Have you ever felt like taking a break from your own life?
Would you choose to swap it with someone and explore other perespectives?
If it was completely non-invasive for your life if you do not want it to?
If you and your material possessions were properly protected for that time with innovative solutions?
Would you want to gain new knowledge while allowing someone to gain theirs as well?
How do you think anyone on earth has ever had that thought?
if you answered this question in the affirmative for yourself, then tell me why we don't have this option yet
The era of digitization and artificial intelligence has begun, so why not use it to modernize the world we live in ?
When the Internet itself and the arpanet network were created, no one initially assumed that it would be widely available and would change the world into what we see it today
Did you expect that artificial intelligence will be able to record a song by your favorite artist and you will not be able to tell the difference from the real version?
Throughout the existence of our species we have been trying to cross impossible barriers, why not cross them faster why if today I decide that from tomorrow I want to live in France, why is it impossible for the masses?
That's why we want to give life to LifeSwitch
Now acquiring knowledge that can be achieved more affordably with our app is simply an expense that not everyone can afford.
Often our situation locks us into a certain view of the world and many people simply stop developing at some point - they want to change that.
I want to make it easier for us to empirize new experiences and gain knowledge.
So what is LifeSwitch
This is a smartphone application that allows you to exchange your "Life" with another person under certain conditions and for a certain period of time.
Benefits and Examples
By Push Doctor
8 health benefits of exploring new places
We can all agree that visiting new places is great fun. You get to learn about different cultures, try things you've never tried before, discover new cuisines, maybe even take in a few museums or art galleries. You'll return home richer for the experience.
And it doesn't stop there.
Whether it's a quick weekend getaway or a round-the-world trip, you'll be pleased to hear that your adventures will also do wonders for your health too!
How? Let's take a look below.
1. It's great for your mental health
One of the main reasons for getting away from it all is to de-stress. You can relax by the pool or take in some fresh countryside air. Whatever it is, studies suggest it only takes a day or two of switching off for you to leave your troubles behind.
Too much stress isn't good for your mental health and taking a break once in awhile can protect you from further mental health issues, such as depression.
Visiting new places is also a great way to keep your brain active. When you're young, you're learning all the time. Mainly because you have to go to school. However, as you get older, your brain doesn't always get as much exercise as it used to.
Your next adventure could provide the mental stimulation your brain needs to keep it ticking over.
2. You'll get more exercise
Whether you're hiking in the hills or exploring a new city on foot (the best way to do it), you can bet that your step count will go through the roof.
The amount of walking you'll do while you're away will really help your cardiovascular health, especially if your normal day involves sitting behind a desk.
Now all you have to do is keep it up once you get home!
3. It'll encourage healthy eating
Bored of eating the same meals over and over again?
Familiarising yourself with new foods could broaden your horizons and encourage you to cook fresh, healthy meals at home, rather than settling for a takeaway or ready meal.
Want to know where you can find the healthiest food? Check out our healthy holiday guide and see which country comes out on top!
4. You won't be bored
While many people use boredom as an opportunity to indulge their creative side, others turn to bad habits in an effort get rid of it.
You know the sort of thing we mean. You can all probably think of an occasion when you've eaten an unhealthy snack not because you were hungry, but because you couldn't think of anything better to do.
It's much easier to fill your days with interesting stuff if you're visiting somewhere new and exciting.
5. You can boost your immune system
Depending on the places you visit, travel can expose you to a range of new environments, complete with diseases you might not get back home. The good news is that you'll be vaccinated against the most dangerous ones and when it comes to the rest, your clever old immune system is ready to step in.
It's a fast learner, so you'll likely return home better able to fight off conditions that'd leave your less well-travelled friends and work colleagues confined to their beds. You'll basically be a superhero, is what we're saying.
6. You'll improve your self esteem
Celebrating your successes is one of the best ways to boost your self esteem. If you have a low opinion of yourself, this can have an affect on your mental health and prevent you reaching your full potential.
Learning a new skill is an ideal way to make yourself feel great, and wherever you are in the world, there will always be a new activity to try. Why not give it a go?
7. Learning a new language is great for your brain
Going abroad? Try to learn a bit of the local lingo before you arrive.
Not only will your hosts appreciate it, there's also evidence to suggest that being multilingual improves your memory, attention span, decision making and ability to multitask. It could even give you a bigger brain. Sacra bleu!
8. Travel can help you live longer
As health benefits go, it doesn't get much bigger than this one.
We've looked at how exploring and learning can lead to less stress, better heart health, better physical fitness and a healthier diet. What do all these things add up to? That's right, a longer, better life!
Looking after your mental health has the same effect. Research suggests that continuing to learn new things into old age can increase life expectancy. In other words, you should keep going on adventures whenever you can!
How does LifeSwitch would work? (In Progress)
Open the app
Fill out your profile
Browse other people's profiles
Interact on the terms you set up together with the help of the app with another person.
Take up an exchange
Enjoy your vacation!
What about Privacy and Safety? (In Progress)
A bail-in (inter-user) system
AI anti-theft security system
User rating and review system
Option to add a criminal record as proof of security
Legal contract system
So why do we need your help raising money?
While it used to be that in order to make real changes in one's life and broaden one's horizons one had to have the necessary funds and time, ultimately the application is also to allow for the exchange of employees between companies just as Erasmus does with universities.
The potential is practically unlimited, and the facilitation it will bring to ordinary people will bring a sharp increase in the general welfare of society.
Everyone is part of that prosperity. The more people spread more widely, the more opportunities for development we gain as a people.
A final message
Hi, i am Hubert Meyer
What sets me apart is the unwavering commitment to enrich lives and bring a touch of convenience to every corner of existence. A believer in the power of simplicity, I've dedicated to crafting ingenious tools that not only streamline the complexities of life but also uplift the human experience.
But it's not just about creating revolutionary gadgets; it's about crafting a legacy. With dreams as expansive as the cosmos, I aim to foster a world where technology isn't just a convenience, but a true companion that empowers, enlightens, and connects us all. By merging their deep-rooted love for innovation with an unyielding desire to make a difference, I aspire to usher in an era of harmonious coexistence between humans and technology.
Now, i am ready to take the next giant leap on this remarkable journey, and they're inviting you to be a part of this transformative evolution.
So, buckle up and prepare to be a part of something truly extraordinary. Join me on Kickstarter, and let's embark on a journey that promises to reshape our world, simplify our lives, and enrich the very essence of our existence. Together, we can turn aspirations into reality and create a legacy that generations will look back upon with awe and gratitude.