Short Summary
Hi! My name is Lizzie Karr. Thanks for visiting this page and WELCOME to your part in this incredible project.
I am a:
Musician (Guitar/Voice/Keys).
My project is:
12 songs.
30+ artists.
One Album.
What We Need & What You Get
My personal investment in this project so far is about 2.5 years and $5,000+. The songs are written, the arrangements are complete, and the musicians have already tracked almost all of their parts in the studio. I'm proud to have paid many local musicians out of pocket for their incredible skill and hard work.
Here's what I need to take this project home:
$5,000 - Final Tracking and Mixing (This covers approximately 10-12 days in the studio that we need to finish the vocals and lead guitar parts, and to make beautiful sounding mixes)
$750 - Mastering (Final touches to make these tunes radio ready)
$1,000 - Album Artwork by Yuko Rabbit
$2,000 - Vinyl Duplication
$675 - CD Duplication
$500 - Tees
As you can see, this only leaves $75. So of course, the REAL goal is about $15,000! Any funds in excess of $10,000 will be used to create great Music Videos and to Promote the Album.
Artwork Examples By Album Cover Illustrator Yuko Rabbit
Perks for your participation and support of "Like it's Bad" include:
- "Like it's Bad" Digital Download
- "Like it's Bad" CD
- "Like it's Bad" Vinyl Edition
- Basil and Flower Seeds from
- LKB (Lizzie Karr Band) ladies' undies
- Screen printed "Like it's Bad" tee / artwork by Yuko Rabbit
- Limited Edition Print of "Like it's Bad" cover art / artwork by Yuko Rabbit
- Brunch at my house - eggs, french toast, fresh pressed juice, + coffee from my French press
- A day in the studio + Executive Producer Credit
The Impact
This album is the total package. It has provocative songwriting, thoughtful lyrics, moody songs, groovy songs, and rock anthems. It features the best musicians in the Bay Area. And it's fun.
Say "screw you" to homogenized pop radio and put your dollar into the real deal. That's what I'm talking about!
I'll be working every day to make it happen, and yes I'm already writing album 3 :)
Risks & Challenges
The music business - you know the run down.
Here's what I can tell you - the album is already well under way. We will have a rockin finished product no matter what. The major challenge is to market the album to today's scattered listeners. I am already in cahoots with The Business in Anacortes, WA for vinyl distribution, and am rigorously researching options for promotion. Of course, a little grease goes a long way - every dollar over the $10,000 goal will help towards promotion and the music videos that people love to share.
Other Ways You Can Help
If you have the funds to donate, do it! Make your dollar vote for independent, radical music. And if you don't have the funds, there's still so much you can do.
- Be the savvy music listener that you are and inform your friends and family about the project
- Use the Indiegogo share tools!
- Think of two people that you know who would specifically take an interest in the project, and send it their way.
And that's all there is to it.