Let's Start a Cult
"Let's Start a Cult" is a dark comedy following The Cell Commune and its influence on the community as it grows. From its humble inception, stemming from adolescent ambition running amok in a dingy basement, all the way to the final moments, one should expect to be immersed in a world of provocation, debauchery, and of course...the Absurd!
A word from the Director
With this film, I hope to develop my filmmaking skills all while making as many people laugh as possible. I also would hope this film inspires it's viewers, not to start a cult, but to pick up any camera they can get their hands on, get their friends together, make a movie, and have a great time doing it!
For a young filmmaker, I believe there is nothing more important than to actively and actually make movies and that's exactly what I'm trying to do. For the first half of 2017 I have been planning, writing, and filming for "Let's Start a Cult". I have great friends helping me with this project, some with tremendous amounts of experience and some with none, all creating together in the same space learning new things about the filmmaking process and working to make the best movie possible. The feeling of being on set and working with all of these amazing people is unmatched by anything I've experienced before, no matter how stressful or grueling a set may be at times, I find myself always coming back to it wanting to learn more and become better than I was before.
Your support of this film means the world to me,
Much appreciated,
Wm. Spencer Tait
What We Need & What You Get
Of our funds raised, we plan to use:
- 30% for Props/Wardrobe
- 25% for Camera equipment
- 25% for Lights
- 10% for Location and transportation
- 10% for Post Production
Other ways to help
Aside from contributing to our Indiegogo campaign, the best and most direct way to help the cause is to spread the word. Share all over Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, and Twitter- Those sites all will also include exclusive LSaC content!
This can not happen without your help, we all appreciate your efforts and thank you for your time!