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Lotus Drum
Lotus Drum
Lotus Drum
Lotus Drum
3 Campaigns |
Austin, United States
$248 USD 2 backers
49% of $500 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
The project team has begun turning their prototype into the final product. Their ability to ship the products may be affected by product development or financial challenges.
Check Check Warehouse Truck
Concept Prototype Production Shipping
Mountain Filled 3 Projects Mountain Filled 3 Projects
Announcing the First upgrade-able instrument within the handpan family, worldwide. -Changeable Tones- Quartz+Copper Composition - Singing Bowl abilities - Upgrade&Personalize it 100% of handpans worldwide are stuck in one Key and one set of notes... not this one.. My invention lets you to remove/install unlimited Keys, soundwave mods, harmonic augments, note layouts, Designs etc. --- I suffered a hand injury(puncture w/stitches) & so - i ask for a little support








It's Contest Time!!!!!

There's an implemented system for tracking  referral contests


1. make an account on this site

2. share links directly from this page, over and over

I will see entries in a chart with everyone's usernames, I will share the rankings screenshots -

 those near the top will get prizes - a drum, a bowl or something else. 





  • I wish that it were possible to give the LotusDrum to everyone but they do take time, materials and expertise.  - for donations within certain ranges I'll be providing Singing Bowls and signed 'thank you' Certificates, some of which will include secret special discounts. Also there is the possibility of handmade lanterns, fire-pits, mini-fountains and other decor.
  • Singing Bowls are made from my magic steel, which is high in Quartz&Copper
  • Singing Bowls will be tuned to pitch and may even be decorated if time allows. 


  • Lotus Drum is in three sizes; the Largest "(L)" - that is the Market-Crusher - the smaller drums are made from the same magic steel, in my opinion they are aspects of (L) - and (L) is not an aspect of them... does that makes sense(?)

? ​maybe ?


What makes these instruments special here, on Earth ?

  1. They are born of Human Love - not anti-freedom anti-brained robots
  2. They are made of my so-called magic steel which contains a bunch of Copper&Quartz
  3. You can crack them open.. like eggs - Unlike any other in the World.

It seems like such a meager thing but that's what opens the doors; ​​


It allows access to the Volatile Chamber; aka the internals of the drum.  Quantum Physics explains this better than I.. - within the Volatile Chamber there are atoms and waves, these bounce around and generate the sounds which you hear. When you place certain elements into the Volatile Chamber environment - you're influencing a Quantum World where very interesting things  happen such as sounds of echoes - pressurizing of the air  within the Chamber can bring out otherwise unheard tones  - and the implementation of Pyramidal Shapes leads to the augmenting of harmonic fields.

I didn't believe in Pyramid Power until experimenting with phenomena

LotusDrum owners will experiment on their own - by placing elements into the Volatile Chamber  - and together - we'll explore horizons leading to new discoveries- a  nebula of sounds,  & ideas that others will implement into their own personalized drum!

"Collective Evolvement"


 Why be limited to one musical scale, one aesthetic look and one arrangement of notes?! This new Invention allows you to take it's top off and re-dress it with a different tuning, color, note arrangement, apply conceptual upgrades or, if debris fell into the inside, open it up and clean it!    

C: Another benefit is Value.

Every vendor/manufacturer in this industry - worldwide - gains from their customer's loss. The greater the customer's loss - the greater the profit. Banditry! Well, they force all customers to continually purchase entire new instruments simply to play another musical scale. 

 LotusDrum has the solution  - simply own one drum and upgrade it -  no need to buy zillions of drum.

Considering that I'm just one guy, and have made all drums by myself, by hand from the get-go - starting off with $20 and zero tools..... doesn't it make you wonder how on Earth Corporate Think-Tanks can't keep up? Are they brainless? Who do they hire to Think in their Tank? hmmm.....  They may someday pick apart my patent with their gonzo-vulture beaks as a display of humble parrot-like mimicry and, as their Leader -  I bow to that strange applause.

This is an improvement on not just my personal design -it goes above and beyond anything in the current market, worldwide! 

Similar instruments are are inherently stuck;  and they're not cheap.

Competing low-grade instruments are made from Propane Tanks - many of them priced upwards of $650! 

The Lotus Drum is not made from any form of tank.


it's made with Quality Materials I've selected specifically for tonal quality. This model is made with my magic steel, it's high in Quartz and Copper - similar in make-up to the Bowls of Tibet.

That's what allows it to sing. 

The tonal clarity is amazing and this drum is very responsive.

it's the FIRST upgrade-able instrument in the Handpan Family!

it also works as a singing bowl - check out this vid

I will be offering the instrument at discounted rates and with extras to those who support this initiative.

I seek to put an end to extensive wait times by tending to some issues which are natural whenever your initial startup was $20 and there's one person doing everything. Also, events such as total loss of a storefront and soon thereafter, an injury to my hand affected things in 2016 - this will help things get back on track for 2017. 

My injury needs attention and drums need to be made. My hopes for this campaign are that it will generate enough attention to fund the immediate recruiting of a helper and allow my injury to rest and receive attention. This will not be difficult once things get rolling and I expect a positive response.


1. Better tools and equipment;
There are specific pieces of equipment that will aim at facilitating production while minimizing physical impact.
I have always worked alone due to concerns of safety and in order to expand and employ, safety must be addressed.
This will eliminate the wait times which plauge a one-man-show. Oh, I also need to prepare a batch of my magic steel - one major reason for this campaign. 
2. Improvement of work-space and environment;
currently the 'facility' is a partly covered outdoor area and more often than not, the floor is 100% slippery mud. It is unsafe especially in sloped areas. When it rains it sometimes floods, turning into a stream, damaging items and impeding progress. A stable foundation is a necessity.  Tables, shelves and also a stockpile of available inventory needs to be made available. Currently, it is common to run out of crucial items such as paints or raw steel, this leads to delays and there should not be any such delays.
3. Marketing/marketing materials, accounting software, packaging improvements and other logistics oriented elements required to be on-par with the 'normal' market. This is progressive action toward longevity.
4. Growth;
Migrating from a small, one person operation to a 2 person and so forth presents a challenge. 
a Helping Hand brings an increase in capability but also increases operational costs in labor and materials. The transition is relieved when the additional production is matched by it's effect on additional sales. This is tricky to do without financial injection either by loan, investment or crowdfund to carry things over until demand/supply re-balance themselves.
5. Emergency Funds to keep things rolling should any unexpected/unforeseen event happen.

6. Recovery from the loss of my storefront in July, which led to many delayed orders coupled with lack of income source to fuel my production and huge rebuilding efforts to get things back to norm. It was during that time that this new product was developed.

7. I've also been injured recently and it's imperative that I expand and train others to make the instrument which I've developed. My hand injury hasn't improved much and there's really no other option but to grow and finally initiate the non-profit concept I've planned for quite some time for LotusDrum. 

The Non-Profit Charity will function by letting those who want a drum post a cause, donors would donate towards those causes and the initiator of the call-to-action would then receive a drum at no cost, while the allotted funds would then go toward the cause stated by the recipient. So basically - drums would end up being available at no cost, and the  revenues would help the world. 


Beneficial Actions: Show me that you shared, link to my site, post some updates, help in whatever manner, - and you might get one for FREE for helping out.

non-prize donations will be counted as a multiplied credit toward any Lotus Drum in the future, that's pretty fair I think :)
BONUS: everyone who shares this with their Friends may be entitled to special prizes and discounts, Cheers to the best sharer. If you'd like a drum but cannot afford a drum, help me get the word out and if you make a big difference you can have a drum too, takes effort ;-)

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Choose your Perk


Lrg Lotus +2 Bowls Stashed

$650 USD
Lotus Drum in Largest Size 10" Singing Bowl - Stash-able 12" Singing Bowl - Stash-able
Included Items
  • Singing Bowl (10")
  • Lotus Drum (full size)
  • 12" Singing Bowl
0 out of 10 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Thank you

$5 USD
Being injured it truly does help when you donate. I will need to see a specialist for my hand soon and while waiting for this campaign to pick-up any and all support is appreciated and will not be forgotten.
Included Items
  • Thank You
0 out of 100 of claimed

Thank You for your Support

$10 USD
Being injured it truly does help when you donate. I will need to see a specialist for my hand soon and while waiting for this campaign to pick-up any and all support is appreciated and will not be forgotten.
Included Items
  • Thank You
0 out of 100 of claimed

Thank You for the Support

$25 USD
Being injured it truly does help when you donate. I've got a few hospital bills already and soon will need to see a specialist for my hand. While waiting for this campaign to pick-up any and all support is appreciated and will not be forgotten.
Included Items
  • Thank You
0 out of 100 of claimed

Thanks for the Support

$50 USD
Being injured it truly does help when you donate. I will need to see a specialist for my hand soon and while waiting for this campaign to pick-up any and all support is appreciated and will not be forgotten.
Included Items
  • Thank You
1 out of 100 of claimed

Support - Love and Light

$75 USD
Bless you very much. I will keep all of your emails and those who help out will be remembered. The Love shared will be reciprocated.
Included Items
  • Bless you (8)
0 claimed

Singing Bowl(S)

$125 USD
Thanks for helping out! These 'small' bowls are LOUD *Bowls ship much sooner than drums*
Included Items
  • Singing Bowl (10")
0 out of 10 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Singing Bowl (M)

$150 USD
Thank you for the support during this time, it's truly a huge help Medium sized bowls are one foot in diameter
Included Items
  • Singing Bowl(M)
0 out of 10 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Singing Bowl(L)

$175 USD
This bowl is large Bowls ship much sooner than drums
Included Items
  • Singing Bowl(L)
0 out of 10 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

2 Bowls(Small&Medium)

$250 USD
Two bowls! Bowls ship sooner than drums
Included Items
  • Singing Bowl(M)
  • Singing Bowl(S)
0 out of 5 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

3 Bowls in 3 Sizes

$325 USD
three bowls in the three sizes *Bowls ship sooner than drums*
Included Items
  • Singing Bowl(M)
  • Singing Bowl(L)
  • Singing Bowl(S)
0 out of 5 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Lotus Drum(M))

$465 USD
The instrument in the medium - 10" size Your Choice of tuning and color
Included Items
  • Lotus Drum (medium)
0 out of 5 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

LotusDrum(M) +1 Singing Bowl

$495 USD
LotusDrum ( midsize ) 10" Singing Bowl
Included Items
  • Singing Bowl (10")
  • Lotus Drum (medium)
0 out of 5 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Lotus Drum (full size)

$520 USD
This is the main platform LotusDrum allowing for upgrades and modifications into the future. your choice color/tuning, as always
Included Items
  • Lotus Drum (full size)
0 out of 2 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

LotusDrum +2 bowls(Small&Med)

$650 USD
LotusDrum in the Upgradeable large version - you may in the future add-on tunings and modifications to this drum. Two bowls as bonus - the drum also becomes 2 Large bowls - this equates to One drum and 4 bowls(2-Large, 1-Small and 1-Medium) All bowls may be stored INSIDE the drum
Included Items
  • Lotus Drum (full size)
  • Singing Bowl(M)
  • Singing Bowl(S)
0 out of 5 of claimed
Ships worldwide.


$650 USD
This is the main platform LotusDrum allowing for upgrades and modifications into the future. your choice color/tuning, as always
Included Items
  • Lotus Drum (full size)
0 out of 10 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Lotus Drum(L)+ Bowl(S)

$675 USD
This is the main platform LotusDrum allowing for upgrades and modifications into the future. you also receive a singing bowl (your choice color/tune)
Included Items
  • Singing Bowl (10")
  • Lotus Drum (full size)
0 out of 10 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

LotusDrum + XtraTune

$750 USD
Like having TWO drums Easy to switch out tunings - the tops can feature different designs/colors This is the main platform LotusDrum allowing for upgrades and modifications into the future. (your choice color/tune)
Included Items
  • Lotus Drum (full size)
  • XtraTune
0 out of 2 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Distributor Level 1

$2,600 USD
4 x LotusDrum Upgradeable - Retail @$650+ = $2600 2 x Tuned Tops - Retail @250+ = $500 $3100 is a Low Estimate of Retail Value ****These are HANDMADE**** ***Competing Non-Upgrade-able products made of substandard materials Retail @ $650, my drums are MUCH better)
Included Items
  • Lotus Drum (full size) (4)
  • XtraTune (2)
0 out of 2 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
sold out

Fearless Initiator #1

$99 USD
1 out of 1 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
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