Short Summary
Love Your Skin follows the life of Tomato Sauce, a sad and lonely man living in a world where he is the outsider. Much like Ogre, from Shrek, the town is both hateful and scared of him. He is misunderstood and feels as though he is alone in the world, and will be for the rest of his life. All until he is presented with an opportunity... Against all odds, and with nothing to lose, he has this moment of 'F*ck it!'. Getting out of his dingy apartment, he takes a risk that could put an end to his loneliness. Sharing his journey through his bleak world, we see his pursuit of companionship, love and happiness. Can he bring a spark to his life?
What We Need From YOU!
Our Director, Adrian Konarski, has been working with a large group of upcoming professionals to bring the vision alive. From making giant sauce costumes, to sensual picnic sets, dingy motel rooms to quality equipment hire and more, the production has incurred quite a few costs! All of which has come out of THE BOYS pockets, for the love of their work. Any contribution would mean a great deal, from $1 to $100, every cent counts.
The Impact
We hope that this project will not only bring you joy and entertainment, but also discoveries about life. In this day and age, loving your skin can be one of the hardest things we face. Feelings of not fitting in, being afraid to stand out, believing your worthy and having the motivation to get what you want are things that we all deal with. We want to show you that trying to understanding yourself and your needs, even though it can make you feel lost in the world, is the first step to WELLBEING?!. Our aim is to show you that it's okay to not be okay, to fight for what you need, and sometimes... Life can bring you beautiful opportunities when you least expect it.
Other Ways You Can Help
No contribution? No worries! A simple share via Facebook, Instagram, or just telling a mate will make a major impact on this film. It is not intended for profit but simply to spread entertainment and a worthy message to all!