ENG - Filmmaking comes at quite a cost and this project is no different. Even with blood, sweat, tears, and the passion that we will all put into this project, it will be far from being done. We have a lot of work ahead of us to make this project become a reality and make it look worthy of your pledge. Contributions will be collected through this campaign and will be used to cover all production expenses, from pre-production all the way through the final stages of post.
We have an extremely talented crew and cast that want to be part of a gripping story. In doing so, they are offering their professional expertise and experience at a fraction of the price to help this project come to life and bring it to the big screens. The cast is working purely for the passion as they see this project as something very exciting.
FR - Faire un film a un coût et ce projet n'est pas différent. Même avec le sang, la sueur, les larmes et la passion que nous allons tous mettrent dans ce projet, il sera loin d'être fait. Nous avons beaucoup de travail à accomplir pour faire ce projet une réalité et faire en sorte qu'il soit digne de votre engagement. Des contributions seront rassemblées au cours de cette campagne et seront utilisées pour couvrir toutes les dépenses de production, de la préproduction jusqu'aux étapes finales de la post-production.
Nous avons une équipe extrêmement douée et un casting qui veulent tous faire partie de cette aventure saisissante. Pour ce faire, ils offrent leur expertise professionnelle et leur expérience à une fraction du prix réel afin d'aider ce projet à prendre vie et de le voir sur grands écrans. Les acteurs s'engangent purement par passion parce qu'ils voient ce projet comme quelque chose de très excitant.
· 5 Days of filming · Marketing & Public Relations
· Cinematographer · Colorist/Color Grading
· Editor · Transportation
· Lighting · Film score
· Sound Engineer · Sound Mixing
· Crew Hand · Colorist/Color Grading
· Equipment & expertise · Digital Cinema Package (DCP)
· 4K cameras & lenses · Festival Submissions
We want you to join our journey.
Investing money in this film is like betting on a horse: that makes the race more interesting. If the movie finishes last, you will have lived at least a moment of magic and emotion with us. But if we create greatness, and it wins awards at festivals and events, it will become globally recognized and you will be able to say, " We have started this journey together and we have finished it together.
It’s also a political act.
Signing Social Network petitions in order to save the culture is a good deed that will probably not serve much but your voice is still heard. With this film, your rally has the chance to make a difference by supporting an art-house film, a concrete, independent project, which needs your help.
Even without full resources, it is still a professional Film.
Volunteers indeed but not amateurs. “Professionals of the industry” do occupy the artistic and technical positions of this movie. Artists and technicians whom we met on other Film productions and with who, for the greater part, we have already worked with. They are young, fresh and very talented. To top it off, they have accepted (sometimes, even proposed) to come on board to participate in this project they strongly believe in.
Nous voulons que vous rejoigniez notre aventure.
Investir de l'argent dans ce film c'est comme parier sur un cheval : cela rend la course plus intéressante. Si le film finit dernier, vous aurez au moins vécu un moment de magie et d'émotion avec nous. Mais si nous créons quelque chose de grand et qu'il gagne des récompenses dans des festivals, il deviendra mondialement reconnu et vous pourrez dire, "Nous avons commencé cette aventure ensemble et nous l'avons fini ensemble".
C'est aussi un acte politique.
La signature de pétitions sur les réseaux Sociaux pour sauver la culture est une bonne chose qui probablement ne servira pas beaucoup mais votre voix sera toujours entendu. Avec ce film, votre engagement a la chance de faire une différence, en soutenant un film d'auteur, un projet concret, indépendant et qui a besoin de votre aide.
Même sans ressources, c'est toujours un film professionnel.
Volontaires, en effet, mais pas amateurs. ce sont "des professionnels de la profession" qui occupent les postes artistiques et techniques sur ce projet. Des artistes et des techniciens que nous avons rencontrés sur d'autres films et avec lesquels, pour la plupart, nous avons déjà travaillé. Ils sont jeunes et très doués. De plus, ils ont accepté (parfois, ont même proposé) de s'embarquer et participer à ce projet en lequel ils croient fortement.
Objectifs étendus
ENG - We have established a budget for the making of this movie. The financing will allow us to give life in supporting this fantastic project. Here are various Stretch goals you can help us to concretize according to the final result.
FR - Nous avons établi un budget pour la fabrication de ce film. Le financement nous permettra de donner vie à ce projet fantastique. Voici les différents objectifs étendus que vous pouvez nous aider à concrétiser selon le résultat final.
"Nous tournons le film !"
It is the minimum with which we can have this movie done. This budget is of use to the incompressible expenses: transportation, catering, housing, the equipment rental, props and costumes which we would not have managed to be given to us, insure the goods and the people, pay consumables (paper, hard drives, electricity, telephone) and all the unforeseen. In other words, the full logistics of a completely voluntary team of 25 people.
"Que la lumière soit !"
We have gathered the conditions (camera, equipment) to shoot the movie, but with an additional £2500, we can rent some extra grips and light for a better depiction and be able to recreate at best the atmosphere of the movie, which we had imagined.
This amount is our objective and corresponds to our estimate! If we reach it, it will mean not only that the shooting will take place but in good conditions.
"Le talent est récompensé"
That goal reached, we shall be able to pay (or rather give a defrayal) to the actors and actresses. A large portion of a movie success relies on the casting, to propose remuneration that will offer us the possibility of involving the actors deeper in the project. Besides, we can also pay a part of the team for their personal equipment like the make-up artist, the grips and the gaffer.
" Une bande originale"
With an additional £2500, done with computers, we definitely hire real musicians! A soundtrack recorded with real instruments, played by real musicians, it is the same difference than to go from frozen food to a dish prepared by a chief
"Toute la post-prod est prise en charge"
This cost is essentially being made to meet the need for the post-production phase, but with these additional £5000, we can support the full cost of the post-production: From the editing house, the color grading, Effects & Graphics to the sound editing and mixing... Stages very important for the final quality of the movie.