This campaign is closed
Hi, my name is Sam Garvin and I have spent a considerable amount of time helping & motivating people throughout my adult life. I am the founder of the Detroit Intl Jazz Magazine and I've worked in the information technology field for over 14 years.
This campaign is very important to me because I now have an opportunity to reach more people across the country and across the world that can be helped by my videos. They touch on subjects that range from taking personal responsibility to conflict resolution skills and can benefit anyone from young teen to older adults.
The magnitude of what you will help me to achieve by donating to this cause is far reaching. If I can change the life of just one person and cause he/she to become more productive in life, then I could call this a success.
In simple terms, production equipment. Lights, softboxes, stands, clips, backdrops and other related items such as lapel mics, reflectors etc... We already have post-production software and a camera, but we still are lacking in other areas needed for lighting. We've set our goal at $500 but we could always use more.
If you become a sponsor, your name will be mentioned as a sponsor in our videos! We will also plug your business or organization!
Even if we only reach half of our goal, it will increase our production value by leaps and bounds.
Increasing the quality of video production is extremely important. It will allow videos to be done at anytime of the day and not just during times where daylight conditions are good. People will take the videos more seriously because we can stay consistent in the quality of production. We want to reach as many people as possible with as high quality in video and sound as we can muster.
We have already produced five videos that can be seen right now that are impacting people in a positive way!
Right now our greatest challenge is getting the equipment needed to do croma-key (green-screen) work. Up till now we've been using a very small patch of light blue wall that is barely workable and is unusable when the light from the window changes...
Spread the word!!! Let people know about our cause! Share on Facebook & Twitter with your friends and family!!!!!