My name is Lindsy Ray (first and last but most people prefer it be my whole first name) and I own Lindsy Ray Talent LLC, which is currently a talent production service company based out of the Tri-State area… and my home office.
For the past 2.5 years I have been coordinating actors, models, dancers, musicians, events, and sets of all kinds for local projects. I've even worked with large companies from Canada and California to find local actors paid opportunities! It's an amazing role I play in the community and the energy I feel from each talent who I network with motivates me more and more.
Right now I am in the process of building a mastermind website that will connect all talents of my company, with integration that has never been seen before in this industry!
Currently, I am seeking $10,000. Why did I choose that number? I realize that I am connected to over 8,000+ people through all of my social media sites combined which means simply 8,000 of you supporting my efforts with $1.25 would help me reach my goal!
My website will allow me to continue to influence the entertainment industry while also allowing me to travel to speak to local schools and companies. It will give me the freedom to reach more people than I can now working from home.
Actors specifically, also have the most amazing jobs which is why I feel connected to guiding them. They can escape and play anything they want. They can move mountains of emotion and produce legacies of art to exist for hundreds and thousands of years to come. My role here is help them continue to do this. And with your help I can. If you can see my larger picture, not only will opportunity I can provide to talent change the industry, but it will change the production crews and artists involved behind the scenes as well.
I ask you to please share my fundraiser and support my efforts to provide opportunity to talent across the country and potentially the globe. I want to launch my new site by the Fall of 2014. For helping me, I will be sure to announce my appreciation of each of you personally and individually. No donation is too small, or too large. I am honored to be a part of this industry and look forward to the many years I have to come of giving back to it!