Who We Are
We believe that ESL education should be student-oriented and not for profit.
Logos Language Center is an adult education organization dedicated to providing language learners with affordable, holistic language instruction through an innovative cultural lens. Our collaborative approach enables learners to define and express themselves with total communicative competency. Our multi-prism curriculum addresses the following:
- academic preparedness
- professional growth
- social engagement
- cultural enrichment
Right now we're fundraising to get our mission started! We are a group of passionate, experienced teachers who have been working tirelessly to create a challenging, dynamic curriculum that focuses on the needs of our students. Our first endeavor will be a low-cost summer camp that helps prepare international students for the American college experience. We will focus on immersive, cultural experiences that help students develop language competency and self-confidence before entering an American college classroom.
What We Need & What You Get
What are we fundraising for?
A space! We're looking for a space to hold our camp. We're hoping to raise enough funds to book spaces that match the themes of our camp weeks. For example, for our film week, we're hoping to rent out a cinema and for our nature and conservation week, we're looking to get a covered space in one of Portland's beautiful parks.
Outings! We believe that cultural experiences are a great way for students to learn and use language. Over our 4-week camp, we will take our students on trips to Portland cultural sights, nature hikes, and cultural/artistic excursions. Your donation will help defer costs of these outings.
Materials! No classroom is complete without classroom materials. These funds will help pay for the costs of books, videos, papers, and other classroom materials.
Overhead! No one likes to think of charitable organizations needing overhead, but the truth is, they do. We'd love all of our money to go to our program, but as a new school, we have a few startup costs that need to be taken care of. First and foremost, we're in the process of applying for non-profit status and will be using some of these funds to pay for that application.
Future Funding! Anything that we make over our goal will go towards funding future Logos Language projects.
What do you get for helping us?
- Other than the knowledge of helping high school seniors from around the world facilitate their dreams of studying abroad and helping us towards our future mission....
- Take a look on the side to see what you get for your donation!
The Impact
With more and more international students coming to American universities every year, the need for collegiate preparation courses is undeniable. All of us here on staff have worked in pre-university ESL programs and found that cultural adjustment can be incredibly difficult for new students. We want to help remove some of the anxiety that comes with studying abroad. We will teach students critical skills including:
- the culture of the American college classroom
- American culture norms
- socialization skills
- study habits
- English language training
Long term, we're looking to make a larger community impact. The two branches we've seen in the ESL community are academic ESL programs and community ESL programs. In our experience, academic programs are generally for-profit and focus on meeting the needs of university-bound international students. Community programs generally target lower level students. We want to fill the void in the market. We hope to provide challenging ESL classes to local students at all levels. We hope to schedule our classes to meet the needs of working professionals in the Portland metro area. Our curriculum will be focused on meeting their needs.
Risks & Challenges
We are experienced teachers who are embarking on a brand new endeavor. There will undoubtedly be bumps and challenges along the way, but our communal approach will help us through them.
- We approach all situations from a collaborative approach. Not only our board, but our students and volunteer staff will have a voice in the decisions made for the school. We greatly appreciate any and all feedback and will use each challenge as an opportunity for growth.
Other Ways You Can Help
Money is not the only way to help!
Get the word out! Direct people to our fundraising page and help us meet our goal.
Like us! Go and like our Facebook page:
Get connected! Do you know of a local business owner who would like to build a partnership with a local non-profit? Direct them to info@logoslanguage.org