Our Story
Nate Beckman and I (Gus Astacio) began this venture into reaching at first the cult of our own origins both of us former Jehovah's Witnesses. It was a blog and then a radio program and since then it has expanded to reach many escapees from other cults. we interview scholars, host debates on issues that strike at our former views, and share the stories of those coming out of the cults whether it is Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons, or other totalitarian religions. We now have programs on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays. Melissa Brahmer a former Jehovah's Witness freely gives of her time every 2nd and 4th Tuesday giving practical advice and interviewing former cultists. See our site archives for other program listings!
What We Need & What You Get
Our current operating cost annually is not a lot at 400 dollars annually but we would like room to do a special promo month which would cost us for that month alone another 400 dollars. We have always been listener supported and hope that this year we can get a little more so we can reach ALOT more people!
The Impact
This began as a hobby ministry for Nate and myself. Nate is no longer operating this as founder but he and I know all too well the impact it has had on peoples lives. I have received emails and Facebook messages from people all over the world sharing how informative and personally therapeutic our programs have become. We have had active cultists call in and it amazes me that you never know who is listening and how it helps. I work diligently at topics and guests with no budget but what the listeners have provided and what i can muster from just persistence and hard work.
Risks & Challenges
As a former 3rd generation Jehovah's Witness i understand what so many exiting go through and as one who has been in Christian ministry as an assistant and now senior pastor i know the fears and biases of the skepticism of those escaping towards Christianity.
Other Ways You Can Help
We always need guests to share their escape stories. We are pleased to hear Christian testimonies but do not withhold the value of those holding other spiritual views who simply want to share their stories of escape from abuse. Also if you are a Christian who is actively attending church but came from a cult we welcome them to host a program on other days if they feel the need to be involved in this form of activism. Yes we need hosts for programs!