Short Summary
Lucid is a short film written about addiction and conquering demons. This incredibly personal story focuses on Lilith, who walks into her first addiction counseling meeting and hears the stories of the entire group.
Rather than focus solely on the heartwrenching incidents that force addicts to seek help, we are also exploring the fellowship that goes hand in hand with these groups - the tight-knit friendships that people rely on to help eachother.
Loaded with personal accounts and real-life examples, the script drips with emotion and 'heaviness,' asking the viewers to reach inward to change and reach outward for others.
What We Need & What You Get
To get this project funded, we are asking for donations! Each donation will be rewarded.
Our $2,600 goal is a realistic amount of money to create a festival-worthy short film that will look as sleek and polished as a feature length film.
The goal money we raise will go toward lighting and sound equipment that we can use on our future projects as well as production-specific expenses such as catering meals and aquiring permits.
The Impact
We are hoping to help addicts and non-addicts alike with this short film - to raise awareness about addiction and how you can help, and what you can look for.
We seem to be stuck in a way of thinking; addicts will either ask for help or refuse it. While that may be true, sometimes they are begging and pleading for help in a way they think is obvious. With this film, we aim to help people understand the mindset of emotional turmoil of an addict, and how to help.
Colin Thomas Nichols, the Writer/Producer/Director has graduated from The Motion Picture Institute of Michigan with flying colors in the Directing classwork. His most recent work, a short film called "Dissonance," was shot with a budget of only $300 - and while it's not the quality he demands of this project, it certainly is impressive.
Other Ways You Can Help
If you can't donate to this project but would still like to help:
- Ask folks to get the word out and make some noise about this film!
Thank you for your time!