For the past three years, has provided -- free-of-charge -- a high quality live video broadcast from the International Lindy Hop Championships. We are asking for your support so we can do it again at ILHC 2015 this August!
Founded in 1997, has been supporting the lindy hop community through our discussion forums, live events and dances like the Frim Fram Jam, a streaming swing radio station, and audio & video podcasts like The Track, Hey Mr. Jesse and SwingNation.
Since 2012, we have been live broadcasting the International Lindy Hop Championships, producing a high quality internet showcase for amazing talent from around the world. Thousands of viewers have joined the hundreds of dancers assembled in Washington DC to cheer for their favorite competitors, swoon over beautiful performances, and dance along in their living rooms and local ballrooms.
We want to do it again this August, but we need your help.
What Yehoodi Provides
An experienced production staff
Professional video streaming equipment
Slick digital assets
Expert commentators and special guests
A public video archive of the event afterwards
All of this does come at a cost, unfortunately. Digital assets have to be created; production notes and research has to be prepared; the crew has to be transported, housed, and fed; internet hosting and streaming fees need to be paid; and video archives have to be prepared afterwards. We keep our costs as low as possible, but in the end, a production of this scale does not come cheaply.
A Killer Production Team
As we demonstrated at ILHC 2012-2014, during the Frankie Centennial, and for our weekly show "SwingNation," we can put out a high quality video production on a shoestring. Our crack video production crew includes:
- Producer Manu "Spuds" Smith
- Producer Frank "Frankyboy" Dellario
- Managing Editor Rik "Rikomatic" Panganiban
- Videographer Jim "The Tricaster Master" Thorpe
Yehoodi has been producing online video for as long as it's been available. Our first online talk show was launched in 1998, and we’ve been producing some version of it ever since. We've learned so much since those humble beginnings 17 years ago, putting together the crew and the technology to make this happen.
It's important to mention that the organizers of ILHC 2015 have again graciously invited us to be their video production partners, for which we are extremely grateful.
Funding Goals
Base Goal: $3,500. Yehoodi is able to fund the travel for the production team, their accommodations, and pay for our basic production costs.
Stretch Goal #1: $5,000. Yehoodi is able to fund a much needed upgrade to our live streaming equipment and shoot more behind-the-scenes footage, interviews with dance legends, chats with international competitors, and more!
Live from ILHC!
We love lindy hop so much, and want people around the world to be able to see it performed at the highest possible quality. We've seen that the general viewing public tunes in by the millions for live dance competitions -- whether it is "Dancing with the Stars" or "So You Think You Can Dance." We believe that lindy hop showcases like ILHC can have that same broad appeal... if done right.
If you have watched any of our live broadcasts in the past, and believe that what we do is a valuable service to the lindy hop community, we hope you will consider supporting us to return to ILHC this year.