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M.O.R.T. migrates - new album

Migrate is all about moving. Help us meet you. Give us fuel for our vehicle that is music.

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M.O.R.T. migrates - new album

M.O.R.T. migrates - new album

M.O.R.T. migrates - new album

M.O.R.T. migrates - new album

M.O.R.T. migrates - new album

Migrate is all about moving. Help us meet you. Give us fuel for our vehicle that is music.

Migrate is all about moving. Help us meet you. Give us fuel for our vehicle that is music.

Migrate is all about moving. Help us meet you. Give us fuel for our vehicle that is music.

Migrate is all about moving. Help us meet you. Give us fuel for our vehicle that is music.

Jakov Maleš
Jakov Maleš
Jakov Maleš
Jakov Maleš
1 Campaign |
Sinj, Croatia
$5,186 USD 168 backers
117% of $4,400 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Migrate is all about moving.To live is to move. Unlike contemporary humans, birds and music still transcend all borders. This is our goal, getting waaaaay back to our human ancestor nomad roots,playing music, singing dancing and travelling. Help us meet you. Give us fuel for our vehicle that is music. Skupili smo iskustvo i hrabrost da uzmemo sve u svoje ruke. Brišemo jezične granice, granice između država, te između nas četvero i vas koji nas podržavate, što se već događa na koncertima.

Who are we and where are we going

M.O.R.T. is an uncompromising punk - blues band from Sinj, (Croatia) with intense sound and unrestrained live performances. The band was founded by three friends, John, Zvrk and Kikos, in autumn of 2003. In the late 2012, drummer Mile joins them on recording a full demo album called ˝Vrhunsko dno˝,that is released during the summer of 2013. Since then, they have been performing all over Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegowina, Slovenia and Montenegro,whether as participants of various festivals or independently, with over 200 gigs in four years. Among festival performances, the one which stands out is definitely Jelen Demofest in Banja Luka, where they won first place, just like they did at Rock Off. They also got into finale of HR demo club in 2012., and won third place on WHF in 2013. Their second album “Odjel za žešće”, which received both excellent reviews and title of “the album of the year“, is released in July 2014. In the beginning of 2015 the band is nominated for Porin awards (Croatian music award) in the “new performer“ category. With their third official album “Tužna kocka”, released on 1st of April 2016., once again they receive critical acclaim which got them to the top of regional music industry.

M.O.R.T. has over 300 concerts in 5 years, 17 official video clips, over 4 million YouTube views, three brilliant albums, over 10,000 TV appearances...While releasing their albums and working on new material, the band is continuously touring, spreading their energy and their music.

This campaign is a fundraiser for our next project that is our first album enitrely written in english language. We are counting on your help to get us on our way by providing us necessery funds for  mixing, mastering, graphics of an album that we already finished recording in Studio Pavarotti Mostar. We are almost there we just need some more money so we can finish it :)

With your help we're gonna be able to tour new places and expand the reach of our music beyond our native language

Where your money goes and what you get in return

Studio rent for 5 days of mixing 1100$, producer 600$, mastering (London or LA) 600$, cattering for five days 300$, design of cover, new web page, merch and campaign 1000$, item production 500$, indiegogo and bank fees 300$, total of 4400$.

There are some perks that you can't find in many campaigns. We want you to feel like a part of band if you are brave enough. Best way to really know how we stayed together is to go with us on a spiritual trip of recharging energy in the mountains for two days. For those that are not so physically ready, we offer you to tour in our van and be with us the whole day, to see all you have to do to play a good gig, or invite us to your place to have private concert in your backyard.

Our minds are set on finishing this album either way, even if we don't get all the necessary funds, we will finish it! Even in poorer quality with funds that we have just like the old blues saying goes: .. play what you can with what you have. But together we can avoid shitty sound :)

Migrating is all about moving. Help us meet you. Give us fuel for our vehicle that is music.

Migrating is all about moving. To live is to move. Unlike contemporary humans, birds and music still transcend all borders. This is our goal, getting waaaaay back to our human ancestors' nomad roots, playing music, singing dancing and travelling. Help us meet you. Give us fuel for our vehicle that is music.


We won't let you down

If we don't do this album nobody will, and the world will be deprived of a kickass piece of music, and all the buzz that goes with playin live music: the party, the gathering, the energy of having a great time. Pushing boundaries of rock'n'roll, punk, blues, metal and stoner - this album has it all! It's gonna make you lose your mind!

This is our first fundraising campaign. We are determined to record it either way, but you will be of great help.

We have a good team of creative and hardworking friends and business partners we worked with before with our last two albums. We want to continue makin music until we die and make it best we can without publishers interfering.

Other Ways You Can Help

There are many other ways to help us. You can share our campaign via social networks and even better on the streets, directly to your friends and neighbours. You can like our posts, listen to our music on bandcamp and youtube. Attend our gigs and feel vintage rock'n'roll energy. But, fuck this, give us the money!

Looking for more information? Check the project FAQ
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Choose your Perk

Thank you!

Thank you!

$5 USD
Handwritten thanks by band members, sent from our hometown, Sinj, Croatia. // Ručno pisana zahvala od strane benda, poslano na razglednici iz Sinja.
Included Items
  • Sinj postcard
Estimated Shipping
January 2019
10 claimed
Ships worldwide.
Band's signed poster

Band's signed poster

$5 USD
Black poster with logo and band name, signed by all four band members. (Delivery paid separately.) // Crni plakat s logom čovječuljka i nazivom benda potpisan od svih članova. (Osobno preuzimanje ili nadoplata za dostavu).
Included Items
  • M.O.R.T. Poster
Estimated Shipping
January 2019
3 out of 100 of claimed
Ships to European Union
Ziggi rolls with M.O.R.T. logo

Ziggi rolls with M.O.R.T. logo

$5 USD
Ziggi role s filterima s logom benda. Točan dizajn uskoro ;) Ziggi rolls with band logo. True design comming soon.
Included Items
  • ziggi rolls black logo
Estimated Shipping
December 2018
10 out of 100 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
CD Vrhunsko dno

CD Vrhunsko dno

$10 USD
Our first (demo) album Vrhunsko dno, recorded in 2012. CD in papercard package. Naš prvi (demo) album Vrhunsko dno, CD u kartonskom pakiranju.
Included Items
  • demo album Vrhunsko dno
Estimated Shipping
December 2018
6 out of 10 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
Craft pivo Vrhunsko dno

Craft pivo Vrhunsko dno

$10 USD
Četiri boce Red Ale craft piva s etiketom albuma Vrhunsko dno. Pivo je proizvedeno u Silvertown Brewery u Srebrenici.
Included Items
  • craft pivo Vrhunsko dno (4)
Estimated Shipping
February 2019
0 out of 25 of claimed
Ships to Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia
Craft pivo Odjel za žešće

Craft pivo Odjel za žešće

$10 USD
Četiri boce Pale Ale craft piva s etiketom albuma Odjel za žešće. Pivo je proizvedeno u Silvertown Brewery u Srebrenici.
Included Items
  • craft pivo Odjel (4)
Estimated Shipping
February 2019
0 out of 25 of claimed
Ships to Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia
Craft pivo Tužna kocka

Craft pivo Tužna kocka

$10 USD
Četiri boce Dark Ale craft piva s etiketom albuma Tužna kocka. Pivo je proizvedeno u Silvertown Brewery u Srebrenici.
Included Items
  • craft pivo Kocka (4)
Estimated Shipping
February 2019
0 out of 25 of claimed
Ships to Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia
Craft pivo Standing Runningman

Craft pivo Standing Runningman

$10 USD
Četiri boce Pivovica craft piva (blonde ale sa šljivovicom) s etiketom albuma Standing Runningman. Pivo je proizvedeno u Silvertown Brewery u Srebrenici.
Included Items
  • craft pivo standingrunningman (4)
Estimated Shipping
February 2019
0 out of 25 of claimed
Ships to Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia
Craft piva s etiketama albuma

Craft piva s etiketama albuma

$10 USD
Četiri boce različitog piva sa etiketama naša tri izdana albuma, te albuma Standing Runningman. Vrhunsko dno Red Ale, Odjel za žešće Pale Ale, Tužna kocka Dark Ale i Standing Runningman Pivovica. Pivo je proizvedeno u Silvertown Brewery u Srebrenici.
Included Items
  • craft pivo Vrhunsko dno
  • craft pivo Odjel
  • craft pivo Kocka
  • craft pivo standingrunningman
Estimated Shipping
February 2019
Only 3 left
Ships to Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia
CD Odjel za žešće

CD Odjel za žešće

$15 USD
Our second album Odjel za žešće. CD in jewel plastic pacage. Naš drugi album Odjel za žešće- CD u plastičnom pakiranju.
Included Items
  • Odjel za žešće
Estimated Shipping
December 2018
4 out of 5 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
CD Tužna kocka

CD Tužna kocka

$15 USD
Our last album Tužna kocka. CD plastick jewel package. Naš posljednji album Tužna kocka. CD u plastičnom pakiranju.
Included Items
  • Tužna kocka
Estimated Shipping
December 2018
4 out of 5 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
Band's T-shirt

Band's T-shirt

$20 USD
Black T-shirt, white print front and back. // Crna majica kratkih rukava s bijelim tiskom sprijeda i odzada.
Included Items
  • Band's T-shirt
Estimated Shipping
January 2019
24 claimed
Ships worldwide.
T-shirt Tužna kocka

T-shirt Tužna kocka

$20 USD
Crna majica kratkih rukava sa bijelim printom loga albuma Tužna kocka sprijeda, te logom benda sa istog albuma odzada. Black T-shirt, front print white logo of album Tužna kocka, back print white band logo.
Included Items
  • T-shirt Tužna kocka logo
Estimated Shipping
January 2019
14 claimed
Ships worldwide.
T-shirt new album print

T-shirt new album print

$25 USD
T-shirt with new album logo print front and band logo print back. // Crna majica kratkih rukava s bijelim tiskom sprijeda - logo novog albuma, i odzada - logo benda.
Included Items
  • T-shirt new album logo
Estimated Shipping
January 2019
19 claimed
Ships worldwide.
LP 180g

LP 180g

$25 USD
LP record signed by all band members including download code on bandcamp. // LP ploča potpisana od svih članova benda s kodom za besplatan download albuma s bandcampa.
Included Items
  • Long Play record
Estimated Shipping
June 2019
13 claimed
Ships to European Union, Croatia

T-shirts bundle

$55 USD
Paket sa tri majice kratkih rukava, logo na Odjel za žešće, logo na Tužnu kocku i logo na Standing Runningman.
Included Items
  • Band's T-shirt
  • T-shirt new album logo
  • T-shirt Tužna kocka logo
Estimated Shipping
June 2019
1 out of 50 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
Band's hoodie

Band's hoodie

$60 USD
Black hoodie, white print, small bend logo left up front, big logo man with pistol earplugs back. Shipping costs paid separately. // Crna majica dugih rukava s kapuljačom s bijelim tiskom sprijeda manji logo lijevo gore i odzada čovječuljak čitavom površinom.
Included Items
  • Band's hoodie
Estimated Shipping
January 2019
8 claimed
Ships worldwide.
Drum Lesson

Drum Lesson

$100 USD
Mile will take you to a jurney through the rythm section and give you few starter points for druming. If person is not able to come to Sinj, lesson will be via skype. Mile će Vas provesti kroz kratko obrazovanje o ritam selekciji i par savjeta kako brže i bolje naučiti svirati bubanj. Ako soba nije u mogućnosti doći u Sinj, vidimo se na skypeu
Included Items
  • Drum Lesson
Estimated Shipping
March 2019
0 out of 5 of claimed
Tickets and backstage pass

Tickets and backstage pass

$120 USD
Comming to play to your city? You will be on a guestlist and get a backstage pass. Look at our tour dates and let us know where. // Dolazimo u vaš grad? Biti ćete na popisu gostiju, a vrijeme dok čekate početak koncerta možete provesti s nama u backstage-u. Sami odaberite koncert u sljedećih godinu dana.
Included Items
  • Gig Tickets and Backstage Pass
Estimated Shipping
September 2019
0 out of 5 of claimed
To the mountains!

To the mountains!

$250 USD
Two days in one of the mountains near Sinj: Kamešnica, Dinara or Svilaja. You have to come to Sinj and own mountaneering equipment, the rest is our worry. // Dvodnevni planinarski izlet sa bendom u jednu od planina u blizini Sinja oo dogovoru: Dinara, Kamešnica, Svilaja... Sami se dovezite do Sinja s opremom, a ostalo je na nama.
Included Items
  • Mountain Trip
Estimated Shipping
March 2019
1 out of 2 of claimed
Prerelease listening party

Prerelease listening party

$250 USD
It will be held at a secret location a few days before official album release. You get signed LP and cattering at party, but you have to come on your own. // Party će se održati na tajnoj lokaciji nekoliko dana prije službene objave albuma. Uključuje potpisanu LP ploču, te hranu i piće na partiju. Sami organizirate prijevoz i smještaj.
Included Items
  • Long Play record
  • Listening Party Invitation
Estimated Shipping
June 2019
0 out of 10 of claimed
Play a role in our music video

Play a role in our music video

$300 USD
Role in one of our music videos for one of the songs from the album. Food, drink and accommodation during the recording sessions of the video will be provided. You will have to pay your own travel cost to the shooting location. Uloga u jednom od spotova. Dođite - mi plaćamo sve ostalo!
Included Items
  • Role in our Music Video
Estimated Shipping
June 2019
0 out of 2 of claimed
Join us on tour!

Join us on tour!

$400 USD
You will travel with us to concert and you will be part of our crew. We are together in the van, at the evening, in the hotel, on sound check and backstage before and after the concert. The costs of drinks, food and accommodation are covered. You pay for your own travel cost to the meeting place. Putujete s nama na jedan koncert!
Included Items
  • Join us on tour!
Estimated Shipping
June 2019
0 out of 5 of claimed
Your name on our record!

Your name on our record!

$600 USD
Your name will stand alongside people who took part in making of this record. Vaše ime će stajati uz ostale zalužne za snimanje i izdavanje albuma u knjižici ili na omotu ploče te u digitalnom izdanju na internetu.
Included Items
  • Your name on our record!
Estimated Shipping
June 2019
0 out of 10 of claimed
Private gig!

Private gig!

$1,200 USD
Do you want us to play on your private party for a birthday or some other occasion?? IF YOU DO!! - This is the price of the royalties, afterwards you will have to take care of our travel expenses, food and drink and it is necessary to provide high-quality PA system for the concert. Želite da vam sviramo samo za vas??
Included Items
  • Gig Tickets and Backstage Pass
Estimated Shipping
September 2019
1 out of 10 of claimed
sold out

CDs bundle

$30 USD
Estimated Shipping
January 2019
5 out of 5 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

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