The Project: Make A Name
- Hi everybody! My name is Morocco Omari, and I am the
writer/creator/director of Make A Name. Currently based in New York, but
originally from Chicago, I cut my teeth on the challenging Chicago stage before journeying
to Los Angeles to begin the T.V./film hustle. While I loved acting, it
was in LA that I got the bug to become a filmmaker and be able to tell
interesting stories. In 2004 I wrote, produced and acted in a short film
named The Male Groupie, which garnered multiple awards from and
screened at various film festivals and additionally ran on HBO. I followed that project with (Mis)Leading Man (writer/actor/director), and Good Intentions(Director), both of which had successful festival runs.
- This campaign is to support the inaugural season of Make A Name. I wanted to do a project that got to examine the very real,conundrum and comedy filled roller coaster that independent filmmakers find themselves in. I also wanted to be able to give voice to some great actors who don't always have the platform to be heard. It's a collective examination of the industry that so many of us have such an intense love/hate relationship with, and the comedy and hijinx that it seems to inevitably foster.
- With your help we will be putting together our first web series
season. Episodes will be approximately 5 to 7minutes. We intend to have various special guests, but also be able to showcase marvelous talent that doesn't always get a shot at working in the mainstream. The
episodes are going to look awesome. The budget is going to give us more
time and resources to make sure every episode looks and sounds amazing,
and it'll ensure our actors have time to improvise and have fun while
cameras are rolling, making every scene as hilarious as it can be.
A little money goes a long way:
The Impact
- The popularity of web series as a medium has basically
skyrocketed over the past few years. Thanks to the success of Netflix
Originals, Amazon Prime, Hulu Originals, and many other gigantic Youtube
channels, the web is a place people turn for good original content. It allows for writers to examine themes without the restrictions of the network or cable channels, making for a more interesting array of ideas. The
demand for high quality original scripted comedy shows is huge and Make A Name would be a good addition to the pool of material.
- Donating to this indiegogo campaign means you are helping me keep
creative ownership of the show. This is something that is very important to my team and me so that we can really develop and explore our whole vision.
Other Ways You Can Help
Even if you don't contribute, here's how you can help:
- Literally just tell a friend about it. Old school style. Word of mouth. It's powerful.
- Share this campaign link on the internet! It could be your Facebook, twitter, instagram, google plus, youtube channel, online community, email a
family member, wherever you think people would be interested in helping
out! We're an indie organization and word of mouth is our biggest asset!
- Check out the Indiegogo share tools too because they can be very helpful!
Lastly, thank you for supporting in
any way at all. This show truly needs the help of a supportive community, and so we really do appreciate any and all that you do.......Peace and blessings, Morocco.