation to each of them will directly depend on existence of the corresponding Google translate/speech recognition API;
  2. The officials in power might simply shut us down or even not let us out in the very beginning. Due to the expected growth of Leegle’s popularity amongst wide audience of users including professionals, the information might travel all the way up to the media stakeholders.They are definitely interested in keeping and growing their target audience as well as the ratings. And we might become a stone in their shoe;
  3. Our technology is a bit ahead of time for wearables in terms of sound processing in public and private. The ethics of reality recording is still debated though we believe it is inevitable in a year or two. At the same time the technology of sound recognition is also growing and becoming more and more precise. Nevertheless you can use Leegle on pre-recorded materials without violating someone’s legal rights.
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Choose your Perk


$5 USD
includes a free copy of the App with BASIC functions + A privilege of personal invitation to beta testing + 1,000 likes and thanks for every penny of your support + A feeling of deep satisfaction for being a part of open society and freedom.
Estimated Shipping
October 2016
1 claimed
Ships worldwide.


$10 USD
includes a free copy of the App with BASIC functions + 1,000 words to analyse (2,5xA4 sheets).
Estimated Shipping
October 2016
1 claimed


$20 USD
includes a free copy of the App with BASIC functions + 10,000 words to analyse (25xA4 sheets) + A stylish ethnic tracery sticker.
Estimated Shipping
October 2016
1 claimed
Ships worldwide.


$30 USD
includes a free copy of the App with BASIC functions + 100,000 words to analyse (250xA4 sheets) + A stylish ethnic tracery sticker + A vyshyvanka ornament fridge magnet.
Estimated Shipping
October 2016
1 claimed
Ships worldwide.


$40 USD
includes a free copy of the App with ADVANCED functions + 1,000,000 words to analyse (2500xA4 sheets) + A stylish ethnic tracery sticker + A vyshyvanka ornament fridge magnet + A handmade vyshyvanka smartphone protecting case.
Estimated Shipping
January 2017
1 claimed
Ships worldwide.


$60 USD
includes a free copy of the App with ADVANCED functions + A lifetime unlimited amount of words to analyse + A stylish ethnic tracery sticker + A vyshyvanka ornament fridge magnet + A handmade vyshyvanka smartphone protecting case + A traditional Ukrainian embroidered vyshyvanka shirt handcrafted specially for the Leegle backers!
Estimated Shipping
January 2017
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

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