Short Summary
Theodore J. "Ted" Otteson was a husband, father, son, brother, uncle, grandfather, great-grandfather. He was a teacher, mentor, friend, counselor, seeker of wisdom, adventure and connection with others on this path called life. Ted spent many years helping others turn their own lives into stories.
Now it is our turn to help him fulfill a dream and ambition to write a book. We can think of no better way to do that than to continue what he's been teaching all these years. Turning life into stories...his life, our lives, connected, collected, assembled into a book...his legacy.
What We Need & What You Get
- We are seeking funds for costs associated with compiling, writing and publishing this book.
- As well as financial contributions, we invite you to submit written contributions to be considered for publication. Send your life stories to
- Anyone who contributes at least $100 will receive a copy of this book once it is published.
- If we exceed our goal, this book will be donated to individuals, universities and local libraries.
Other Ways You Can Help
Even if you aren't able to financially contribute, there are other ways you can help:
- Ted certainly turned his life into a story and helped many others do the same, we would love your story to add to his book.
- Share this page on your social media.