On Friday the 8th of May the Conservatives were elected as a majority party in the UK. The UK press is broadly right-wing and sympathetic to David Cameron. Now, more than ever, we need a strong alternative media in Scotland that gives a platform to voices on the left and challenges the spin we'll be hit with every day.
That Latest Update on the Campaign is Below
The First Step
Back in 2011 I started a video production company with a few of my friends, which I've been running with them for the last four years. I've learnt in that time how to create interesting content, but I was always a behind-the-camera kind of person. Then the Scottish Independence Referendum came around, and everything changed.
Our Carnival of Democracy
Scotland is still in the middle of a democratic upheaval, where long standing traditions and expectations are disappearing. I started creating video 10 months ago as the referendum approached, covering news and stories that I felt weren't being explored in the mainstream press. Those videos were watched over 135,000 times.
And that’s only the beginning.
Scotland wanted a vibrant alternative media. Six months on from the referendum, and it’s still growing.
So now I'm leaving my company to start something new.
What Is Left:Scotland?
Left:Scotland will be an online channel covering left-wing and radical politics in Scotland. It will include at least one regular weekly show that is a continuation of my previous work, plus it’ll also become a resource for activists, creating content in collaboration with other groups across the country.
I'll be creating educational videos exploring political ideas, as well as providing useful information.
Ever wanted to know how to organise a demo in George Square? Or how to get a community campaign off the ground? Me too, and I intend to answer those questions in short series of videos for everyone. But I need your help to make that happen.
Where Does the Money Go?
Every penny raised helps me to build an online channel, for the public, funded by the public. That means:
Regularly scheduled programming
A resources for activists
A spotlight on campaigns and community victories
Funding will allow me to create content full time for a solid six months. It also goes into necessary equipment and advertising to help spread the word.
Social media has become one of the most disruptive tools we’ve got to spread news and views that no-one else is covering. We are all connected, and we are changing the way we create and consume information. And I want you to be a part of it.
Why yes, there are! Ranging from badges up to being a named sponsor, there are plenty of perks. Every penny helps, but no matter how much you donate you'll be invited to a launch night once funding has closed, where I'll be collecting for a local food bank.
What If You Raise More Than What You Are Asking For?
That would be amazing. And if that happened, it would mean more content, with more people involved.